Whether you bought an item from a thrift store or an energy attached itself to your aura, smudging is one of the best ways to cleanse your energy field and personal space. Smudging is an affordable and effective way to purify your home. Learn more about smudging to discover how to remove negative energy from your sacred space.
Sources of Negative Energy
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Many people notice negative energy in their home after purchasing a product from a secondhand store. The seller might not own the item anymore, but their energy is still attached to the item. There is nothing wrong with buying gentle used items to save a few bucks, but you should cleanse these products before placing them in your home.
Inheriting Antiques
Some people inherit family possessions such as an antique after a relative passed away. These possessions might be worth a substantial amount of money or hold sentimental value, but you should proceed with caution. The relative might be gone, but their energy is still very much alive. A simple cleansing with a smudge stick can remove negative energy from an object.
Interacting With Others
Negative energy can transfer from one person to another. Some people bring negative energy into their home after visiting friends or relatives. Negative energy can also enter your sacred space when people visit your home. It might seem silly, but some people attract negative energy just going to the grocery store. You can’t smudge every person you meet, but routine smudging banishes negative energy from your life.
Warning Signs of Negative Energy
Smudging your home might be needed if you recognize the following warning signs:
Anxiety and Depression
People often experience anxiety and depression when negative energy is in their home. You should determine what is making you feel this way. Negative energy might be the cause if there is no logical explanation for these feelings.
Everyone experiences fatigue every now and then, but chronic fatigue is an indication that something is wrong. Your fatigue is most likely not caused by negative energy if you stay up late, work long hours, or have health issues. Negative energy might be the cause of your fatigue if you are healthy and receive an adequate amount of sleep every night.
Electrical Malfunctions and Technical Difficulties
Negative energy might be in your home if you experience several occurrences of electrical and technical problems in a short period of time. Some people experience power outages and cable service interruption when negative energy is in their home. An occasional malfunction or interruption is normal, but frequent occurrences could be a warning sign of negative energy in your sacred space.
Things to Avoid
Avoid the following things if a negative energy is in your residence.
Don’t Ignore the Problem
Ignoring the problem in your home is the worst thing you can do. Negative energy is not going to leave on its own. It will be more difficult to remove the negative energy from your sacred space if it has been in your home for an extended period.
Avoid Showing Fear
This kind of situation is overwhelming and scary, but it’s important not to show fear. Negative energy feeds on fear. Your fear of the situation makes the negative energy more powerful and it will be difficult to remove it from your home.
Don’t Attempt Communication
It’s possible that the energy in your home is a negative entity. It’s important to avoid communicating with the entity. These spiritual beings are dangerous, deceitful and definitely not your friend.
The Origins of Smudging
Smudging is a sacred cleansing ritual that is practiced by a variety of cultures and religious orders. The origins of smudging are often linked to Native American and other indigenous cultures. The ritual is also practiced by Buddhists, Hindus, Catholics, and pagans. The purpose of smudging is to purify a sacred space or request a blessing.
Types of Smudging Incense
The type of incense used for smudging varies depending on the culture, religious order, and purpose of the ritual.
Desert Sage
Desert Sage is one of the most popular types of incense for spiritual and home cleansing. Many people use this sage during meditation to heal the mind, body, and spirit. The incense is also burned during rituals and religious services. Some Native Americans carry Desert Sage in a medicine pouch for protection from negative energy.
Pinon Resin
The Native Americans used Pinion Resin for purification and healing. Pinion Resin emits a thicker type of smoke compared to other incenses. This incense also produces an appealing aroma after the ritual is completed.
White Sage
The strong aroma from White Sage makes the incense one of the best choices for smudging. White Sage is often made into small smudge sticks to make it easier to purify a sacred place. The incense is also used for healing and meditation.
Smudging Your Home
Smudging is an effective way to remove negative energy from your home. Complete the following steps to purify your sacred space.
Ritual Preparation
Smudging requires minimal preparation. Sage sticks can be purchased from a variety of retail stores for less than $10 dollars. Some people prefer to meditate or pray before the ritual. Light the sage stick to begin the ritual. Allow the sage stick to burn for 30 seconds before blowing on it. Smoke is produced from the sage stick to perform your ritual.
Smudge the Ritual Participants
The ritual participants are smudged before the house is cleansed of negative energy. Smudge yourself first starting at the top of your head and work your way down to the feet. Repeat this step to smudge the other ritual participants. The ritual participants need to rub the smoke against their body. It’s helpful to fan the smoke with a feather, but it’s also okay to use your hand.