Could we be entering a generation where Amazon gadgets rule our households? At first, it was a brief introduction to smart-technology, but in recent months, some new concerns have developed as the industry continues to be bombarded with new ‘smart’ technology that seems to stem from Amazon’s rapid development processes.
Amazon Alexa is one of the more prominent devices that provides smart-assistance to multiple types of appliances within a household. The rapid increase in smart-devices has brought the possibility of privacy invasion into existence. Should consumers be worried about the kinds of technology they are placing in their household?
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Privacy Invasion Concerns
Could smart-technology be used to invade your household electronically? This possibility is concerning and could have a significant impact on how this technology is used in the future. Companies are always trying to gather information on customers to try and develop new types of products and advertising techniques.
Advertising is already significantly placed in our everyday lives as it is. When you turn on the television, there are commercials. If you load a website, there are digital advertisements and banners. Social media is filled with cleverly placed advertising and subtle sales tactics.
Some companies might not stop at the boundaries of utilizing smart technology to invade your home. Amazon Alexa, Amazon Echo, and several other Amazon Best Sellers could potentially pose a risk regarding this issue.
Face recognition technology could also potentially be used to track customers and gather analytical data about their habits and trends. This kind of technological abuse could set new precedents in the digital generation that we are all living in.
The Future
At some point, consumers are going to have to address some of these potential risks. There is no clear path forward, but all great things typically have negative effects that are not known until it is too late. One example might be the adverse effects of cigarettes. A risk to your lungs has always existed, but when cigarettes were initially invented, these concerns were not known about until dozens of years later.
The same possibility might be true with Amazon’s gadget overload. In this case, only a select few individuals might be aware of the nasty behind-the-scenes tactics that are being used to gather personal information and utilizing it for monetary gains.