Five Tips for Avoiding Misadventures while Traveling with Pets for Pet Lovers
Pet lovers have a great love for their pets. It’s understandable that they would like to go places with them. Sometimes it’s not prudent to go certain places with pets. It may not even be safe. Pet owners have to measure out the risk before taking the chance. You also have to be well versed on rules and regulations regarding traveling with pets, especially if you are traveling by air. Airline traveling definitely has its risks.
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Never Travel with a Stressed Animal Your animal’s physical and mental condition should be your upmost concern. Stressed animals can act out, cause injury or possibly spread disease. All airlines require a health certificate for any animal flying either with the passenger or in the cargo hold. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) handles inspections to ensure that pets are healthy. Excitable pets don’t make good traveling companions.
2. Make Sure Your Pet’s Identification is Up to Date
Some pets are regular escape artists. They’ll run at the least provocation. It is important just in case that your pet’s identification is up to date. Microchips are an easy way to help identify your pet as they can be loaded with current information. You also should have a tag with the same information. You might also consider getting a temporary tag with your cell phone number and destination number.
3. Prepare Your Pet for Traveling
Pet lovers who want to take their pets with them while traveling should prepare them in advance. You don’t want to have to deal with a stressed out pet. You can help them adjust to traveling by going on short trips and having him sit in the crate. Anyone who has ever traveled with pets knows that there will be accidents. It is important especially when taking a long road trip that there are frequent walk breaks.
4. Bring a Pet Friendly Traveling Kit
Your pet friendly traveling kit should include bottled water, food, and any medication he or she needs. You’ll be thankful if you also remember to bring his or her leash, a waste scoop and some plastic bags. Your pet needs to be well hydrated. You may also want to bring their favorite toy. Your pet needs at least one thing that is familiar around them.
5. Check Your Destination and Accommodations Before Leaving
You definitely don’t want to get stuck without knowing what’s required at your destination. At the United States Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection website you can check requirements for traveling with pets in and outside the country. If you are traveling outside the country, you definitely want to check for requirements and documentation. It is equally important to know if your accommodation is pet friendly and what pets they can handle.
Traveling with pets can result in some misadventures. You really can’t plan for all contingencies but these tips can help you and your pet enjoy your vacation.