
The Spring Equinox & Sun In Aries Brings Change & Newness

It’s official. March 20, 2023, marks the beginning of the spring equinox. Now it’s time to crawl out of our icy winter shells and embrace the warmth of new life and opportunities. The spring season aligns with the sun moving into Aries marking a time of change that encourages us to get out there and take risks. It’s time to open up our windows and let in fresh new energy so that we can embrace the new opportunities and rebirth offered with the spring season and the sun moving into Aries.

The Significance Of The Spring Equinox

The changing of the seasons is always significant, and the spring equinox introduces the energy of newness and rebirth. In the northern hemisphere, we get the opportunity to thaw out from the winter season, and finally, enjoy the warmth of the sun on our skin as well as the joy of the budding new life revealing itself around us. The animals are coming out of hibernation, and similarly, we are also stepping out of the darkness of winter into the light of spring.

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