Starting on May 28th until June 22nd, Venus comes home to one of its ruling zodiac signs, Taurus. It is time to get grounded and sensual when it comes to love, and practical when it comes to our finances. The enjoyment of the five senses is very important.
Strong foundations are desired, but we may encounter stubbornness and possessiveness within ourselves and others. In the end, Venus’ transit shows us how important strong foundations are for strong solid, relationships and financial security, and stability.
Romance…Taurus Style
Read More »Under this energy of Venus in Taurus, even if a person is pleasing to all of our senses, we’re willing to take the time with others to ensure that we know the person we are courting. This is important because once Venus in Taurus decides on a partner they don’t really want to deal with change, so it’s best to take time to choose a sound choice for a partner.
In terms of attraction, Venus in Taurus enjoys partners that are pleasing to the senses, and financially secure. This energy makes us attracted to people that look good, have an exceptional sense of style, and if they smell good, that is a plus.
When considering partnerships at this time, consider how practical elements influence prospective and current love relationships. With Venus in Taurus, financial security does matter in love and relationships. We could be prompted to choose partners that are able to provide financial security and/or seek ways to improve finances to make our current relationships more secure and stable.
Finances…Taurus Style
When it comes to money, finances, and resources, Venus in Taurus is all about taking the tried and true method to monetary security and stability. This is not the time for get-rich schemes, quick money, and taking unnecessary financial risks. This is the one placement in the zodiac that understands that it’s important to have finances and resources in good order to actually enjoy the finer things that life has to offer. Venus in Taurus is great for reviewing our current finances and finding steady, stable resources and income sources that will boost our financial security over the long term.
In general, Venus in Taurus is not a risk-taker. That’s more the energy of its predecessor Aries. So, when seeking financial security for the next couple of weeks, seek financial resources and assets that will stand the test of time. Look for employment options at companies that have longevity. For those interested in investing, stocks that offer steady, stable returns are recommended.
Slow & Steady Wins the Race
One of the benefits of the Venus in Taurus transit is the ability to slow down and appreciate the moment. Fast is not always better. Sometimes taking our time is better, especially when there is the intention of building and creating something worthwhile. When building foundations, it’s not about how fast the foundation is built. It’s really about whether or not the foundation is solid.
As the first fixed zodiac sign, Taurus’ position is a lot more important than we realize. It is under the energy of Venus in Taurus that we build the foundations of our relationships, financial security, and personal value systems. If we build solidly in the first place, we have the security of knowing that we can keep building without fear of our foundations crumbling beneath us.
Venus in Taurus will also help us get in touch with our personal value systems. When we know what we value, we are in a better position to choose partners and make financial choices that are reflective of who we are.
Some Considerations for the Venus in Taurus Transit
As with all astrological transits, it’s important to be balanced and honest about what is experienced. While the Venus in Taurus transit offers us the opportunity to firm up our relationships and finances, there are also some characteristics of this energy that are important to take note of so that we can embrace the higher expression of Venus in Taurus.
Stubborn as a Bull
As the fixed earth sign, it should come as no surprise that stubbornness is likely during the Venus in Taurus transit. When it comes to love, relationships, love, and our own personal value systems, we won’t be willing to budge. There is a tendency to get stuck in our ways, especially if we are comfortable and secure. According to Venus in Taurus logic, why change if everything is working fine?
While it is important to embrace the steady, patient practicality of Venus in Taurus, this doesn’t mean that we should avoid the perspectives of others…especially if external influences could improve our security and stability. Currently, Uranus, the planet of innovation and open-mindedness is transiting Taurus as well which can help us avoid the ruts caused by our unwillingness to change. Our willingness to be more open-minded and receptive to different perspectives especially as it relates to love and relationships could ironically help us create even more secure and stable foundations.
A Case of the Lazies
Venus in Taurus energy is also associated with laziness. Once Venus Taurus has finally achieved stability in love, relationships, and finances, there really isn’t a desire to change. This can result in settling into the path of least resistance where we just want to enjoy our five senses to the fullest. There’s nothing wrong with this…unless we take it too far. Laziness can lead to ruts that are hard to break.
A good example of this is discovering that we enjoy steak and potatoes and then deciding to eat steak and potatoes every day for the next 20 years, and no this is not an exaggeration when it comes to Taurus energy. Since pleasure is the goal when Taurus finds something that it really enjoys, it can get stuck in habits…whether good or bad. With Venus in Taurus, it is more than possible to get so comfortable that we end up in a state of inertia and laziness.
A Bit Possessive
Finally, Because the energy of a Venus in Taurus is relegated to building upon itself, possessiveness is likely. This can range from holding onto items that are no longer needed simply because we acquired them, being tight-fisted with money, and believing that our lovers are our possessions. Remember, possessions are things that we use.
They are temporary, and most are replaceable. When we are truly secure within ourselves, there is less of a need to hoard and cling to things external to ourselves.
When it comes to love and relationships, people are not possessions. No matter how or what these individuals mean to us, we don’t own anyone, and no one owns us. Relationships work best when there is the energy of reciprocity where people willingly give of themselves instead of feeling as if a relationship can only be secure through possession.
Ultimately, the energy of Venus in Taurus helps us ground what we want in love, relationships, and finances. This is an excellent time to get in touch with our own personal values so that we can know what we want in these areas of our lives and begin building the foundation to receive what we desire in a steady, practical manner. Taking our time to form and build relationships while investing in sound financial assets and resources will ensure that the foundations we build are steady and solid for years to come.