Tuned In with Mercury in Pisces Sextile Uranus in Taurus

On March 17th, 2022, the current Mercury in Pisces transit gets a dose of grounded practicality as Mercury in Pisces makes a harmonious working sextile aspect to transiting Uranus in Taurus.
Given that Mercury in Pisces is already tuned in on a higher level, the working aspect to Uranus in Taurus provides grounding to the psychic perceptions of the Mercury in Pisces transit. Likewise, this energy is great for finding ways to implement the Mercury in Pisces’ otherworldly perception in an innovative manner courtesy of Uranus in Pisces.
Picking up the Unseen
Read More »As we continue to navigate through the Mercury in Pisces transit, it’s important to align the perception with things beyond our traditional perspectives and visions. This is the energy where it is possible to receive messages and communication from the spirit world. Mercury in Pisces also holds the energy of nonverbal communication where even if something is written it’s important to see beyond the words into the deeper meaning.
Because Mercury in Pisces doesn’t necessarily operate in the general manner of logic and facts, it is important to allow the intuitive function to guide us at this time. Likewise, under this energy, you can’t always believe what you hear or see as the energy of Mercury in Pisces reveals that words and even facts can be manipulated.
When Mercury in Pisces Plays Nice with Uranus in Taurus
The current aspect of Mercury in Pisces sextiling Uranus in Taurus offers innovative groundedness to intuitive and psychic awareness. With Uranus in Taurus, there is support when taking an alternative approach that will ultimately provide concrete results. While these results may not be fast coming because of the energy of Taurus, they are likely to offer great insights and innovations.
With Pisces and Taurus working together under the energy of Mercury and Uranus, those psychically infused perceptions of Mercury in Pisces finally get some grounding as long as you’re willing to take an alternative approach in applying them. Uranus in Taurus is amazing energy for creating and building strong, long-lasting foundations, but in order to do so, it has to be done in a way that is different from the norm.
Ultimately, this nice play between Mercury in Pisces and Uranus in Taurus allows you to take your intuitive insights and make something concrete out of them if you are willing to take a step out of the box.
Psychic Discoveries
The combination of Mercury in Pisces with Uranus in Taurus working nicely together has the potential to help us get out of perceptual ruts. Mercury in Pisces has the intuitive, otherworldly perception, but Pisces energy on its own may have some difficulty grounding these perceptions into reality. With the help of Uranus in Taurus, there is the stability to become unstuck if one is willing to take action and put in work.
The energy between Mercury and Pisces and Uranus in Taurus is a sextile. This denotes that it is necessary to put in some effort to make things happen in order to take full advantage of the positive energy flow between Mercury in Pisces and Uranus in Taurus. The implementation of the psychic discoveries that come through Mercury in Pisces is offered the space of grounding through Uranus in Taurus if we are willing to be a rebel of sorts. Sticking with the conventional will make it a bit difficult to implement Pisces’ otherworldly insights.
Even though others may think that the Mercury in Pisces’ otherworldly perceptions is “out there”, luckily, there is support from Uranus in Taurus to take those psychic impressions and intuitive perceptions and ground them for greater understanding and application.
Some Clarity for the Unseen
One of the major benefits of the pleasant energy between Mercury in Pisces and Uranus in Taurus is that it offers clarity to the unseen. Because Pisces doesn’t necessarily align with the realm of practicality, even if the perceptions Pisces has are authentic and worthwhile, sometimes these perceptions aren’t always deemed to be valid because they don’t follow the traditional path of logic.
This can be unfortunate, especially when the mystical, otherworldly Mercury in Pisces transit ‘ perceptions could be beneficial to the self and others. The doubt that is sometimes created by a lack of surety when you aren’t grounded in your own intuition can lead to doubts about taking action on what the Mercury in Pisces intuitive perceptions have revealed.
Fortunately, the energy of Uranus in Taurus provides a foundation that allows us to ask whether or not the Mercury in Pisces perceptions have a practical purpose. If they do, then Uranus in Taurus provides the innovation and willingness to go against the grain in order to incorporate the Mercury in Pisces’ otherworldly visions in a practical manner.
However, if the grounded, innovative energy of Uranus in Taurus finds that the Mercury in Pisces perceptions is not based on anything worthwhile or authentic, true to the earthy energy of Taurus, it will kindly push those perceptions to the side to make room for other sources of information from Mercury in Pisces that could potentially be used in an innovative, concrete manner. ways.
Because of the combination of grounded and innovative energy offered via Uranus in Taurus, the Mercury in Pisces perceptions and communication get a chance to be applied practically instead of being doubted in or remaining in the ethers only to be perceived by the few who have the ability to perceive beyond the realm of logic and facts.
Even still, there is still the requirement to apply a unique approach when taking concrete steps to apply the Mercury in Pisces’ perceptions and visions due to Uranus’ influence on Taurus. The otherworldly presented by Pisces will still need the assistance of the unique Uranian insight in order to be grounded in a reality that does not always know how to appreciate insights that are beyond the realm of facts and logic.
Ultimately, the Mercury in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus energy makes the unseen known with the impetus to seek what is different through the spiritual, intuitive, and mystical.