We as people value those that stay true to their core values since that shows their strong will, determination and integrity. However, being true to your values can be difficult, especially if you face temptations or other obstacles. Because of this, we would like to offer you some advice to help you stay true to your core values. Read More »
Define Your Line
Keep in mind that everyone’s core values will vary, so you can’t force your beliefs on others. However, you can determine what you would feel comfortable with and what you want to avoid. This is known as setting your line since you can decide what you won’t cross. For example, if you want to be honest, then telling a white lie would be crossing that line.
As you define your line, you should consider your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs. This way, you can decide what you should and shouldn’t do. It’s hard to make a decision in the moment, but it’s easier to decide what you won’t do and then follow through with it when you have to make those decisions.
Stay Away From the Line
Some people will feel tempted to get close to the line once they define it, but you should stay away from it. This means that you shouldn’t put yourself in situations or go places that will tempt you into breaking your values. For example, if doing drugs is against your values, then avoid places where people are doing drugs.
This also includes staying away from the line even if it involves something that related to your career. You may have given up alcohol because you were addicted in the past and your co-workers want you to go to the bar. You will need to explain to them that you don’t drink and you can’t go. This way, you can ensure that you don’t cross the line that you created.
Tell Someone Else
If you struggle with following your values, then you should tell someone that you trust. It becomes easier to hold ourselves accountable when we let someone know what we will do. This especially works if you tell a family member or friend that you trust, so make sure that you tell someone that you can confine in.
You should also ask the person to hold you accountable by following up with you on a regular basis. This way, you will know that someone is going to ask you about your values, so it encourages you to not break them. However, if you want this strategy to work, then you must tell someone that you trust.
Give Yourself Reminders
You will sometimes need to remind yourself about the core values that you established. This comes down to finding simple ways to keep your values on your mind so you don’t go against them. For example, you could post sticky notes on your bathroom mirror to remind yourself each morning so you think about your standards throughout the day.
There are different ways that you can remind yourself, such as setting alarms on your phone or leaving notes in your purse or wallet. It comes down to finding the approaches that do the best job of reminding you. It also doesn’t hurt to try some of these reminders so you can test them out to find the best one.
Seek Refuge
Remember that you can create your own places of refuge if you ever find it difficult to keep your core values. This includes making your home a safe space where you won’t be tempted to go against them and also seeking people that will lift you up. For example, you could spend time with a friend that supports you and wants you to succeed.
Many people can also seek refuge through prayer or meditation. Both of these approaches allow you to close your mind and body off from the world and focus to help you overcome your challenges. So if you ever find yourself struggling to keep your core values, then you can pray or meditate to regain your mental composure.
It may be difficult to stay true to your values at times, but remember that being true to yourself is the most important thing you can do. After all, you will feel achievement each time you overcome a trial while remaining true to yourself. So if you need help with keeping your core values, then you should use these tips.