From July 17th to August 11th, love and finances take on an emotional nurturing vibe as Venus moves through the sign of Cancer. This is a time when we will be seeking emotional security when it comes to our love and relationships as well as our finances. There is an overwhelming desire to gain security by connecting with people and things that make us feel at home. In the same sense, Venus in Cancer also will heighten clinginess and moodiness.
When Venus Transits Cancer
Read More »The importance of the emotional realm in regards to love, relationships, and finances is highlighted, and we may find that emotions rule our love relationships as well as how we handle money. Due to the intuitive, highly sensitive nature of Cancer, it is important that we make space to honor our emotional realm at this time especially when it comes to relationships and financial needs. Remember, emotional security is important to Cancer and our relationships and finances have to reflect this energy for the next few weeks.
Safety in Love & Finances
When it comes to love, the Venus in Cancer transit has us seeking safety and security in our love and finances. Cancer is the energy of being nurtured, loved, and cared for. It’s the energy of knowing that you can always come home and get a warm hug and something to eat. Think chicken noodle soup vibes. Now is a good time to consider whether the people in our lives offer us the care and nurturing that we desire.
When it comes to finances, money is secured to ensure emotional security. We are likely to seek out work environments that allow us to feel like our coworkers are like family. This is also a time we would do really well working in situations where we can offer care and nurturing to other people. When it comes to finances seek out earning methods that provide a sense of emotional security. This is also a time to save for a rainy day to protect yourself and your family.
A Soft, Caring, Nurturing Love
The Venus in transit Cancer brings an element of being nurtured in a soft, carrying, manner to the love element. It may sound weird but think of it as mothering energy attributed to love and relationships. This is the energy of feeling as if you’re being cared for deeply. We could feel the need to do this for others as well as to have it done for ourselves. It is the little things that make us feel cared for, and it will be up to us to note what it is that we need to feel nurtured in our closest relationships.
With Venus in Cancer cooking for our loved ones and taking care of their everyday needs within the home environment gives us enjoyment. Something as simple as being offered a home-cooked meal or having someone do your laundry or even giving you a shoulder to cry on is what Venus in Cancer energy is all about. Now is the time to move away from being totally centered on intellectual stimulation to harnessing the energy of emotional connections.
Wooing with Venus in Cancer
Suppose you’re in the dating world or just looking to be more connected to the person that you love. In that case, this Venus in Cancer transit has us wanting emotionally connected, sensitive love experiences. This is the energy of tending to emotional needs. This is the energy of a shoulder to cry on. This is the energy of home-cooked candlelit dinners. This spending time together getting to know one another and having deep, emotionally connected conversations. So, if you’re interested in connecting with someone in a love relationship at this time, connection to the emotional realm is highly important.
Moody & Clingy
Given the lunar influence of Venus in Cancer, we may find that we are quite moody and clingy when it comes to love, relationships, and finances. Cancer energy fluctuates every two and a half days when there’s a change in moon signs. One day we could feel outgoing and ready to take on the world, and the next day we could feel like we just want to stay inside and snuggle on the couch. It’s important that we make space to honor the fluctuations of our emotions at this time.
Likewise, when it comes to love and money we can be especially clingy. Because Cancer is a security-oriented sign, there is a desire to grab on to what offers emotional security. Whether this is a love relationship or money, we want to know that the love and finances are solid through our emotional ebbs and flows.
The Venus in Cancer transit gives us all the opportunity to experience love and finances with a touch of sensitivity, empathy, intuitive awareness, nurturing, and care. Everyone wants to be loved, and we all want to be able to support ourselves in a way that makes us feel secure. Venus in Cancer allows us to get in touch with emotions so that we can know what we need so that we can get what we desire in love and finances.