Contrarian Speech when Mercury in Aquarius Square Uranus in Taurus

On February 24th, 2022, Aquarius energy is back at it again kicking up chaos and angst in a tense aspect with Mercury in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus. This energy will have some of us dealing with communication issues that are likely to shake up our foundations or cause rebellion against the status quo.
With the tense energy between Mercury and Uranus, it is likely we may fight with ourselves about how to communicate as well as deal with the ramifications of uneasy communication with those external to us. Continue to read on to find out how to effectively manage this energy.
Read More »Mercury is currently transiting through the sign of Aquarius and both thoughts and communication take on a more innovative, unique approach. Usually, there’s nothing wrong with this as Mercury in Aquarius is quite ingenious with its various insights.
However, the square to Uranus in Taurus means that some communications at this time may make us feel unsettled. This is particularly true given that Taurus energy prefers to keep things pleasant to avoid confrontations that could disrupt its solid foundations.
Under different circumstances, we would be able to make the necessary adjustments to accommodate Uranus’ outlandish, innovative perceptions. Unfortunately, this simply isn’t going to be the case with this energy.
Thus, it’s important to reconcile any desires to think and speak rebelliously simply for shock value as the receiving party is not likely to embrace or respond with support. Just be prepared if you do decide to communicate at this time, it may not necessarily be received well by those who prefer the more traditional approach to whatever topic you are discussing.
A Nervous, Unsure Mind
Given that Mercury also rules the mind, the uneasy energies between Mercury in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus can show up as anxieties related to our minds and perspectives which can cause self-doubt.
An example of this is wanting to harness the energy of Mercury in Aquarius by allowing ourselves to speak in a way that is different from the norm or by addressing a topic from an untraditional point of view.
However, there will be push back either from ourselves or through an external source that reminds us that taking the insightful route could cause trouble with those maintaining the status quo. This mental turmoil will have us doubting our innovative thoughts even those thoughts could be potentially insightful.
The Dilemma of the Mental Rebel
Under the energy of Mercury in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus, the verbal rebel doesn’t get a break. Under different circumstances, someone with an inquisitive mind and communication patterns such as Mercury in Aquarius would be affirmed for their different, far-out perspectives and insights.
However, the current energies this is where the rebel with the different mind and communication style is likely to warrant uneasy energy from others. It’s like even when Mercury in Aquarius wants to share something that could potentially offer a unique perspective, Uranus in Taurus pushes back to protect what’s traditional.
So, under these conditions, the usually lauded rebel is now seen as a thorn in the side that is always going off about some radical perspective that threatens to destroy traditional foundations.
This is quite the conundrum for Mercury in Aquarius who simply wants to be able to think freely and share insights with others. Uranus in Taurus will hit back with the suggestion that the usually innovative and rebellious Mercury in Aquarius keeps their ground-breaking thoughts and opinions to themselves.
Navigating this Uneasy Uranian Energy
Mercury in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus is what it is. Trying to fight against energy doesn’t really help us because it’s going to exist no matter what.
The best thing we can do is find a way to navigate said energy in the best way possible. Here are some suggestions to make the best use of Mercury in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus.
1. Use Uranian Activities for Mental Stimulation-Sharing our thoughts and opinions at this time with others could result in feeling ostracized or marked as an outcast. One of the best ways to harness the energy of Mercury in Aquarius is to feed the mind with Uranian activities.
In this way, you’re fulfilling Mercury’s desire to seek out that which is different and unique without having to worry about being faced with someone’s opposition and/or discomfort. Examples of Uranian activities include technology, computers, and astrology.
2. Limiting Communications-Reducing communications at this time is suggested. Also, beware of what is communicated and shared on social media and other public platforms because it can cause discord and/or make people uncomfortable.
3. Learning to be free within the self-Under the energy of Mercury in Aquarius, it is understandable that we would like to share our progressive insights. However, under the energy of Mercury in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus that sharing could evoke discomfort song others and uneasiness for us. For now, let’s pause for a moment before sharing information with others.
Sometimes Mercury in Aquarius seeks validation that its progressive perspectives and ideas are received by others. However, this is one time where developing the ability to be free within oneself is more important than vocalizing our positions.
Ultimately, we have to reconcile our desire to be these Innovative thinkers and speakers with possible pushback by those who want to stay in alignment with the status quo.