Miscommunication is Likely with Mercury in Virgo Opposite Neptune in Pisces

From August 21, 2022, and for several days thereafter, we’ll be dealing with some interesting energy as Mercury in Virgo stands across from Neptune in Pisces. We’ve got two opposite signs in their home element causing friction as they face off with one another.
This means there’s going to be some confusion when it comes to communication and perception. The best advice with Mercury in Virgo opposing Neptune in Pisces is to lay low and avoid doing anything that requires clear communication. At this time, it is very likely that miscommunications and warped perceptions are at an all-time high.
Read More »One of the major aspects of the opposition between Mercury in Virgo and Neptune in Pisces is the potential for a warped perception. Under this energy, what we think and see is not as it appears. Mercury rules the mind, but when opposing Neptune, confusion and uncertainty create circumstances where our perception of reality is not accurate…even if we may think that it is.
This energy produces the effect of a perception that is clouded due to too much, too little, and/or incorrect information. For this reason, right now is not the best time to make definitive decisions or to take information at face value. Due to the energy of Neptune, there is likely something that we aren’t perceiving accurately. Trying to approach information in a factual, logical manner as per Mercury in Virgo won’t yield the usual practical clarity due to the influence of Neptune in Pisces.
Messages Not Getting Through
Under the energy of Mercury in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces, communication mix-ups are likely…especially as it concerns messages. Mercury in Virgo desires accuracy in transmitting and sharing information with an attentiveness to the finer details. However, with the opposition to Neptune in Pisces, these once accurate messages may not reach the intended recipient. Literally, this could show up as trying to send a message, but it won’t go through for some odd reason OR believing that we have sent a message only to find that it is still sitting in the drafts.
Honestly, this energy is not conducive to being or receiving messages. So, if a major message has to be sent or delivered at this time, it’s probably best to wait for more accommodating energy.
The Wrong Information
Another aspect of the opposition between Mercury and Neptune as well as the signs Virgo and Pisces is the potential for the misinterpretation of information. When receiving information that is inaccurate, this increases confusion and disorientation. For example, receiving information that allows us to make informed decisions is compromised under this energy.
Mercury in Virgo is transmitting information we make think is correct, but by the time this information is processed by Neptune in Pisces, it is no longer as accurate or easy to understand as when first received. Wrong information can also be revealed through Neptune’s ability to expose that which is hidden. It could be revealed to us that the information that we have is not as accurate as we thought it to be.
When the information we have is not accurate, this can create mistrust and uncertainty when communicating with others. So, to be on the safe side, we may want to hold off on acting on information until this Mercury/Neptune opposition passes.
Possible Deception; Possible Lies
With the opposition between Mercury in Virgo and Neptune in Pisces, deception and lies run rampant. Since this energy causes confusion and unclear thinking and perception, this can result in people being deceitful, especially when communicating. With the energy of deception high at this time, it is important to remind ourselves that we shouldn’t necessarily believe everything that we see and hear at this time.
Also, it is possible to encounter messengers who are delivering incorrect information resulting in a back-and-forth between individuals as noted by the opposition between Mercury in Virgo and Neptune in Pisces. Just stay alert for the potential for lies and deception in order to avoid additional confusion.
Navigating the Mercury/Neptune Opposition
So, how do we navigate this confusing Mercury in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces aspect? This energy is a temporary aspect that we will experience for a few days before it begins to separate. Understanding that communication issues are prevalent allows us to navigate through these challenges even if we are not able to avoid them totally.
In general, this is not the best time to process and share information. While Mercury in Virgo wants to get down to the details, the opposition from Neptune in Pisces simply dissolves the clarity that Mercury in Virgo is trying to seek. Anything that involves dealing with information, details, messages, and all things Mercury-ruled is best avoided at this time. Mercury energy also covers contracts, so try to avoid singing at this time as it is likely all is not as it appears due to the influence of Neptune. If processing information cannot be avoided, make sure to seek the assistance of professionals for guidance or have an extra pair of eyes look over information before committing and/or sharing.
For the most part, this is clearly time to fall back when it comes to information and communication. Clarity will be fleeting, so chill out and do not take information and communication at face value.
Using Mercury/Neptune to Your Advantage
Even though Mercury in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces is a confusing astrological aspect, there is something to gain from it. The Mercury/Neptune opposition enhances creativity and our imaginative functions. Laying low and taking in the energy of Neptune through watching films, painting, listening to music, or meditating is advised. Just go with the flow…as long as the flow does not include processing and acting on information and communication. Pisces/Neptunian dreams can peak at this time, but due to the opposition, any messages that come from dreams and visions may not be as accurate, so let’s not deceive ourselves.
Overall, the opposition between Mercury in Virgo and Neptune in Pisces is one that offers up a lot of confusion when it comes to communication and information. This isn’t really the best time to rely on facts and details because there’s so much that is unclear and unknown, and this uncertainty is not likely to be resolved due to the back and forth oppositional energy between Mercury and Neptune and Virgo and Pisces. For the best results, play on the side of caution and explore creative and imaginative energies courtesy of Neptune and leave the attention to details for a later time.