The void-of-course (VOC) moon is a moment during the lunar cycle that is most beneficial for passive reflection. This event marks the period between the last major astrological aspect between the moon and other planetary bodies before the moon transits to the next sign. The VOC period varies in length from seconds to a couple of days. It is within this period where the moon is not making aspects to other planets that the moon is considered to be in a pure state and not receiving and exchanging energy. In some ways, the moon is in a resting state before it transits to the next sign where it then receives a change in energy. The VOC period is important for those who work with lunar energy consciously.
The Lunar Cycle
The 28-29-day lunar cycle is marked by a change in zodiac signs roughly every two days. As the moon cycles through the zodiac, there are distinct changes in lunar energy. As the moon is a reflective planetary body, it emits the energy of the sign that it transits. For example, as the moon transits through the sign of Sagittarius there is a desire to embrace optimism, travel to new places, meet new people, and an interest in higher learning. Once the moon completes the two-day trek through Sagittarius, it enters Capricorn which is changing the lunar energy to a more somber, private, emotionally-distant vibe. These steady changes in lunar energy are one of the main reasons why people with heavy lunar energy natally (sun, moon, and several personal planets in Cancer) are said to be “moody.”
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Whenever there is a shift in lunar energy, it is necessary to prepare for the shift by receding. Cancer is a water sign that recedes when necessary to prepare itself for the external environment. In many ways, the lunar void moments are a recession period to prepare for the imprint of a new zodiac signature.
Moon Void Periods
Whenever there is a change in lunar energy by sign, there is a period where the moon doesn’t exchange energy with other planetary bodies before it moves into the new sign. This “limbo” period is the void-moon-of-course. At this time, the moon could be described as taking some downtime to prepare for the upcoming change in lunar sign energy. These resting periods are arbitrary in length, and they are based on how long it takes for the moon to transit into the new sign and begin exchanging energy with other planetary bodies via an aspect.
In general, moon void periods range from a few seconds to a few days. During this period, the moon is taking a break and simply basking in the energy of the particular zodiac sign that it is currently in.
Utilizing Moon VOC Energy
Making the most of VOC energy requires attunement to lunar energy. Lunar energy ebbs and flows and requires adjustments from the changes in lunar phases to the changes in zodiac signs. Cancer lunar energy represents the cardinal change energy influenced by the water element. Influenced by the element of water, lunar energy initiates change by going with the flow. This is important when understanding how to make the most of void-moon-of-course energy. If we understand what energy the moon is holding, we can maximize the benefits of lunar energy by adjusting our actions accordingly.
The VOC period is a break moment before another change. Given that the moon has to adjust to a new zodiac energy every two days, it is important to take a moment to rest before moving forward. During the VOC period, it is best to reflect the energy of the moon and recede. Pushing forward while the moon is actively resting before a change will make us feel frustrated and ineffective. This is especially true for those that actively work with lunar energy to create and manipulate energies for personal benefit.
Passive, solitary, reflective activities are best suited for the void-of-course moon period. We can pause and consider the sign placement of the moon and reflect on how that particular zodiac sign energy has influenced our experience. Lunar energy thrives off of self-care, so take time to meditate, enjoy a bath, enjoy some comfort food, lounge around, and simply nest.
Avoid making any major decisions during the VOC period as it is likely there will be a change of heart once the moon transits to the next sign. Remember, the moon is in an ending phase before it receives new energy via the sign change, and the energy is not clear during VOC. Focus on maintenance instead of initiating something new.
The void-of-course period is useful if you are willing to honor the wisdom of lunar energy. The moon has its own phases where we are guided to act or recede accordingly. VOC is another aspect of lunar cyclical energy that occurs every two days to give us a chance to prepare to wrap up existing energies and prepare for what’s to come.