Due to its Mars rulership, Aries is known for being quite self-interested. Some would even say selfish. However, Aries can teach all of us a thing or two about showing up for ourselves.
The following is an overview of how Aries possesses main character energy and teaches everyone how to look out for number one…yourself.
Why Is Aries So Selfish?
Read More »Mars energy is all about taking initiative. Even if Aries has to fight for their particular stance, opinion, or station in life, they are willing to do it. Aries doesn’t really sit around wondering what other people think.
They don’t necessarily check in with other people about what they do with their lives. Aries just does what they want to do. For those in a relationship with Aries, this can come off as being insensitive and self-absorbed.
However, Aries would have it no other way because it is Martian, direct, and forward-moving energy that allows him to get out here and take risks for themselves.
Looking Out For Number One…Aries Style
As the first sign of the zodiac, it’s quite important for Aries to focus on itself. Just think about it. How could this sign do anything if they aren’t willing to think and act for themselves? Unlike its opposite sign Libra, Aries doesn’t have the benefit of going through several zodiac signs in order to gain experience.
Aries is truly new soul energy. All they know is that there are things out there that they want to experience, and they want to do it…NOW. This independent Aries nature actually makes them some of the best entrepreneurs and CEOs.
Can Aries be quite focused on what they want for themselves to the exclusion of others? In some cases. It really does depend on the maturity level of the Aries. In any case, for those of us who tend to have a problem with asserting ourselves, Aries shows us the benefit of making ourselves the top priority to get ahead.
It’s All About Me
With Aries energy, it really is all about them. What is both refreshing and also frustrating about Aries is that they really embrace the support of themselves. After all, how would Aries be able to even look out for themselves?
The actual act of being born requires initiative and effort. If Aries didn’t have that self-focus, it would be quite difficult for them to strike out on their own as only they can do. While everyone else is concerned with the opinions and expectations of others, Aries is freed from these burdens that would otherwise hold them back.
Aries teaches us that there is value in the ability to stand alone. It takes a lot of courage and a sense of self to be able to focus on and act for the benefit of the self. While this can come off as being self-interested, which it is, Aries reminds us that it is important to make sure that we are number one to ourselves first.

Knowing Who You Are
Have you ever struggled with who you are? Do you have identity issues? If so, Aries offers valuable lessons and understanding about claiming your identity. Aries is known for striking out on their own and being guided by only themselves.
This ability to seek their own counsel is also an important part of building identity. The selfishness and self-orientation that Aries possesses are necessary so that they can actually know who they are and then be able to stand fully in that knowing.
If Aries was the type that always needed to refer to someone outside of themselves for approval and validation, the building of the identity would be quite difficult.
In order for all of us to really know who we are, at some point, we have to block out the external to get in touch with ourselves. Otherwise, we subject ourselves to the thoughts and opinions of other people which could ultimately influence who we become.
Given that Aries is the first sign, it’s vitally necessary for them to learn how to stand on their own two feet and learn to be who they truly are so that when Aries do interact with others, they are doing so from a place of surety and confidence.
Even for those of us who are not Aries, we can learn a great deal about forming our own identities by making the choice to block out the external and focus on the self.
Making Your Own Decisions
One of the greatest features of Aries energy is its ability to make decisions. The Martian influence pushes Aries to act, and in order to do this, they must make a decision before they take action. Aries aren’t the type that needs to constantly refer to someone outside of themselves for direction.
Even if they don’t know exactly where they’re going, they just choose to take the initial blow and the uncertainty that comes with being self-governing.
Aries teaches us the importance of being able to make decisions for ourselves. All too often people are stuck in a state of limbo because they simply won’t make a decision usually out of fear or the possibility of being a failure.
Aries calls us to feel the fear but act anyway. Because Aries is all about moving forward, it really is impossible for them to not make a decision because, ironically, even choosing to not make a decision is still choosing to make a decision.
Since this is the case, the Aries that has acquired maturity always are in the energy of making moves and taking calculated risks that allow them to have a successful path forward. Those who tend to be hesitant about making a decision out of fear will find that learning how to embody Aries energy of being self-directed is a benefit.
Taking Control Of Your Life
Finally, Aries is a self-starting, self-directing energy. They understand the importance of being able to take control of one’s life. The type of energy that doesn’t have time to sit around and be a victim or simply allow life to happen. Aries makes a conscious decision to be an active participant in their own lives.
When we are unwilling to be self-governing, it can appear that everything external to us is making decisions about our lives. This happens because we don’t take initiative to determine who we are and we are going to end up.
We leave it to some external force whether it is family, friends, lovers, etc. to tell us who we are and how we should be. This ultimately leads to a sense of dissatisfaction because we’re living for other people instead of ourselves.
The energy of Aries reminds us that we are all born into this physical experience, and it is up to each of us to do the work of establishing who we are by making a conscious effort to take control of our lives.
While it may seem pushy and self-absorbed to others, Aries understands that the ability to be self-governing is an important part of also learning how to be accountable and responsible for how we move through life.
Ultimately, Aries is known for being self-oriented, and as the first sign of the zodiac, this is definitely warranted. Aries energy shows us the importance of establishing a self-identity and making ourselves a top priority so that we can ultimately be the main character of our own lives.