
The Path Inward With The Winter Solstice

On December 21st, the winter solstice ushers in the shortest day of the year as well as the official start of the winter season in the northern hemisphere. The winter solstice also coincides with the official start of Capricorn season. Now is a time of hibernation as we turn our energy inward to create a practical plan for forward movement. The winter season is an excellent time for personal, deep, serious reflection. Although some consider it to be a somber time of the year due to the cold weather and barren landscape, this is an excellent time to make space to focus on what matters most. This is the season for making plans and planting seeds in the coldness of winter so that we can experience the buds of life at the spring equinox.

The Winter Solstice Calls Us In

The winter solstice beckons us to withdraw for consideration. Just consider the animals that go into hibernation. The leaves are stripped bare of their foliage. The ground is cold with a blanket of snow. The temperatures are cold and off-putting. Retreating to the warmth of enclosed quarters gives us a chance to focus on what matters. For just a season we put socialization and gathering on hold to shield ourselves from the harsh cold outside.

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