
Using Thanksgiving Leftovers like a Champ

Thanksgiving Leftovers Recipes to Be Thankful for!

Usually after Thanksgiving there are lots of leftovers. If you are cooking for a big gathering, you may be left with more leftovers than you know what to do with. After you encourage your family members to take home what they can, try using the leftovers in a fun recipe.

One fun way to use leftover turkey or ham is to make a Thanksgiving Ring! Use premade crescent rolls to create this pretty, and delicious, meal. It is super easy to make this recipe. Start with the crescent rolls laid on a baking sheet with the tips pointed outward and the ends overlapping. Next, spread leftover mashed potatoes over the bases of the triangles. Top the mashed potatoes with stuffing, meat of your choice and a drizzle of cranberry sauce. Fold over the tops of the triangles and stick it in the oven until golden brown! The pull-apart Thanksgiving Ring is a great choice to use up your leftovers.

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