
Make The Most of These Planetary Energies For Valentine’s Day


Valentine’s Day is officially here! Whether you are expecting to go out and enjoy a romantic evening or perhaps you are planning to stay at home and give yourself a lot of love and self-care, we want everyone to use the astrological energies for Valentine’s Day to their advantage. Check out this astrological forecast for the day of love.

The Feels: Moon in Sagittarius
The moon in Sagittarius on Valentine’s Day offers us optimistic, joyful, and even freedom-loving energy for this universal day of love. This is a lovely moon to have for Valentine’s Day because it keeps us happy, buoyant, and optimistic. Under this moon, some of us may really have the desire to travel. So, if you have been wanting to get away, this lunar energy definitely supports doing so. Due to the freedom-loving, expansive nature of Sagittarius, it is best to enjoy the company of others while also avoiding neediness and the tendency to be clingy as this will be a definite turn-off under the moon in Sagittarius energy.

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