We’ve reached the end of Scorpio season, and before we move on to the lighter energy of Sagittarius, it’s always good to take a step back and consider what the Scorpio experience has revealed to us. One of the greatest lessons that we’ve experienced over the last 31 days is the art of letting go.
This particular Scorpio season has been quite interesting given the solar and lunar eclipses occurring on the Scorpio-Taurus axis. One of the biggest lessons Scorpio has to offer itself and everyone is that in order to evolve and become something different than what we’ve always been, it is important that we let go of what is no longer essential to our experience.
Read More »While the other signs may be able to get through life being the same, Scorpio is one sign that is propelled toward evolution. In fact, it is a key part of their experience, and any attempt to resist this evolution is often met with traumatic experiences that force Scorpio to let go. This is the reason why Scorpio is so extreme. In order to be able to let go of the self to become something bigger, they have to be willing to just simply exhaust themselves of everything that is associated with the former self.
Scorpio’s life purpose is to evolve. This is one sign that did not just come here to earth to simply dig in its heels and seek comfort like their opposite sign Taurus. Scorpio is here to risk the comfort of who they are to become a true, authentic expression of themselves. This involves deep shadow work and the willingness to face the self. Scorpio understands that we cannot release that which we are not willing to acknowledge.
Grudges Do You No Good
While Scorpio’s penchant for revenge is well known, one of the things Scorpio can teach all of us is that holding onto grudges does no one any good. The only thing that grudges do is keep Scorpio trapped at a particular evolutionary stage that doesn’t allow for the transformation desired. When we hold onto grudges, we are stuck. We are fossilized at the point where the particular transgression occurred. Even if something happened 20 years ago, the mere fact that we are holding onto the grudge keeps us stuck in the past. Consider all the life that is wasted focused on past transgressions. Consider the time wasted seeking revenge. We don’t get this time back.
If there’s one thing that the soul learns when it incarnates as a Scorpio is that more often than not revenge is something that hurts us way more than it hurts the other person. The energy that is used to seek revenge could be used for one’s own personal transformation. As Scorpio grows tired of being stuck and experiencing the same old things they will release so they can move on.
Wallowing In The Darkness
Scorpio has a special relationship with the shadow side of life, and this is essential for Scorpio to do the necessary work to become a more evolved version of itself. However, Scorpio can get stuck in the darkness. Some Scorpios may even decide that they would rather stay in the land of Hades engulfed by darkness for eternity.
However, this is not the path of Scorpio. The shadow is in many ways the entry point to Scorpio’s evolution. As Scorpio evolves they understand that aspects of the shadow must be dealt with and released in order to achieve the healing and transformation desired.
The darkness will always be a part of the Scorpio experience. It’s important that Scorpio remember that the shadow facilitates transformation and evolution.
Exhausted With The Same Old Thing
Scorpio is meant to go through several evolutionary stages so that it ultimately becomes the Phoenix that has risen from the ashes. It’s hard for Scorpio to reach the Phoenix stage when they are intent on remaining at the lower evolutionary levels. Thus, it is important that Scorpio reach the pinnacle of each stage so that they are aware that there’s nothing to go back to.
This may be hard for those who are not on a conscious path of evolution to understand, but once you’ve released a particular experience, there is no point in going back. That’s why the Phoenix rises from ashes…the former is burned away so backsliding is not possible.
In fact, Scorpio understands that if they ever backslide there could be great repercussions. So, Scorpio understands that the path is always forward, and it is important to exhaust themselves of their previous lives, stages, and/or ways of being to reach a true state of personal control, power, and authenticity that comes through becoming the Phoenix.
Choosing To Evolve
Ultimately, evolution is both a requirement as well as a choice for Scorpio. It could be said that those who incarnate as a Scorpio are on a life path of working through the psyche to become an ultimate version of the self.
This is not about perfection. This is not about self-righteousness. It’s about genuinely facing those parts of the character that prevent self-awareness. While Scorpio is called by birthright to evolve, even they must make an active decision to take up this call. It is no easy feat.
This Scorpio season presented us with the opportunity to experience the transformative energies of Scorpio…especially during this new moon solar eclipse. This eclipse was pivotal because it combines the new moon energy of a new beginning with the letting go energy of Scorpio. Something has run its course in our lives. In order for us to reap the new beginnings offered by the new moon solar eclipse in Scorpio energy over the next year, we have to be willing to let go of what is no longer applicable. We have to be willing to release the past to elevate to a new level.
Scorpio season has been quite interesting in terms of reminding us we are held back from evolution by holding on to who we are. New experiences require the risk of the self. So many want newness but are stuck in old emotional patterns and ways of being that keep them from having the transformative lived experiences desired.
Ultimately, It is through the energy of Scorpio that we learned the lessons of facing ourselves in a deep, intimate manner seeing ourselves beyond the façade of niceness into our shadows. It is through the shadow that we discover what needs to be addressed so that we can do the work of permanently releasing so that we are able to move along our path of evolution with authenticity, self-empowerment, and self-control that enables us to become the phoenix in our own lives. Thanks to Scorpio for the lesson of letting go to evolve.