Has anyone ever annoyed you to no end? Have you ever considered how you are annoying to other people? Do you actually think you aren’t annoying at all? Well, everyone has a little something about their personality that gets on other people’s nerves. We’ve compiled the most common ways that each sign is annoying. It’s a light-hearted take on how and why we get on people’s nerves based on astrology. Enjoy!
Aries-The Competitor
Come on, Aries. Why does everything have to be a competition? Everyone knows that you are first! You are the beginning of the zodiac for crying out loud. It’s like you are always trying to compete to see who’s better, or who can run the fastest, or who can reach the highest. When will it ever end? Why can’t you just have fun without always trying to one-up somebody? And, when you don’t win, you just have this big hissy fit sometimes you even get violent! This is ridiculous. You’re first! You don’t always have to prove it to everybody.
Yes, Taurus. Nice things are lovely. Money is also nice. However, nice things don’t make a person who they are. It’s the content of a person’s character that really tells you who a person is. Everyone understands that you’ve worked really really hard to get to where you are. You probably have your own business. A very lovely house. A partner that loves you that will stick by you to the end. However, not everyone likes being looked up and down and having their worth measured by what they do or don’t wear or have. Possessions are ultimately just things that we all enjoy. There is more to people and even you than what you own.
Gemini-The Gossip
Okay, Gemini. We all know that you love to talk. We all know that you like to socialize, but, why do you have to talk about other people? Is it really necessary? Do you know what the most annoying thing is? You play both sides of the fence when you’re doing it, so it makes you look really two-faced while you’re being gossipy. It’s like you’re going from person to person collecting information. You store up information and even use it as social collateral. There’s nothing wrong with being talkative. There’s always someone that will listen, but the whole talking about other people and gossiping…it’s just kind of annoying. In the words of Eleanor Roosevelt, “Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.” You’ve got a great mind there, Gemini. How come you don’t use it for something a little bit more uplifting?
Cancer-The Passive-Aggressive
Boohoo, Cancer. You’re very emotional, and there’s nothing wrong with that. but, what makes you kind of annoying is when you really won’t say what’s wrong with you. It’s like you expect people to just guess how you’re feeling emotionally. What makes the whole thing worse with you Cancer is that since you don’t directly come out and say what’s wrong with you, no one really knows how to deal with you. You have this habit of making all of these side comments instead of just coming out and being honest about how you feel. I would tell you to grow up Cancer, but that would probably just make you upset, then you’ll cry. But seriously, though. Why can’t you just say how you feel so that someone can actually give you what you want?
Leo-The Egotistical
Ummm…sorry Leo, but the world doesn’t revolve around you. You’re not the only special person in the world. Look, self-confidence is amazing, and you wear it well, Leo. However, other people are entitled to heal themselves as well. You’re not the only person that can be special. You’re not the only person with talent. Also, other people aren’t beneath you. Sometimes you give off the impression that the whole king and queen of the zodiac has truly gone to your head. You also act like you are the star of the entire zodiac. Perhaps you are, but remember, if there were no people around you wouldn’t be able to get the attention that you desire. So, why not humble yourself a bit and appreciate the people who actually want to be in your presence.
Virgo-The Critical
Jeez, Virgo. Can anyone do anything without you having something negative to say? Everyone can’t be as perfect as you are. We get it. You are the virgin of the zodiac. You are untouched, and you are pure. However, this doesn’t make you better than anyone else. Sometimes the hyper-critical nature is really a turn-off. Always telling people what is wrong with them. Don’t you think they may already know what’s wrong with them? Even if they didn’t, do you really think they want to hear from you? Sometimes Virgo there’s this impression that you focus on everyone else’s faults so that maybe you don’t have to deal with your own. It could also be that you are focusing on other people’s faults in order to create them into your image of perfection. Well, guess what, Virgo? Other people aren’t here to be your image of perfection, and the nagging is annoying.
Libra-The Indecisive
All right, Libra. Is it really that hard to make a decision? Just pick something already! It’s like with every little thing…whether it’s food, outings, and even potential partners, there’s always this wavering back and forth not wanting to make a choice because you feel you’re going to miss out on something. Well Libra, that’s just life! You can’t have everything all the time. It is up to you to make the best choice for yourself. You know, perhaps you are very indecisive because you’re afraid that you won’t make the best choice for yourself. This can get really annoying at times. Since you’re such a logical person, why don’t you just sit down and really think about your options and choose the one that suits you best? Have you ever considered that you hesitate to choose because you don’t want to commit to anything?
Scorpio-The Vengeful
Well, Scorpio. Let’s not ever get on your bad side because we all know if we do you’ll just end up taking us out. When it comes to people, it’s like you sit around ready to attack with that little stinger of yours. You are so incredibly vengeful, and honestly, I think that you’re pretty proud of it. But, why does it have to be this way? Look, everyone goes through something and sometimes we get the bad end of the deal. Being vengeful will only cause more negative energy to come your way, and it doesn’t really solve anything. But hey…you don’t care, Scorpio. As long as you get back at the people doing you wrong. I guess an eye for an eye is your model, but have you ever considered that an eye for an eye will just leave the whole world blind?
Sagittarius-The Hypocrite
Here we go again, Sagittarius with the hypocrisy. Have you ever considered that people are tired of hearing you preach and then watching you not practice what you preach? Yeah, you do it a lot. You always have something to share, which is not a problem at all. The annoying issue is that you’re always trying to tell somebody else what to do, but you never even do it yourself. You know all of the different philosophies, theories, ideologies, but have you ever considered whether or not you apply them to your own life? Let’s not get me started on your personal beliefs. Whether it is some type of spiritual principle or religious belief, you claim to want freedom for yourself. However, you can be incredibly dogmatic with others when it comes to spiritual and religious topics. Sometimes, it makes people not want to engage with you because sometimes people don’t want to be hounded or preach at. I get that you’re the philosopher of the zodiac Sagittarius, but that doesn’t make you more high-minded than anyone else.
Capricorn-The Power Hungry
Why does everything have to be a power trip, Capricorn? Look, it’s understandable that you’ve had a hard life. No, things haven’t been easy for you Capricorn, but why does everyone else have to suffer when you make it to the top? Where is your heart? Perhaps it’s just stone-cold from all of the sadness, loneliness, and hard work that you’ve had to go through in life, so now you take it out on everyone else. It just seems like being the boss or being in charge just gives you this power trip that allows you to reign over everyone. Have you ever considered that your desire to control everyone and everything stems from a deep feeling of insecurity? Perhaps this is something that you can consider.
Aquarius-The Anarchist
Oh my goodness, Aquarius. Do you have to rebel against every single thing? We get it; you march to the beat of your own drum. Why does everybody else have to be constantly reminded about how unique you are? It just seems like sometimes you want to be contrary just for the sake of it. Oftentimes, you take the opposing point or argument just to prove that you aren’t like everyone else. My question is what do you really get out of it? What does everyone else get out of it? Aquarius, you claim to be this big humanitarian, but how is disrupting everything benefiting anyone let alone humanity. The “lightning bolt” antics are annoying.
Pisces-The Escapist
Uggh, Pisces. Are you ever going to try to do anything straight away or not? It just seems like every time the going gets tough, you just go and hide someplace. If you’re not hiding, then you’re trying to find some other unique way to escape. Well, guess what? No matter how much you drink or how much drugs you use, you still can’t escape your problems. You still can’t escape yourself. Also, you can’t sleep away your problems. When you wake up, the problems are still going to be there, so why not just try to face things head-on instead of pretending like they don’t exist? Perhaps if you face things head-on instead of running away, you wouldn’t end up creating more problems for yourself.