Now that we are almost halfway through Scorpio sun season, why not explore Scorpio energy in other planetary positions? Everyone has a little bit of Scorpio in them. If you check your natal chart, locate the house that has Scorpio on the cusp, and this will inform you of where in your life you exhibit Scorpio characteristics and behaviors.
Then, there are others of us who have Scorpio energy in a specific planetary position such as the moon, Jupiter, or Pluto. While Scorpio energy does have a specific signature, it does express itself differently according to the planet of association. Here is an overview of Scorpio energy through the planets.
Read More »When the energy of Scorpio meets the sun, the ego essence, and general life purpose, there is a focus on transformation and healing. Those with a Scorpio sun are very comfortable with their shadow side and often are called to do the deep inner work of getting to the bottom of what keeps them from healing and transforming. In fact, those with the sun in Scorpio are more likely to live multiple lives in one lifetime. The purpose of Scorpio energy is to evolve. While some people have the luxury of just being the same person throughout their lives, the sun in Scorpio incarnates to experience the process of transformation and leaving behind the old self to become an embodiment of the phoenix rising.
Moon in Scorpio
The moon in Scorpio colors the emotional nature with depth, darkness, a desire for intimacy tinged with angst, manipulation, and the potential for deep traumatic experiences. It is important to note that the moon in Scorpio is in its fall. In astrology, when a planet is in its fall it is because the planet is in a sign where it doesn’t function at its best. Of all the signs, the moon is most comfortable in the steady, stable energy of Taurus. So, it is no surprise that with Scorpio being Taurus’ opposite, there are issues with satisfying security needs under the sign of Scorpio. Moon Scorpios are known to be very deep people, but they don’t trust easily. In some cases, there could be a complicated relationship with the mother figure. It is very important for those who hold the moon Scorpio placement to invest in deep psychological work to address traumas which can lead to great emotional awareness and transformation.
Mercury in Scorpio
With Mercury in Scorpio, little is said, but much is known. These individuals make excellent detective and suspense writers. Mercury in Scorpio seeks the truth, and they will speak the truth even if it stings. Because of their ability to hone in, some would say that the Mercury in Scorpio placement is known as the “lie detector” placement. These are the type of people that even if you lie to them they will see directly through you. Very little gets past them. Mercury in Scorpio is excellent at collecting information on others while maintaining personal secrecy.
Venus in Scorpio
When Venus meets Scorpio, the love nature is possessive, obsessive, and deeply intense. Love is an all-or-nothing experience. Venus in Scorpio wants intimacy and deep vulnerability. With Venus in Scorpio, love is a transformative, healing experience where only partners who are capable of going to the depths are desired. We cannot mention Venus in Scorpio without the jealousy of this placement. This placement is very sensitive to betrayals, and they will seek revenge for any wrongdoings in love.
Mars in Scorpio
Scorpio is one of the few signs that have more than one ruler. Mars is Scorpio’s secondary ruler in addition to Pluto. With Mars in Scorpio, action is taken in a quiet, stealthy way. Don’t let the quiet demeanor fool you. These are individuals who know where they’re going, and how they want to get there. Mars in Scorpio is aligned with the energy of moving in silence. Those with this placement can be very competitive, but again, no one would ever be able to see it as Scorpio holds its cards to the chest. Given that Mars is the planet of war, the Mars in Scorpio individuals are formidable competitors and dangerous enemies. Why is this? Because Mars in Scorpio are the types that you don’t see coming. Mars in Scorpio is definitely ninja energy.
Jupiter in Scorpio
With Jupiter in Scorpio, abundance and success is obtained through harnessing the higher aspects of Scorpio’s energy. Similarly, Jupiter is a planet of expansion, so both positive and negative traits of Scorpio energy can be experienced for better or worse. Jupiter in Scorpio individuals have a great propensity for healing and transformation. They make excellent shamans and spirit workers to assist the self and others with deep psychological catharsis.
Jupiter in Scorpio is encouraged to shed its skin to become a higher version of itself. Even though it may be quite scary to do this, Scorpio has the power to take risks to shed the old to embrace the new and reap the abundance promised by Jupiter.
Saturn in Scorpio
With Saturn in Scorpio, there are a lot of lessons around Scorpionic themes. From power and control to the use of sexual energy, Saturn in Scorpio grants us the opportunity to gain lessons associated with the use of and exchange of sexual energy, the processing of jealousy, and obsession. With Saturn in Scorpio, this placement creates life circumstances that require accountability for our emotional nature…especially as it relates to revenge. Oftentimes, Scorpio can get stuck when it refuses to let go. Saturn in Scorpio will find out either the easy or hard way what happens when they don’t embody the elevated energy of Scorpio’s desire to let go in order to transform and grow.
Uranus in Scorpio
Uranus in Scorpio is different and impactful. Is the combination of the fixed energy of Uranus/ Aquarius with the fixed energy of Scorpio. This brings us lots of permanent transformative healing inspirations that could come “out of the blue.” Those with Uranus in Scorpio are likely to hold transformative and enlightening perspectives especially as it relates to sexuality, intimacy, and the process of healing. These are the individuals who are at the forefront of sexual and emotional revolutions. Uranus in Scorpio also offers innovative ways to transform and heal that can be used personally and for humanity.
Neptune in Scorpio
The Neptune in Scorpio placement is a generational aspect that occurs amongst many people within the collective due to Neptune’s long orbit/transit. Neptune in Scorpio combines the acute awareness of Scorpio with the mysticism and intuitive knowledge of Neptune/Pisces energy. When activated, those who have this particular placement are in a position to not only do great spiritual healing for themselves but also for everyone. The energy of Pisces works with Scorpio energy of Scorpio to bring acute transformative healing for the benefit of all…as Pisces represents the Oneness of all.
Pluto in Scorpio
Pluto in Scorpio is also a generational astrological aspect as Pluto takes many years to transit a particular zodiac sign. Nevertheless, Pluto in Scorpio is at home with itself as Pluto is Scorpio’s natural ruler. People with Pluto in Scorpio are intense and have the capacity for deep transformation and healing…if they can manage to come up from the shadows of the Scorpio/Pluto experience. These people are quite obsessive and possessive with potent sexual energy. They can really transform how sexuality is experienced and expressed.
Pluto in Scorpio presents the cathartic desire to purge what is no longer useful through sexual release, psychoanalysis, and alternative forms of healing such as shamanism. One of the major issues of Pluto in Scorpio is extremism. Those with this placement have to learn how to channel the energy of Pluto in Scorpio in a manner that will allow them to attract transformative experiences that offer healing and rebirth while avoiding the trap of rolling around in the proverbial gutter of darkness. This placement is encouraged to become the phoenix.
We hope this overview of the Scorpio energy provides a better understanding of how the deep, intense, transformative, and healing energy of Scorpio is expressed through the planets.