November 2022 Horoscope: Feeling the Love and Getting Lucky!

A total lunar eclipse in Taurus kicks off the month by shaking things up on November 8. Bringing an old chapter of our lives to a close, it’s easy to get wrapped up in nostalgia. Don’t spend all your time mourning the past; you’re on the first step of a new, exciting journey! As the month progresses, Sagittarius hosts the party of the year, ushering Venus (Nov. 16), Mercury (Nov. 17) and the sun (Nov. 23) into the sign of adventure and optimism.
Sagittarius’ happy-go-lucky influence is amplified as its ruling planet, Jupiter, comes out of retrograde on the 23rd. Paired with a new moon on the same date, the planet is passing out gifts to all zodiac signs. Ending the month on a high, we’re being infused with hope and love, ready to enter the holiday season with festive feelings of generosity and optimism.
ARIES (March 21 – April 19)
Read More »While the first half of November gives you time to reconnect and spread the love, your focus shifts inward as the end of the month approaches. All this socializing has filled your head with possibilities and new points of view. Curiosity gets the best of you now, helping you expand your knowledge and reach positive breakthroughs.
TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)
You’re kicking off the month with a new, flirty attitude. Instead of making your feelings obvious, you’re playing it cool on the surface, using subtle body language and your witty sense of humor to seduce the object of your affection. While you’re playing the long game with your primary target, let yourself have a little fun, diving into the social scene with your closest friends.
As the month progresses, things will start to settle down and you’ll find yourself wanting more from your relationships. Around this time, someone will enter your life and quickly forms a connection with you on a deeper level. This may be a friendship, mentor or love interest that jumps into your life just as quickly as they are pulled away. However short, your time together will give you a clear idea of what you want (and deserve) from your long-term partners in the future.
GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)
Get ready to grab life by the horns! November is all about expressing yourself and taking chances. Starting off the month, you’re diving headfirst into love (or lust) with renewed passion. You’re thinking long-term, even if your newest relationship is just a fling, playing out potential scenarios in your head.
If you are in a serious partnership, you’re beginning to overcome any fears about taking the next step. While this mainly applies to your intimate relationships (moving in together, popping the question or expanding your family), you can expect all your relationships to progress and deepen throughout the month. As you dive into your plans for the future, you’ll find yourself naturally connecting with people that can make your dreams come true.
CANCER (June 21 – July 22)
The closing of one chapter can lead to a fresh new beginning, especially when it comes to your relationships. As the month kicks off, you’ve had enough of friends or coworkers that always seem to be taking and never giving. It’s time to reassess your relationships, cutting out negative energies and making room for friends and partners who truly deserve your attention.
Part of this process includes standing up for yourself at work and pushing back on extra projects and assignments that aren’t worth your effort. Once you’ve cleared your plate for the tasks that excite you, you’ll find that you actually enjoy your work and the social circle you’ve cultivated. As you find yourself less stressed about work, take the opportunity to bond with loved ones by trying a new hobby together or rekindling one of your old favorite activities.
LEO (July 23 – Aug. 22)
You’re due for a major reset, reevaluating your goals to ensure you’re getting the most out of life. It’s time to take inventory of the work, activities and people that bring the most passion to your life. If you’re not focusing your time and energy on these areas, you may need to make some drastic changes to get back on the path to fulfillment.
Rolling into mid-month, you can put the serious stuff to the side and focus on having fun, connecting with friends and being more playful in your intimate relationships. With multiple transits into Sagittarius, your creativity and sense of adventure are at a high point. Don’t be afraid to try something new and exciting when it comes to your intimate relationships or, if you’re single, set out on a last-minute adventure with your besties.
VIRGO (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22)
While you love the holidays, your jam-packed social calendar may be causing you some anxiety. Before the holiday season hits, make room in your schedule for some peaceful alone time. Meditation and self-care can help give you the insight to heal any underlying personal issues contributing to your stress.
The second half of the month brings you a newfound sense of stability in your relationships with others and acceptance of yourself! Don’t feel guilty for passing over the party scene to sink into your comfort zone; this month, your energy is best channeled into deepening and celebrating your closest relationships instead of chasing new connections. As the month comes to a close, so does this period of relaxation as you dive into December bursting with fresh energy.
LIBRA (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22)
November is bringing a new batch of opportunities to shine at work. While this does mean an increase in the amount of work on your plate, this newest batch of assignments gives you an opportunity to develop your skillset and build confidence. As you begin to feel more inspired, don’t forget to share your positive energy with others, giving back through community service or small acts of caring for those you love.
As you move deeper into the month, you’ll find yourself feeling frustrated or betrayed by a work partner or friend. As you try to communicate your feelings, you’ll both feel completely misunderstood, as though the other is speaking a different language. Instead of letting your emotions get the best of you in the heat of the moment, take time to step away and channel your energy into physical activity. You’ll need a break to clear your head and determine the right words, or actions, you need to move forward.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21)
One of your closest partners is pressuring you to make a big decision as a result of a major, unexpected change in their life. There could be pressure to take on a new, risky project or move cross country to pursue a shared vision. If a romantic partner, you may be feeling pressure to commit on a deeper level by moving in together, getting married or even deciding to expand your family.
While these requests come quickly, don’t feel you need to respond instantly. Take time to organize your thoughts and have an honest conversation about your concerns. If this is a relationship that is meant for you over the long term, you’ll both have to make some sacrifices to meet in the middle.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21)
The term “home” to you hasn’t felt as literal over the past couple of years. As the world is changing, you’re starting to reconsider how you define the term and where, if anywhere, you want to set up a long-term physical presence. You may be toying with the idea of taking your life on the road, working remotely on an extended vacation or on a more permanent basis.
Before you pull the trigger on any big moves, make sure you’ve researched all your options. Someone may be hyping you up about a certain lifestyle or opportunity without being completely honest. Take time to be sure that you’re making decisions for the right reasons; chase your dreams but don’t try to run from your problems.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)
As the clock counts down to the end of the year, you’re feeling the pressure to deliver on your 2022 goals. However, while you’re ready to run toward the finish line, it seems like everyone else is just strolling along. The more pressure you apply, the more they will push back, stalling your best efforts.
You’ll need to use a softer approach to get your partners back in line. Whether professional or personal goals, focus on what you and your partner have in common, offering rewards instead of ultimatums. As the month progresses, don’t allow yourself to obsess over your to-do list. If you don’t take time to step back and appreciate your partners, friends and family, you’ll put much more important things at risk.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18)
The new moon kicks off your month with a little chaos around the home. This could be a physical item breaking within your house, but more likely, an unresolved argument between family members will lead to a fracture in the relationship between two individuals. You’ll be asked to pick a side which can lead to one of your family members stepping out of your life for a short period.
Heading into the second half of the month, a distraction at work will help you mentally separate from the drama. People are noticing your accomplishments, although it may take a little bit of bragging on your part to get the ball rolling. Don’t be afraid to toot your own horn! The end of November brings you new opportunities to increase your income, whether in your full-time job or a side hustle.
PISCES (Feb. 19 – March 20)
Shadows of the past are coming back to haunt you. While you may think an issue with a partner or family member has been resolved, there’s still some hidden resentment lurking below the surface. Mars in Gemini is pushing you to face those problems directly, using your communication skills to resolve the problem once and for all.
If you’re in a relationship, problems may also arise as you begin to discuss splitting your time between your families and friends during the holiday season. As you struggle to find the right balance, be careful to be mindful of your words as you defend your point of view. Even the best planning can be disrupted by a sudden change later in the month, requiring you to reorganize your priorities, leaning on your relationships to help you get back on track.