Your Dreams Really Can Come True! Jupiter Moves Back into Pisces to Help Make It Happen

After five months in the action-oriented sign of Aries, Jupiter is heading back into dreamy Pisces from October 28th to December 19th. During its stay, the planet of growth and abundance is bringing us a pair of rose-colored glasses, letting us see things for how they could be, rather than how they currently are.
Just in time for cuffing season, Jupiter also makes everything seem more romantic, with the planet of luck making it much more likely that you’ll get lucky too!
Read More »ARIES (March 21 – April 19)
Give yourself a break, Aries! In November, you’ll find yourself at a crossroads, suddenly asked to make a decision that may be overwhelming – if you’re not ready. The good news is, for the next month, Jupiter will be helping you develop the insight you’ll need to move forward with confidence.
Take the end of October to step back and spend some time alone, reconsidering how you want to dedicate your time and energy. Jupiter is opening your mind and challenging your existing values. As you redefine your priorities, new possibilities will emerge, changing the way you think about the future.
TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)
Start making plans! Jupiter is eager to start expanding your social network, both personally and professionally. When it comes to your career, don’t be afraid to share your ideas and develop partnerships. Your greatest financial gains will come from collaborative projects.
With the holidays just a few weeks away, it may not be the best time for a single Taurus to settle down. Instead, take the opportunity to mingle and have a little fun! If you’re already coupled up, play matchmaker yourself by hosting a social event where you can introduce old and new friends. The more the merrier during this Jupiter transit!
GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)
You may not be working harder, but your efforts are suddenly recognized as Jupiter makes its way through Pisces. This transit gives you an opportunity to grow your influence and reputation, especially when it comes to your career. If you’ve been holding off on asking for that new title or promotion, this is the time to strike!
While all this positive press is certainly flattering (and well-deserved), don’t let all the sudden attention go to your head. Jupiter can make us ambitious and ready to take on more, even if we can’t handle the new workload over the long term. Before you take on additional responsibilities or consider changing your job altogether, make sure you have the support you need to be successful in the months to come.
CANCER (June 21 – July 22)
Jupiter is loading you with responsibilities. There’s more to do at work or school, your social life is flourishing and you’ll have more opportunities for long-distance travel. This may sound exhausting, but Jupiter is giving you a fresh burst of energy to tackle your growing calendar with ease.
The busier you are, the less concerned you’ll be with life’s petty problems. This is a great time to smooth over small issues in your relationships and make peace with family members or neighbors over past frustrations and arguments. Instead, focus your energy on your own personal growth, taking the opportunity to gain knowledge and experience in areas that are personally meaningful to you.
LEO (July 23 – Aug. 22)
While you don’t like to admit it, you do care what others think about you and what they may say behind your back. As Jupiter moves into dreamy Pisces, it pulls you into your own world where the opinions of others aren’t as important as they have been in the past. The planet wants you to focus on your own success, regardless of what others are doing around you.
Not only does this mean that Jupiter will open doors for you professionally and financially, but the planet is also helping you open yourself up emotionally. Don’t be surprised if your relationships suddenly rocket forward, with increased intimacy (both emotionally and physically). As you work on your own healing, share your positive energy with friends and family through small acts of kindness. All the good vibes you put out into the world will make their way back to you, just when you need a boost most.
VIRGO (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22)
Romance is in the air! Jupiter is making plenty of space to bring more love into your life. If you’re single or dating, get ready for new relationships to develop quickly. There could even be a marriage proposal around the corner!
While your love life may see the biggest boost, Jupiter is helping you in all areas related to your relationships. You’ll find it easier than ever to negotiate for what you want and influence your coworkers to see things your way. Your popularity is also growing, ramping up your social life and bringing new friends into the mix.
LIBRA (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22)
Jupiter wants you to get to work! The optimistic planet wants you to take one more shot at accomplishing goals you haven’t been able to reach in the past. This boost of positive energy may be just what you need to get over the hurdles that have hindered you before but be careful not to turn your passion into an obsession.
The planet is firing up your competitive side, which surely has its benefits when it comes to achieving your biggest goals, at work and in your personal life. However, this focus can also be consuming, pulling you away from your social life and other activities you enjoy. Make sure to make a conscious effort to schedule time to relax and socialize or you may burn out before you can achieve your objectives.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21)
Scorpio, you are living your best life! Not only is it your birthday, but Jupiter is bringing you loads of joy, friendship and romance. You’re ready to cut loose and release your inhibitions. While there’s nothing wrong with having fun, Jupiter’s optimism can be blinding, especially when it comes to your spending. You may want to pay extra attention to your wallet as you move into the holiday season.
Speaking of fun, Jupiter is also spicing up your love life! The planet is pulling out all the stops when it comes to boosting emotional connection and desire for romance, bringing you closer to your partner. Is there more love than the two of you can handle alone? Well, good news if you’re trying to grow your family; this is the perfect time to try for a baby!
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21)
Jupiter may have you feeling a little homesick. While this could mean missing your childhood home or family, it can also be a general feeling of nostalgia for the “good old days”. You’re thinking a lot about the home you want to create for yourself and whether your current living situation needs an upgrade.
As you reminisce, this is the perfect time to open your life back up to friends or family that you haven’t seen in a while. Embrace the foundational places, habits and people that have made you who you are, celebrating how far you’ve come! If you’re feeling a little lost in the past and not sure how to move forward, you may need to give yourself a little grace and time to relax. Once Jupiter moves back into Aries in December, you’ll get a clearer sense of direction.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)
Jupiter is sparking your curiosity, pushing you to stretch your boundaries and learn something new. Focused on everything foreign or mysterious, you may feel pulled towards learning a new language, dabbling in different spiritual practices or taking a stab at investing. Communication and collaboration are the keys to your success and, as much as you may want to do things on your own, sharing your knowledge with others will help you truly master the subjects you’re learning.
In addition to learning, you’re feeling more inspired to jump into artistic hobbies. The urge to express yourself creatively is Jupiter’s way of allowing you to let out some of your negative energy and move past some current frustrations. Making room for positivity and love, this is a great time to open up to friends and family, strengthening your relationships by trying new activities together.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18)
Are you seeing dollar signs? Jupiter is increasing your financial opportunities, bringing you good fortune in business ventures and personal investments. The planet wants to make sure you know your worth and get exactly what you deserve. If you’re not getting recognized financially, it may be time to advocate for yourself or shop around for other options!
Just as Jupiter wants you to advocate for yourself financially, it also wants you to fight for your work/life balance, making time to cut loose! Whether it’s a friend’s night out or a lavish vacation, the planet is urging you to treat yourself! While there may be more money coming in, you might be surprised at your account balances if you aren’t careful to keep track of your splurges and subscriptions.
PISCES (Feb. 19 – March 20)
With Jupiter in your zodiac sign, it’s all about you, Pisces! The planet is bringing you increased optimism, confidence and joy as you head into the holiday season. Others are seeing your personal spotlight, too, bringing you increased attention and recognition at work.
As you focus inward, you may not welcome all the attention. It can be easy to retreat into your safe space, ignore responsibilities and focus on self-indulgence. Be careful not to get too sucked away from the world! The more you put off now, the more stressed you’ll be when Jupiter shifts back into Aries in December.