Within astrology, each of the zodiac signs is represented by a particular glyph and symbol. The glyph is used for simple astrological representation especially when constructing astrological charts. The symbols of the zodiac are the well-known figures that represent each of the astrological signs. Read on to learn more about the symbols of the zodiac.
Aries-The Ram
Read More »Taurus-The Bull
The bull is the symbol for Taurus and represents the languid nature that is attributed to this zodiac sign. Bulls are broad, solid animals that are quite fine grazing in the grass and enjoying the sun. Because of this, bulls can be hard to move from that comfortable spot that it has created for itself similar to the tenacity of the stubbornness of the Taurus. It should be noted that while bulls are quite laid back, they are known to charge when provoked. This represents the side of Taurus that gets angry…but only after a build-up of energy. The Taurus glyph includes the horns and head of a bull.
Gemini-The Twins
The two-sided Gemini is represented by twins in astrology. Twins are together and the same, but they possess an opposing side as well. There is often the belief that twins are the exact same, but this is not necessarily true. Even if twins are identical, they could possess totally different personalities. Such is the case with Gemini. Sometimes Gemini is represented by the comedy and tragedy masks which show the duality of personality. The Gemini glyph is represented by two lines joined together…like twins.
Cancer-The Crab
Crabs are water-related creatures who scurry sideways to get to their intended destination. This is perfect for the water-ruled Cancer astrology sign as it is known for its indirect ways of getting to where it wants to be. Likewise, the crab has a tough exterior shell that it carries with it everywhere it goes. Its claws are also ready to pinch a predator that gets in its way. Cancer loves its home and like the crab, it focuses a great deal on making its home the centerpiece of its life. Cancer is also very protective of its home, family, close friends, and anything that it considers important, and it will lash out if these important things are threatened. The Cancer glyph are breasts that reference the caretaking qualities of the sign.
Leo-The Lion
The lion is an appropriate symbol for the regal sign of Leo. Lions are the kings of the jungle, and in astrology, Leo is represented by the sun which is the luminary that represents all the planets in the solar orbit making it the center. Lions are also known for being courageous leaders in the animal kingdom. Leo possesses the same courage, regal presence, and innate leadership ability that enables it to own its life. The glyph for Leo is the mane of the lion…and this is applicable because those who are Leo dominant tend to have noticeable hair.
Virgo-The Virgin
Virgo’s symbol is the virgin. While there is much focus on virgins not having sex and/or being celibate, there is a deeper meaning which includes the concept of being whole unto the self. The virginal nature is private and personally intact…like Virgo. Virgins are considered “pure” which aligns with the Virgoan nature of being tidy and living an overall “clean” life. The glyph for Virgo is what appears to look like an M with an inward wrapping tail. This can be interpreted as the sexual organs with the tail closed inward away from the outside…like a virgin keeps its sexual energy to itself.
Libra-The Scales
As the sign of balance and harmony, it is no wonder that scales are Libra’s symbol. It is important to note that the scales are actually not even. They are slightly off. This represents Libra’s constant seeking of equilibrium and harmony. Likewise, the scales are a symbol of justice and represent Libra’s desire to be fair in all circumstances. The glyph associated with Libra is the equal sign and leverage of scales.
Scorpio-The Scorpion/Eagle/Phoenix
As the sign of transformation, Scorpio has several symbols. Most are aware of the scorpion which represents Scorpio’s basic energy. There is also the eagle and the phoenix which are the elevated energies of Scorpionic expression. At its basic, the scorpion is known for its stinging tail which is used to protect itself from those that it deems threatening. Scorpios are known for their ability to sting and leave others with deep wounds when doing so. However, there are higher expressions of Scorpio as represented by the eagle and phoenix. The phoenix especially represents the transformative energy of Scorpio where everything that once was is burned off so that rebirth is achieved. The glyph associated with Scorpio is an M with an upward tail which is believed to be associated with sexuality.
Sagittarius-The Archer
The archer is an applicable sign for the ever-moving Sagittarius. Archers set their sights on something and shot an arrow to their destination. True to Sagittarius’ nature, it is always seeking out something else that is beyond where it currently is. Whether this is an exotic trip to a foreign land or the pursuit of higher knowledge through the halls of academia. The thing about the archer aiming its arrow is that no one knows where the arrow may land which is indicative of the freedom-loving nature of Sagittarius. The glyph associated with Sagittarius is the arrow on a bow.
Capricorn-The Goat
Capricorn is represented by the grounded mountain goat. Capricorn’s are always working to achieve something which is why the mountain goat and its trek up the mountain are very applicable. Likewise, mountain goats prefer high places and seek them out similar to Capricorn. The mountain goat takes its time climbing the mountainside to reach its destination, and this requires the hard work that the Saturn-ruled Capricorn is known for. The glyph associated with Capricorn is a combination of the goat’s beard and the tail of a fish as Capricorn was once described as being a sea-goat.
Aquarius-The Waterbearer
The eccentric Aquarius is represented by the water-bearer. The water bearer is the person that brings insight to humanity. Ruled by Uranus, Aquarius is ahead of the game and often receives insight from “downloads” beyond this realm. A highly mental sign, Aquarius is aloof yet still connected to humanity. Like its symbol, Aquarius seeks to help humanity progress forward by moving it beyond its past limitations by washing away the past (with the water) offering a clean slate for new innovative ideas. The glyph associated with Aquarius is the symbol of water that comes from the barrel.
Pisces-Two Fish
As the final sign, the duality of being in the world but also of Spirit is represented by the two fishes connected at the tail for the sign of Pisces. Pisces is a mutable sign that has one foot in this world in one foot in the next. In many ways, Pisces is aware that it is navigating two worlds at once, and oftentimes for this sensitive sign, the veil between the physical and spiritual worlds is thin. The two fish symbol also represents the encompassing nature of duality where we are both things at once…the saint and the sinner…heaven and hell….black and white…because Pisces represents Oneness and ultimately the return to Oneness. The glyph associated with Pisces is two fish swimming in opposite directions-one upstream and one downstream held together by a solid line that represents the physical world