Pluto Goes Direct in Capricorn, Bringing Tricks and Treats This Spooky Season

In astrology, Pluto is one of the most mysterious and feared forces in the sky. Representing destruction and rebirth, the planet can be harsh and intense. Although Pluto is known for removing things or people from our lives, there’s a purpose behind every choice it makes. As the planet takes away the things we no longer need, it also fills the gaps with new people, knowledge or passions that we need to get us to the next level in our lives.
While this process isn’t necessarily fun, it’s critical for helping us evolve and grow to meet our destiny. Going direct in Capricorn on October 8, the planet’s influence is ambitious and direct, focused on reaching our long-term goals and destinies. However, for each of the zodiac signs, Pluto focuses its transformative energy differently. Where will you feel the planet’s impact most? Check your horoscope below to find out!
ARIES (March 21 – April 19)
Read More »Of course, this doesn’t mean we recommend that you suddenly quit your job. However, if you’ve been struggling with your work/life balance or want to chase a passion project, this is the time to start taking steps toward achieving your dreams. Don’t be afraid to dream out loud, sharing your ideas with friends and family that may have critical advice or connections that can give you the best possible shot at success.
TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)
Your preference for stability and comfort has led you to stay silent about some behaviors or situations that you don’t like. You may be aware that some things need to change or you could be experiencing some anxiety as an unconscious sign of trouble. Regardless, Pluto is coming to bring you face to face with the reality of what you’ve been getting as opposed to what you really deserve.
The transformative planet is telling you to raise your standards and challenge your limitations. As the year continues, your eyes will be open to a parade of opportunities for personal growth and higher learning. Your ability to reach your full potential is limited only by your ability to believe that you are worth the investment; don’t be afraid to push yourself and you’ll be amazed at how your life changes by the year’s end!
GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)
You can’t drive forward while looking in the rearview mirror! Although you’re looking for a fresh start, you’re still afraid to fully close the book on your past. Lingering grudges and resentment are sucking up your energy, playing a role in how you make decisions and take risks.
Pluto direct is bringing these issues to the surface, giving you the chance to conquer them once and for all. The planet is pushing you out of your comfort zone, telling you not to settle for what you have today. Although you’ve gotten used to the status quo, you’re meant for so much more. Use this period of clarity to plan your next steps and act boldly!
CANCER (June 21 – July 22)
As you think about the friends that played a big role in your life over the past few years, you may notice that some people haven’t been as present in recent months. Pluto, the planet of destruction and elimination has been slowly separating you from certain energies that you don’t need at this specific time in your life. That doesn’t mean that these friendships are over, just that you may need to make some extra space right now for the people that will bring you to the next stage of your personal growth.
Don’t be distracted by temporary losses; friendships that are meant for you will come back into your life with time. As Pluto gives you the ability to visualize your future with new clarity, focus your attention on making lasting changes to get you closer to your long-term goals, closing big deals relating to your home, business and finances. In the space the planet has created, you’ll also find that you can welcome new or deeper romantic relationships – possibly finding your life partner, moving in together or expanding your family!
LEO (July 23 – Aug. 22)
You may have been feeling a little lost or out of control lately. While the days may pass slowly, the weeks are flying by and you’re starting to wonder whether your work has truly made a difference. Pluto is telling you to forget about the past and think far into the future. What is the legacy you want to leave behind and how do you want people to remember you?
This applies to all areas of your life, especially your interactions with others through relationships or charitable service. Take advantage of Pluto’s clarity to declutter old habits and replace them with new ones that set you on a path to be the “you” that you’ve always wanted to be. Part of this new road includes careful examination of your mental and physical health; you need to care for yourself before you can care for others!
VIRGO (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22)
When it comes to having fun, there have been some hobbies you’ve wanted to pursue. However, you’ve been held back by the worry that others may judge your new interests. This is your time to step out on your own and stop following the pack! Pluto is giving you new feelings of confidence and comfort in your own skin.
Spilling over into your personal life, this confidence is helping you move past any old fears of rejection or judgment in your relationships. Embrace your emotions and stand up for what you want (and need) from your romantic partners! Your love life will thank you as you enter the holiday season ready for fun and uninhibited passion.
LIBRA (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22)
As Pluto moves through Capricorn, it’s been shining a light on any cracks in your foundation. You may have to face some issues or trauma from your childhood so that you can start to think about setting down roots in the present. Moving direct, Pluto is giving you the clarity to look at your current situation and assess whether you are living in the right environment for growth.
If your home life as a child or teenager was a little chaotic, you can now define your own space, rooted in security and comfort. If you’re currently in a relationship, you may have noticed that Pluto has been pointing out issues by causing friction between you and your partner over the last few months. Now, the planet is empowering you to tackle the issues it’s identified head-on with honesty and compassion, to create a stronger foundation between the two of you.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21)
As the super sleuth of the zodiac, it’s fair to say that you’re always clued into the latest gossip. In the past, you’ve enjoyed watching the drama unfold, although keeping it at an arm’s distance. As fun as this has been, Pluto is now telling you that it’s time to mature and rise above petty friendships and problems.
This planet will be leading you toward new interests while placing older, influential people in your path. In the coming months, you’ll start to notice a change in your communication abilities and begin to be taken more seriously by those around you. As you become more influential, make sure you are using your new powers for good, inspiring and helping others to grow with you.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21)
What do you value most? Pluto is helping you take a look at your relationship with money and material goods. This is the time to take an honest look at spending and attachment to physical objects. Are you making purchasing decisions based on emotion instead of need?
Just as Pluto helps to teach you financial responsibility, it’s also urging you to look at the role that money plays in your life. If you’ve been obsessing about money, either a lack of resources or a fixation on earning more, it’s time to step back and look at your priorities from a higher level. As you chase material gain, are you sacrificing relationships and hobbies that bring you the greatest joy in life? It may be time to rebalance.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)
With Pluto sitting right in your sign, the planet going direct will impact you more significantly than the other signs, hitting you right in your core. For you, Capricorn, Pluto in retrograde may have been causing you to question your self-image, how you self-identify and how you want to be seen by others. Now that the planet is direct, you’ll be able to get some answers and see a clearer picture of your destiny.
To keep you on your toes, Pluto has slowly been taking some of your comforts away. This can show itself as organizational changes at work or as a loss of relationships and hobbies in your personal life. While this has led to an uncomfortable few months, pushing you out of your comfort zone is just Pluto’s way of getting you ready to shift to a whole new level. Get ready for your career to take off as your new identity begins to take shape.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18)
For you, Pluto in Capricorn can be a bit of a trickster. Subconsciously affecting your vision of reality, you may have unintentionally self-sabotaged your goals or relationships by over or underestimating your abilities. Distorting your vision, it’s been easier to blame problems on others than to take personal responsibility.
When Pluto goes direct, it gives you a new sense of clarity when it comes to the world around you. It’s time to challenge and shed old beliefs and limitations in order to create a new, clear vision of the future. As you redefine how you look at the world and create your place in it, you’ll find guidance in the most unexpected places. Lean into new relationships and open your mind to new perspectives. You’ll feel like a new you by the end of the year!
PISCES (Feb. 19 – March 20)
Pluto has been challenging your relationships, helping you figure out who your true friends are. This can be a painful process as some people fail to rise to the occasion when you need them most. However, you’ll find that your biggest supporters may be people that you’ve overlooked or undervalued in the past.
As Pluto continues to redefine your social circle, it’s pulling positive influences into your life. While you’ll still have to be cautious about who you trust completely, the planet helps make it easier to see the true intentions of others. As you move into the next year, make sure you’re using Pluto’s influence to be selective about who you surround yourself with. You’ll be tackling some of your boldest goals yet, leaning on your support system for advice and encouragement along the way.