Do you know someone that can never make a decision? Well, according to astrology, Libras are the most indecisive of them all. They typically have an issue coming to a decision because they are always considering the options.
When there are so many perceptions and options, this can create the fear of missing out. Libra is afraid that there is something out there that could potentially be better than what they have and/or know. For this reason, Libra has a hard time making a choice.
Libra & It’s Scales
Read More »In relationships, Libra may desire an equally balanced 50/50 partnership. However, in most cases, Libra is doing the bulk of the compromising and is far more willing than their counterparts to make concessions to maintain peace and harmony. Libra has the innate understanding that in order to keep a relationship, they have to think beyond themselves. Because of Libra’s willingness to consider the other, this can lead to indecision.
The Quest for Fairness
Libra’s indecision is also motivated by the desire for fairness. This is related to the balancing of the scales. Just think of the image of Lady Justice holding the scales. Oftentimes she is depicted with a blindfold representing the objectivity of the law. Libra is willing to entertain all perspectives which is one of the reasons why they make some of the best mediators and judges because they use the practicality of their air sign element and they apply it in a logical way to resolve discord. Libras don’t want to make a decision unless they know the final judgment is fair. By considering the other perspective, Libra understands that there is an opportunity to resolve conflicts to achieve harmony and equilibrium.
Libra & The Flip Side
Because Libra is a relational sign, they’re always considering what the other person wants in order to meet needs. The use of charm and charisma allows Libra to play multiple sides which is why they have a reputation for being wishy-washy and indecisive. Even if Libra doesn’t necessarily agree with another’s perceptions, Libra will compromise and remain objective. In the end, Libra doesn’t want to take a position that could cause dissension, so it will adapt to others and compromise itself to benefit others.
Open to Consideration
Libra’s indecisiveness is a result of its ability to be open to consideration. Unlike Aries who is only motivated by its own self-directed actions, Libra is willing to consider everything in an attempt to not appear contrary. Despite the fact that Libra is considered the peacemaker of the zodiac, they do enjoy spirited debates where everyone’s perspective is valid. Libra will even play devil’s advocate just to make an argument on a particular subject. This is what makes Libra some of the best mediators because they know how to play both sides of the fence.
Given that Libra is aware of its presentation to the world, they are always making sure that they meet social expectations. This results in Libra adopting a genial nature that makes them forwardly pleasant, charming, and easily changeable to others. However, this instinctive compromising nature also makes Libra appear to lack a sense of self because they are so open to everyone’s perspective in order to maintain harmony.
Don’t ask Libra to choose a position. They are too concerned with remaining neutral in order to appear congenial and pleasant. If Libra doesn’t pick its side, then there is no one to oppose.
Fear of Missing Out: Libra & Relationships
Libra can be quite indecisive when it comes to relationships. This can lead to a fear of missing out. As a social sign, Libra is open to different people. They enjoy meeting those with different perspectives, and when it comes to relationships, Libra not only seeks those who are aesthetically pleasing but also mentally stimulating.
If Libra can get everything it wants in one person, that is ideal. But what if this is not possible? What if a person that is physically attractive is not capable of mental stimulation? What if the person who is mentally engaging does not meet Libra’s beauty ideals? How does Libra balance this relationship conundrum? Libra doesn’t know. Perhaps Libra doesn’t want to choose. Choosing means having to give up an option and leaving something on the table. Libra doesn’t want to give up its options, so Libra will simply not choose.
This unwillingness to make a decision is often attributed to Libra leaving their options open… even while in a relationship. After all, Libra could meet someone at a local coffee shop and have a brilliant conversation that offers additional mental stimulation. Libra doesn’t want to give up its connections. It enjoys working in a room using charm to play the field and enjoy all the light-hearted experiences that life has to offer. To Libra, it’s not a big deal. It’s just a small dalliance that isn’t too deep. So, Libra won’t choose, and it will keep its options open. Libra doesn’t want to miss out on a good thing.
For Libra, this fear of missing out is often linked to the idea that if Libra does commit, something better and more aligned with their perception of beauty, peace, harmony, and value. This is particularly true if Libra is experiencing relationship issues. Libra has the ability to make a compromise with itself about keeping its options open because Libra is not happy, so why not consider other options?
For some Libras, the impulse to be in a relationship can lead them to get married, and for some at a young age. The indecisive nature of Libra as well as the availability of options can create a fear of missing out despite an already existing relationship. Through Libra’s lovely social encounters, they may consider that perhaps there is something better out there. After all, there are so many appealing partners, and Libra is quite attractive and easy to engage with. But wait. Libra is married. This willingness to be open to others while in a committed relationship is a reason why some consider Libra wishy-washy and indecisive, and not always trustworthy in relationships.
It is important to note that a Libra that is interested in fairness and justice will understand how important it is to consider partners who provide the variety that Libra is seeking. Doing so can possibly prevent unfair actions such as lying. two-timing, cheating, and infidelity in an attempt to pursue others from the perspective of the grass being greener on the other side.
Until Libra gets to this point of maturity, there could be the potential to leave the door open to others for relationships because perhaps there’s something better, something more compatible, something that offers more equilibrium and engagement to Libra’s experience.
The Weight of Decisions
Oftentimes Libra doesn’t want to come to a decision because they are unsure, and they want to come to a conclusion from a balanced, fair position. If a decision is mandatory, Libra will reach into the experience of the previous sign, Virgo, and stick to the available facts. It is through the objective, fair review of information that Libra is able to come to a conclusion when necessary.
A perfect example of this is the court TV shows. Libra takes on the role of the judge that holds the responsibility of considering both sides and reviewing the available evidence before making a final judgment. For Libra, this is an everyday experience where they weigh information in order to decide what is fair for themselves and all parties involved.
So, contrary to belief, making an objective, balanced, just decision is not a small feat. Libra knows that there are ramifications when choosing, so it is important to choose wisely. Understanding this, it should come as no surprise that the sign of Libra works at its best, in an exalted state, under the planet Saturn, the planet of responsibility and accountability. Why is this? Because Libra is the one sign that will weigh options and come to a conclusion that is based on logic, and objectivity as opposed to subjective feelings.
Now we know why it is difficult for Libra to decide. More than any other zodiac, Libra is aware of the weight of making a choice. They would rather hold off and experience the various options without a commitment than align themselves with a choice that could end up being unjust and unfair.