March 7, 2023, marks a major shift in energy as the planet of accountability, responsibility, and karma moves into the sign of Pisces. For the last three years, we have been dealing with Saturn in Aquarius and all the lessons that have come from understanding how we relate to others in groups and collectively, how we show up as friends, our space within society, and our use of technology.
As Saturn moves into Pisces, we are wrapping up a 29-year Saturn cycle that started back in 1993. The next three years are important in understanding how we are using our spiritual selves in these physical bodies to create the lives of our dreams as well as being accountable for everything from escapism, our use of spiritual energy, and karmic returns via the use of our energy.
Saturn Moves Into Pisces
Read More »Saturn moves into Pisces: Mar 7, 2023, to May 24, 2025
Saturn retrogrades into Aquarius: May 25, 2023, to August 30, 2023
Saturn returns to Pisces: Sep 1, 2025, to Feb 13, 2026
With Saturn moving into Pisces, this begins a three-year transit of Saturn moving through the dreamy, mystical waters of Piscean energy. In many ways, this is going to be a reckoning of all things related to Pisces. From facing whether we are living up to our potential in achieving our dreams to being accountable for our addictions, escapism, and even karmic reckoning for the energy we have given out, these are the common themes that come up over the next three years. What is significant about the Saturn in Pisces transit is that it is officially wrapping up a 29-year Saturn cycle that begin back in 1993. For those of you who were alive around this time, you may want to look back to see what was going on in your life at this time as it could give you an idea of what themes could come up and what needs to be addressed during this current Saturn in Pisces transit.
Finally, given that Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac before exiting the astrological wheel and transitioning to Source to either remain in Oneness or incarnate again through rebirth in the sign of Aries, we are faced with the karma that has been accumulated over the past 29 years. Many will be reaping the energy that we have put out whether for good or for bad. More than any other zodiac sign, Pisces understands that everything is energy and with the combination of Saturn, this Saturn in Pisces reveals to us in real-time that we can only get back the energy that we put out. So, get ready to receive major lessons in owning and using our energy over the next three years.
Major Themes of Saturn in Pisces
To provide some clarity about what to expect and how to navigate this new Saturn transit, especially a transit in a sign that is hard to understand such as Pisces, the following are some major themes that will come up for review and understanding during the Saturn in Pisces.
Are You Living The Life of Your Dreams?
Pisces energy is all about the dreamscape. While many people have to go to sleep to live their ideal lives, Saturn in Pisces gives us room to take pause and consider whether we are truly living up to our potential and using this physical experience to create the life desired. There are many dreamers out here, and one of the aspects of Pisces energy that is incredibly frustrating is Pisces is often a great dreamer that doesn’t put in the effort to make those dreams a reality. It’s as if those dreams get stuck in the realm of nebulous mysticism and never get grounded in the physical realm. Over the next three years, we will actually get a chance to make our dreams a reality…if we so choose.
However, if we think making our dreams a reality is just going to happen by through magical thinking, we are fooling ourselves. After all, this is Saturn in Pisces, and if we want to make our lives the dream that we desire, we are going to have to put in the work. For those who have been frustrated with their lives wishing and hoping to revel in imagination and the dreamscape, it’s time to get real under the energy of Saturn in Pisces. That saying that life is but a dream is possible, and if we want the dream, we’ve got to be willing to put in the work to get it.
Taking Off The Rose-Colored Glasses
Speaking of dreams and imagination, the Saturn in Pisces transit can be harsh for those who don’t want to see reality for what it is. Pisces energy does have the habit of wearing rose-colored glasses and only seeing things how they want to see them. This can lead to a lot of illusion and delusion and even create circumstances where people are taken advantage of and deceived all due to not being in touch with reality. Under the energy of Saturn in Pisces, expect a wake-up call for those who are set on living in the land of make-believe, fairytales, and fallacies.
The ones who make it through this transit successfully learn the lesson that taking off those rose-colored glasses allows for seeing things with authenticity. This allows all of us to use our energy effectively. It’s hard to do this when we are living in illusion and being delusional. Those who refuse to take off the rose-colored glasses voluntarily will find that Saturn will do so for them. This has the potential to cause some unfortunate emotional, physical, and spiritual upheavals forcing us to learn that the illusions that we have been holding onto are simply nothing more than self-concocted deception that does not truly add any value to our lives.
Contrary to popular belief, Saturn is not trying to be mean or rain on our parades. It is trying to teach us a lesson that until we are able to see things for what they truly are it will be difficult for us to use energy effectively.
Nowhere To Escape
Escapism is a major theme of Pisces energy. Now, this is not always bad. Because Pisces is deeply empathic, it is often necessary to move away from everything for replenishment. Escapism can encompass anything from zoning out via music and art to using substances such as alcohol or drugs to evade our issues and problems. However, the latter is where the issue comes in. Trying to escape from problems doesn’t solve anything. Over the next three years with Saturn in Pisces, anyone that tries to use escapism as a way to avoid accountability is likely to experience major issues.
Saturn simply won’t allow a lack of accountability and responsibility no matter what sign it transits. While we were once able to put on those rose-colored glasses and ignore all those things that made us uncomfortable, the red flags, the clear self-deception as well as the deception from others, this Saturn in Pisces transit will force us to confront what we are running from.
A Karmic, Spiritual Reckoning
Both Saturn and Pisces energy rule karma. Saturn is about reaping what we have sown and Pisces energy represents the culmination of the spirit existing in the flesh on the astrological wheel. Thus, the combination of Saturn and Pisces is quite karmic. It’s important to note that in society, especially in the West, we associate karma with the negative. However, karma is not negative or positive.
Karma is actually neutral. Karma is simply the return of the energy that we have given out. With this understanding, we will all get a clear reality check, courtesy of Saturn energy, of how we have handled our energy over the next three years as Saturn moves through Pisces. Some of us may get a mixed bag of good and bad. Some of us could see our lives change substantially and magnificently in spiritually uplifting ways due to our positivity accumulated through right action. Others of us, well, we’ve got a lot of not-so-nice energy coming to us, and we’ve got no one to blame but ourselves for the energy that we have given out. Sorry, but perpetual victimhood won’t work during Saturn in Pisces.
It is important to remember that energy is something that we can control for ourselves, so over the next three years the karmic returns that we receive are based on what we have given out in this physical realm. If we like what we’ve gotten perhaps we should continue utilizing our energy in positive ways to continue receiving this energy in return.
However, if over the next three years, we are experiencing setback after setback and limitation after limitation, we may really want to consider the energy that we had given out in totality in the past and its current karmic impact on our lives. Ultimately, Saturn in Pisces gives us the great lesson that we can only give what we give…for better or worse.
Wrapping Up A 29-Year Cycle
Finally, the Saturn in Pisces transit is significant because it is a wrapping up of a 29-year Saturn cycle. The last time Saturn was in Pisces was from May 1993 to April 1996. On a personal and collective level, it is important to consider the happenings of this previous Saturn in Pisces transit to get an idea of what could be experienced in this current Saturn in Pisces transit of 2023-2026. For those who remember what they were going through back in May 1993 to April 1996, this is an important time to wrap up long-term lessons and release that which is no longer necessary so that once the Saturn in Pisces transit ends we are able to transition into and be accountable for the newness under the Saturn in Aries transit.
Ultimately, the Saturn in Pisces transit brings an awareness of the accountability and responsibility of being spirit in flesh. There is always talk about being spiritual beings in physical bodies, but what exactly does that mean? Are we being accountable for how we use our energy in this physical room? Are we going into victim mode and using escapist tendencies to avoid reality, or are we truly harnessing our energy in a way that gets us the lived experience that we desire? These are all questions, concerns, and lessons that are waiting to meet us as we navigate through Saturn in Pisces.