
Saturn Moving Into Pisces Wraps Up A 29–Year Cycle

March 7, 2023, marks a major shift in energy as the planet of accountability, responsibility, and karma moves into the sign of Pisces. For the last three years, we have been dealing with Saturn in Aquarius and all the lessons that have come from understanding how we relate to others in groups and collectively, how we show up as friends, our space within society, and our use of technology.

As Saturn moves into Pisces, we are wrapping up a 29-year Saturn cycle that started back in 1993. The next three years are important in understanding how we are using our spiritual selves in these physical bodies to create the lives of our dreams as well as being accountable for everything from escapism, our use of spiritual energy, and karmic returns via the use of our energy.

Saturn Moves Into Pisces

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