From August 11th to September 3rd love is about to get a fiery boost as Venus, the planet of love, relationships, and finances transits through the courageous, self-confident, and dramatic sign of the Leo. For the next four weeks, we can expect love and finances to be bolder, more courageous, and deeply heartfelt.
Under the energy of Venus in Leo, were are likely to want to experience a love that is magnificent and grand where being adored and admired is definitely part of the mix. So, get ready because Venus in Leo is offering us love on a golden platter.
When Venus Meets Leo
Read More »This is definitely a time when we seek relationships with partners that will admire and adore us. Being flattered and put on a pedestal is definitely a highlight of the Venus in Leo transit. In a major way, there is a lot of ego investment in our love relationships at this time. Thus, we will want to be with someone that reflects the high standards that we have for ourselves in love.
Given that our egos are invested in love at this time, the Venus in Leo transit does prompt us to choose partners that make us look good. After all, despite Leo’s confidence, this energy does care what others think. Because of this, at this time, our partners must be reflective of our current grandiosity.
The Venus in Leo transit is the state of perpetual romance. So, get ready to wine and dine your love interests because Venus in Leo definitely wants to be loved, pampered, and adored.
Love Being Adored
Have you ever experienced loving someone from your heart? Well, with the experience of Venus in Leo, we will take love and relationships up a notch where being adored and fawned over is important. Venus in Leo will have us seeking and giving compliments and telling our love interests just how much we like them, and we will expect to hear this back! Venus in Leo will settle for nothing less!
Under this transit, Venus in Leo wants people to know they are in a great love affair. Venus in Leo isn’t one of those cold, aloof placements where love is purely a mental pursuit. This energy wants us to love from the depths of our hearts. At this time, we are very attracted to individuals who can supply us with a steady flow of admiration and exaltation. As long as we give out love and adoration, it is very likely to come back to us as Venus in Leo definitely wants all the love they give out to be returned in favor.
Generous with Finances
The influence of the Venus transit in Leo also impacts finances, so we can expect lots of generosity when it comes to money. Venus in Leo wants the best, and the best usually costs a bit more than what is commonplace.
So at this time, we may find ourselves spending a bit more, especially on things that make us feel good such as nice clothes or entertainment. All of the glitter, glamor, and extravagance are definitely worth the expense with Venus transiting Leo. The Venus in Leo transit will also have us spending money on others. Leo is a generous, heart-centered sign that propels us to spend money on the people that mean the most to us.
When it comes to earning money, the Venus in Leo transit wants work to be enjoyable as well. If we are in employment that is a bit drab and boring, we could feel anxious. Sometimes our work environments don’t allow us to embrace the energy of fun, so the best advice is to get the job done so that we can have ample time to enjoy those closest to us. Perhaps we could even spend time with co-workers enjoying drinks or dinner after work.
Some Considerations for Venus in Leo
This particular Venus transit has us seeking romance. If love feels a bit stagnant at this time, Venus in Leo can definitely add some fire back into our relationships. For those who are coupled, this is an excellent time to date our partners as if we are courting again. Go out on dates, get dressed up, flirt with each other, and simply enjoy the experience of getting to know our partners all over again.
For those in the dating phase, it’s very likely we’ll attract suitors that are definitely into us. But, we only want genuine interest and flattery. Also, the more confident potential dates are the more likely we are to consider them as potential romantic partners.
Because Venus in Leo has our egos are deeply invested in love and relationships, infidelity is a big no-no. This is because Venus in Leo genuinely does not take well to being cheated on due to its exceptional view of ourselves at this time. So, if we should experience cheating energy at this time, we definitely feel as if we have taken a major blow to our egos and hearts. In fact, true to the nature of Venus in Leo, being cheated on at this time will definitely hurt our pride.
Regarding finances, the Venus in Leo makes us extra generous, and we want this energy reciprocated. While there’s nothing wrong with being generous with our finances, it’s vital that we have funds to do comfortably. Let’s not put ourselves in debt to try to impress people, especially in a romantic sense. Likewise, in terms of handling our finances, it’s essential that we balance our desire for the luxuries of life with proper financial management.
In all, the Venus in Leo transit opens up our heart space to enjoy love and finances to the fullest. We get to enjoy being adored and pampered and have this energy returned to us in full. For the next four weeks, our hearts will guide us to experiences that offer us the opportunity to be held in high regard courtesy of Venus in Leo.
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