Every year on July 2, we celebrate World UFO Day to raise awareness of Unidentified Flying Objects and the possibility that they may be visitors from another planet. But why is this important, and how can you get involved? If you’re reading this, you’ve likely had a close encounter with a UFO. Maybe even more than once. That goes to show how commonplace these strange sightings are in our world.
Many people believe that UFOs’ frequent appearance in our culture is more than coincidental. These sightings may well indicate that we’re not alone in the universe. That’s what World UFO Day is all about; raising global awareness of all things extraterrestrial. Hopefully, we will soon discover their hidden message and why they keep appearing in our skies.
Read More »As a result, numerous initiatives by individuals and organizations alike try to shed light on the topic of UFOs and make sure as many people as possible know about them. Let’s take a look at the World UFO Day, why it exists, and how you can join in with World UFO Day celebrations in your local area if you’re interested in doing so.
Why Is World UFO Day So Important?
As we’ve discussed, plenty of people in our society believe that UFOs indicate that we’re not alone in the universe. But why exactly is this important? After all, aren’t UFOs just another conspiracy theory? Well, not exactly. Conspiracy theories are nothing new. They’ve been a part of humanity for centuries. And the truth is, a lot of the time, they’re nothing more than speculation and wishful thinking.
On the other hand, UFOs are things a significant portion of the population has seen. It’s not just a small group of people who believe they’re real. It’s everybody.
Who Is Hosting World UFO Day This Year?
Several organizations host events on World UFO Day every year. In fact, it’s not unusual for more than one group to hold the event. The first group to host World UFO Day was the International Flying Saucer Club, way back in 1950. Since then, the event has been hosted by many different organizations. The most prominent of those is The Mutual UFO Network or MUFON. MUFON is an organization dedicated to the research and investigation of UFOs worldwide, and they’re the ones who are hosting World UFO Day this year
How Can We Discover Whether or Not They’re Extraterrestrial?
One of the best ways to discover whether or not UFOs are an indication that we’re not alone in the universe is to listen to what the extraterrestrial hypothesis has to say. If we take what the ETs have to say seriously, there are plenty of very important messages for us. One of the crucial things that UFOs have to tell us is that we should be less aggressive and more cooperative as a species.
All over the world, there are reports of UFOs attempting to communicate with humanity. However, these communication attempts aren’t always successful because we try to shoot the ETs down. We shoot first and ask questions later because we assume they’re hostile. That kind of aggression isn’t just bad for us; it is also bad for them. It portrays that we’re neither listening nor intending to.
How Can You Celebrate World UFO Day?
If you want to celebrate World UFO Day, there are many ways that you can do so. You can look into your local area’s events for the day and see if you can go along. Alternatively, you can hold your event at home, or you can take part in these events with your friends and family. If you decide to hold your event at home, it can be useful to work out a theme. A theme is a plus because it can help you think of different ideas and topics to explore during your event.
Tips for a Successful Celebration of World UFO Day?
There are many ways to celebrate World UFO Day, and you can use the day to learn more about the topic and have fun with friends and family. However, there are some ways that you can make your celebration of World UFO Day even better.
For a start, try meditating or having quiet time with no electronics in that period. It should be a great break from the everyday hustle. Make the most of the fact that you have a whole day to yourself by taking some time out to explore your thoughts and feelings.
Ask your friends and family if they have ever seen a UFO before. Previous UFO experiences can be an interesting topic of conversation, and you might be surprised by what people have to say. It can also be a great way to connect with your loved ones.
Visit a local museum or art gallery that day. Museums often have thought-provoking items and can be a source of inspiration. Not only will this allow you to explore the wonders of art, but it will also give you a chance to attend a UFO exhibition if there is one taking place.
Go to a special event on your local area’s UFO day. There are many options if you are looking for events on this day. You can find out what events are being held near you by looking online, as discussed above. Some event organizers even print posters and fliers to notify the public of a scheduled event. Don’t forget to check on social media sites like Facebook and Instagram using the relevant hashtags. They could turn out to be the most helpful, as they have revolutionized communication.
Another option is watching a UFO documentary or listening to a podcast about UFOs. This can help shed light on the topic and allow you to learn more about UFOs, even if you have never seen one. YouTube has plenty of exciting documentaries that you can watch on UFO sightings. And if you are looking for thrilling movies on the topic, there isn’t a shortage either. Interesting movies on UFOs include:
• Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers
• Curse of the Man Who Sees UFOs
• Alien Intrusion: Unmasking a Deception
• Walking With the Tall Whites
• UFO: The Greatest Story Ever Denied
The truth is, we don’t know why they keep appearing in our skies. But that doesn’t mean that we can’t find out. It just means that we have to change our attitude towards them. We have to be willing to seek out the truth and learn to see the extraterrestrial hypothesis as an opportunity instead of a threat. World UFO Day is the perfect opportunity to make this change happen.