The ability to heal is a precious gift that can be used to help the self as well as others. In astrology, there are certain sign placements and astrological aspects and points that indicate healing capacity. The following is a brief overview of the astrological signatures that represent healing ability.
The Healers By Astro Sign
Ruled by Mercury, Virgo is one of the most potent healers of the zodiac. Virgo is known for being critical and detail-oriented. This allows them to notice areas that may be a problem and implement practical solutions for repair. It is the reason that Virgo is known as the “fixer” of the zodiac.
Scorpio possesses excellent healing abilities, particularly for traumatic and repressed conditions. Because of their willingness to go where others won’t go, Scorpio can help people tackle long-held barriers that keep them from living a life of wellness. Nothing is too heavy or messy for Scorpio. Due to their ability to probe deeply, Scorpios make exceptional psychologists, and psychiatrists, and are quite adept at alternative healing practices such as soul retrieval.
Scorpionic healing is cathartic and those who experience it are forever changed by it. Similar to Virgo, Scorpio has the ability to use their keen skills to cut out what is ailing someone and bring it from the darkness into the light so that it can be addressed for healing.
Last, but definitely not least, Pisces is one of the most natural healers of the zodiac. They are able to heal due to the influence of their ruler, Neptune. Neptune removes the boundaries which Pisces separate from others. Without these boundaries, Pisces has the unique ability to be able to pick up on practically anything. They can take on the emotions and energies of others through their exceptional Pisces intuition and empathy.
The combination of Pisces’ empathy and compassion makes this sign exceptional at energy healing such as reiki, pranic healing, and/or any healing technique that affects the energy system of the body. Also, Pisces rules the subconscious, and they can access the subconscious through such techniques as hypnosis to help individuals heal themselves consciously by influencing subconscious beliefs.
Just a heads up for Pisces and the use of healing energy. Due to Pisces’ ability to meld with the energy fields of others, they have to be very careful about absorbing other people’s energy. Since Pisces is highly attuned to others, they are very prone to taking on other people’s infirmities and issues as their own. It is paramount that Pisces cleanse thoroughly after performing healing work for others. Also, because Pisces is a water sign, it is imperative that they make sure to replenish their own mental, emotional, and spiritual energies so that they are in a position to assist others on their healing journeys.
Astrology Aspects for Healing
In addition to the above astrological signs prominent for healing potential, there are also specific astrological aspects and placements that are considered healing indicators in astrology.
The 6th & 12th Houses
Individuals that have planets in the sixth and twelfth houses are likely to have indicators for healing abilities. The sixth house is related to Virgo and the twelfth house is related to Pisces. As noted above, both Virgo and Pisces are zodiac signs with prominent healing abilities.
It is important to note that Virgo and Pisces as well as the sixth and twelfth house are on the same astrological axis. While these two signs are different, they are also the same embodying the ability to heal in different ways. Virgo’s healing is more of the physical variety based on fixing the imbalances through the use of exercise, nutrition, the use of plant-based medicine, and massage. With the planets in the sixth house, there is a desire to be of service via healing in practical ways similar to Virgo’s energy.
The 12th house is aligned with the energy of Pisces. The healing modalities are oriented towards the emotional and spiritual realms. Planets in the 12th house can indicate the ability to be a conduit for Source energy for healing the self and others. Much of the healing energy of the 12th house is energetic in nature such as reiki, chronic healing, qi gong, etc. This energetic healing includes the manipulation of internal and external energies to affect healing.
The 12 house/Pisces/Neptune is also connected to psychedelic substances also known as hallucinogens such as psilocybin, salvia, and PCP. These particular substances can be used in ceremony healing rituals to induce altered states or in monitored psychedelic treatment such as psilocybin therapy to assist with such conditions as PTSD and trauma.
Chiron is an essential healing indicator in astrology. It is an asteroid that is associated with the mythological creature centaur who was a wise teacher. Chiron was wounded on the heel by a poisonous arrow. This lifelong wound propelled Chiron to heal others from a place of knowing what it is like to be wounded. Hence the name “the wounded healer.”
Chiron is also associated with the sixth house and Virgo. Those with prominent Chiron energy especially on angles (first, fourth, seventh, and tenth houses) or in connection to the luminaries (sun and moon) often have very powerful healing abilities. Chiron placements in the natal chart are that the individual possesses a unique relationship with healing because they have been wounded themselves. This experience of being “wounded” can show up as health issues or trauma. Such individuals reach a point in their own healing journey where they are prompted to heal themselves…usually, because all efforts to seek healing in traditional ways were ineffective. Through healing the self, the Chironic healer is then able to assist others on their own healing journeys.
This overview of the healers according to astrology provides insight into those who may have an orientation towards helping others on their healing journeys. If you or someone you know has these particular aspects in abundance, it is imperative that we make sure to invest in our own healing so that we can be optimal healers and helpers for others.