On April 27th, 2022 the planet of love, beauty, and relationships, Venus meets up with the transiting Neptune in the sympathetic, compassionate, dreamy sign of Pisces. Expect this astrological meetup to create a desire for spiritual connectivity when it comes to relationships and tons of generosity in financial affairs. Venus and Neptune in Pisces will heighten our imaginations, increase our empath and intuition, and make us more dreamy and romantic.
Plus, Venus functions at its best in the sign of Pisces, so we all have the capacity to experience the power of unconditional love. However, there is always more than one expression of astrological energy, so there are some precautions associated with the Venus/Neptune conjunction due to the heightened Neptune influence. Continue to read on to find out more about how Venus and Neptune getting together in the sign of Pisces will impact you.
Read More »If you’ve been looking for an opportunity to be more spiritually connected, especially when it comes to Venusian aspects such as money and love, the Venus and Neptune conjunction in the sign of Pisces is offering a bounty of spiritual connection. This is the energy of being on a “spiritual high” where you are seeking out spiritual connectivity with everything and everyone.
Neptunian energy is connected to the Oneness of all things, and there is a focus on the essence and the spiritual. At this time, there is a pull towards those things that lead to exploration and discovery of the spiritual self. This is a great time to make space for meditation, yoga, and other spiritual practices that get you back in touch with the core energetic essence of who you are.
Bonding Spiritually
With Venus meeting Neptune in Pisces, when it comes to relationships, the superficial just won’t do. Venus is the sign that rules beauty and relationships, and when it touches Pisces energy there is this desire for deep spiritual connection. Under this energy, seeking the “spiritual other half” is heightened. The Quest for the spiritual soulmate and/or twin flame is enhanced under this energy, and you are likely to be interested in connections that “feel right” emotionally and spiritually.
Heightened Idealism & Compassion
The combination of Venus in Pisces with Neptune in Pisces attracts you to what is beautiful…but Pisces energy understands that beauty has a spiritual element that goes beyond the physical. Given that Venus rules beauty, its connection with Pisces/Neptune enhances the desire to seek out that which is easy and pleasing to the self, but with a touch of something beyond what is seen. With Venus/Neptune in Pisces, seek the beauty in what appears to be unseen.
This energy won’t tolerate ugliness very well. In general, Pisces/Neptune energy is very sensitive and empathetic. It does best going with the flow and allowing things to be as they are without much strife. Thus, this vibe supports ease in relationships with a desire for pleasant interactions that are compassionate, supportive, and empathetic.
In fact, with the enhanced energy of Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces, there is the tendency to place people and especially partners on idealistic pedestals. While Pisces energy can be quite idealistic, it is important to remember people are human, and people aren’t always the picture-perfect ideal that you have envisioned.
With compassion heightened under the Venus/Neptune conjunction, you could feel especially giving at this time. Find a way to make the most of this energy by helping those less fortunate and/or choosing the path of empathy and compassion as opposed to judgment and criticism. This is the vibe of “walking a mile in someone’s shoes.”
It should be noted that while the combination of Venus and Neptune in the sign of Pisces increases the desire to pour into other people and give all that you have, make sure that you are also taking good care of yourself! In some respects, a lack of balance in the giving department can lead to the development of a savior/victim complex. There is a difference between helping others versus attempting to save them from themselves.
Engulfed in the Dream
Dreaming is the realm of Pisces/Neptune energy, and there will be plenty of this energy due to Venus/Neptune in Pisces. At this time, be more mindful of your dreams as they could potentially offer great insights from your subconscious.
Making space for the occasional daydream is suggested with Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces. Going with the flow is highlighted with a desire to escape reality through creative pursuits due to the extra influence of Venus energy. If you’re able, make space for exploring your creativity. Anything from painting to drawing to playing and listening to music is highly recommended at this time as creative processes of all types are deeply appreciated with the energy of Venus in Pisces enhanced by the connection with Neptune in Pisces.
The combination of Venus/Neptune increases the desire to avoid the unpleasant which may make you want to avoid the harsh realities of the real world. Pisces/ Neptune energy is focused on something beyond this physical experience, and sometimes there are difficulties in grounding.
If you find that you are avoiding the mundane tasks of living and/or feel a bit “spacey,” make some efforts to ground yourself by doing something that gets you back in touch with your body.
Beware of the Illusion
Because of the nebulous nature of Pisces energy, the conjunction of Venus and Neptune in Pisces enhances both the dreamy, compassionate, empathetic qualities as well as the confusion, uncertainty, illusion, and delusion associated with Neptune energy. Because Pisces energy lacks boundaries and tends to want to live in the dream world, this can create a lack of clarity that can be confusing for you and everyone else.
Due to Pisces’ laid-back vibe, You may have some difficulty getting motivated as there is a tendency with this transit to chill out and vibe hard. Routines may go by the wayside under this energy if you don’t keep grounded as time is an illusion of the energy of Pisces/Neptune.
You may even find that you need some extra space to deal with details due to the fuzziness of the Venus/Neptune in Pisces effect. difficult to get into a clear routine. If you have the opportunity for some free time, then the energy of Venus/Neptune in Pisces is excellent for enjoying “free time” and releasing yourself from the time constraints and daily expectations.
In terms of relationships, Venus/Neptune in Pisces could present circumstances where you do not see partners for what they are but rather for what you want them to be. Idealizing people often leads to disappointment because you are not perceiving them for who they truly are. This is something to watch out for under this heavy Pisces/ Neptune energy.
Finally, the energy of Venus in Pisces conjunct Neptune in Pisces can create money issues…mainly due to over-extension. Venus rules money in astrology, and under Venus/Neptune in Pisces, there is a tendency to be very very giving. This is lovely…when you actually have it to give. Because Pisces energy can lack boundaries, if you are not careful, you could give away what you don’t have and/or what you really need for yourself.
Likewise, the element of deception associated with Neptune could result in being taken advantage of with money and relationships. This is just something to be aware of as we navigate through the energy of Venus in Pisces conjunct Neptune in Pisces.
Overall, Venus/Neptune meeting up in Pisces is very loving, unconditional, and empathetic energy. This particular astrological event reveals how you can give to other people in relationships and even share your resources with compassion…just make sure that you are taking care of yourself in the process.