In astrology, new moons represent new beginnings, and this applies to all areas of life. It can happen on a micro-level, seen in your daily habits, or on a macro-level, like a major life event. Depending on where you live in the world, the upcoming new moon will take place on August 18 or 19, and it will be in the fixed sign of Leo. Though the new moon’s energy won’t affect everyone in the same way, rest assured that it will affect you somehow. You can choose to be passive and see what newness the cosmos bring into your life. Or, you can choose to be more assertive with that fire energy and improve things in your life.
Read More »Leo energy is one of the most dynamic in the zodiac. This naturally entertaining zodiac sign can tell a great story with added theatrics that will have you crying from laughter. But be careful not to offend one of their loved ones. If you do, you’ll catch an award-worthy dramatic roar from this lion that will make you cry from fear.
Besides the dramatic roar, however, there are several other ways to harness that proud Leo energy during this new moon. Whether or not others are left intimidated has never been Leo’s concern. And for this new moon, it shouldn’t be yours either.
Become A Leader
It is quite common to see people who automatically dismiss the idea of taking a leadership or management role at work or in organizations. Even though they possess all the qualities needed, they won’t even give it a try. Most times, these people are shy and would rather work in the background. Other times, these people may be afraid of the alienation that can come with success. Unfortunately, being in different economic tiers is known to cause tension and jealousy in relationships.
This new moon in Leo, however, gets rid of those concerns regarding shyness and alienation. Instead, it pushes people to take that leadership position despite what others may think. Any relationship that can’t survive because of someone’s success was never truly solid to begin with. So embrace the Leo energy by not caring who is intimidated by your achievements. At the same time, however, acknowledge those who do support you. Those people are part of your tribe.
Also, dismiss any of that negative self-talk that has been floating around your mind. It is causing unnecessary anxiety and stress. If you want that leadership position at your job, local organization, church, or in a group project, then just go for it. Being a leader takes courage, which is something Leo harnesses very well from the sun. Even if you don’t have the sun as your ruling planet, this new moon is especially potent. You can tap into that fiery energy and use it to catapult you into new beginnings.
On a more grand scale, this new moon is allowing people to take leadership of their lives overall. Too often, people look for validation or permission from others to do the things they most want to do and never fully take ownership of their lives. They let life just happen to them. This is the opposite of a Leo. No one tells a Leo what to do. So, chase that dream. Put up those boundaries. Buy the investment property. A Leo in charge not only has the vision, but they also have the motivation to make it a reality. Use that same energy to make things happen in your life.
Get Protective
Anyone fortunate enough to have a Leo in their life knows that this sign will protect their tribe fiercely. These people won’t think twice before standing in between their loved ones and danger. For the upcoming Leo new moon, consider what in your life needs protecting. It’s normal to automatically think of the people in your life, but it shouldn’t stop there. Have you started a creative project that is still in its infancy phase? Are you in a relatively new relationship? Have you recently launched a new business?
It is unfortunate to say, but it’s the truth. Not everyone will be happy with your new endeavors. Jealousy can spring up at any time in people, and you wouldn’t even know it. For that reason alone, when you are in the process of building the foundation for something new, protect it. External influences, like jealousy, can cause structural damage, especially in relationships. The caveat of having new beginnings is that many things remain unknown, like other people’s intentions. So while starting something new is wonderful, it may need to remain under wraps until it’s had enough time to plant some roots.
Build Up Your Confidence
Because Leo’s ruling planet is the sun, this zodiac sign naturally has high regard for themselves and their abilities. In extreme cases, however, this high self-esteem comes off as a palpable arrogance that turns many people off. Yet, when the sign is balanced, their healthy sense of ego is something others should take note of.
As perfect as some people may come off, they too have some area in their life where they don’t feel completely confident. Because the truth of the matter is, everyone suffers from that affliction to one degree or another. Yet, that shouldn’t be the reason to cower away and not put your best effort forward. Experts agree that the more you practice something, the more confident you become in it because the better you become at it.
Are there things in your life you’re afraid to try because you won’t be good at it right away? This Leo new moon is the perfect opportunity to put things into motion. If there’s a business endeavor you want to launch but have been hesitant to, the energy of this moon gives you all the confidence you need to build.
Spread Some Love Around
Those born under the lion’s influence are as loving as they are fierce. Due to their innate warmth, Leos are some of the most generous people you’ll ever meet. They love to shower their family and friends with personalized gifts and attention. As friends, they’re your biggest cheerleaders and most trusted supporters. As parents, their children will always have their adoration.
Considering the state the world is in these days, finding ways to spread love may seem minor in comparison to spreading knowledge, food, or medical aid. But, the truth is, the vibration of love can have miraculous effects. A simple, loving gesture can turn someone’s whole day around.
Perhaps, the act of being generous with your time and not just emotions may feel more substantial. So many non-profit organizations stay afloat with the help of volunteers, who donate their time or resources to their causes. Nowadays, people are exploring innovative ways to uplift each other with the use of online technology. Eco-friendly initiatives are always in need of volunteers, too. Why not go for a walk around your neighborhood, and take note of any places where you can spread some love. It could be as simple as saying hello to your neighbors or becoming a volunteer at the local pet shop.