On March 10, 2022, the asteroid Vesta moves into the airy, fixed energy of Aquarius until May 24, 2022. Vesta rules the sacred flame represented by the virgins that are believed to have protected the city of Rome in ancient times. This energy is geared towards what we hold dear and are willing to devote our sacred energies.
With the energy of Vesta, there is dedication. There is an inner dedication to a personal and/or professional endeavor. With Vesta transiting Aquarius the inner flame is fanned by a dedication to acknowledging and pursuing those endeavors that have a humanitarian purpose.
The Flame of Vesta
Read More »The asteroid Vesta was named after the Roman goddess Vesta which is associated with tending to the home and hearth. With the association with virgins that kept the sacred flame of Rome burning, Vesta has become known for a dedication to a passionate endeavor. In astrology, the sign and house placement of Vesta shows us what we are willing to invest ourselves in with strong, steady energy…similar to the energy of a flame.
In many ways, Vesta energy is a combination of the earthy grounded energy of steady service and dedication associated with Virgo, and the fiery self-starting energy of Aries.
When Vesta Moves into Aquarius
With the current energies of Vesta in Aquarius, the sacred flame that we are tending is one that not only benefits us but society as a whole. We tend to hit the ground running when our focus is one that has some sort of humanitarian and/or social impetus. Currently, there is also support from Saturn in Aquarius as well to support our humanitarian efforts.
The desire to create equality for all of mankind is heightened under the Vesta in Aquarius transit. As we continue to become more acclimated to the Age of Aquarius, further themes of equality for all wil be highlighted. Given that Aquarius is a global sign, expect global issues and concerns to come from and center during this transit.
Is society treating people fairly? Do all people receive what is needed to live a “free” life? Remember, the Aquarius energy wants freedom not only for itself but for everyone else. Is this being granted or is there some elitism to address in our applicable societies? This Vesta in Aquarius transit will bring these issues and so much more to the forefront to be addressed.
On a more personal note, the energy of Vesta in Aquarius is quite impersonal. The desire for freedom and space can create circumstances where there is a need to keep things light for the sake of avoiding emotional entanglements that make associations messy. In fact, this energy can lend itself to devotion towards friendships as opposed to the fixation upon traditional romantic love. With Vesta in Aquarius, think agape love as opposed to passionate romantic love.
Some will find that the Vesta in Aquarius transit peaks the desire to improve humanity through the association with like-minded individuals…especially within a group setting. Under this energy, it is important to be cognizant of what we are supporting and whether or not it is of benefit to and for mankind.
Since astrological energy can go either way, Vesta in Aquarius can show up as forming groups and creating associations that improve the human condition to creating chaos through unbridled, contrarian rebellion. There is a choice in how this energy is channeled.
Making the Most of the Vesta in Aquarius Transit
The expression of the Vesta in Aquarius impacts each of us differently based on where the energy transits our personal natal charts. The following is a brief overview of how the sacred flame of Vesta in Aquarius is tended via the astrological houses. Look for the house cusp where Aquarius lies in your individual natal chart to understand how you will dedicate yourself to the expression of Aquarius energy under the Vesta in Aquarius transit.
First House-The Freedom Seeker
Vesta in Aquarius transiting the 1st house supports using the energy of Aquarius to support the relationship that you have with yourself…even if you have to rebel to do so.
Second House-The Independent Freelancer
Vesta in Aquarius transiting the 2nd house supports a dedication to earning income on your own terms as well as solidifying your own values which will often be different from the mainstream. This is definitely freelancer energy where you determine how and when you work and how you create your own resources.
Third House-The Innovative Communicator
With Vesta in Aquarius transiting the 3rd house there is a dedication to sharing unique ideas and perspectives, especially via major social platforms. Connecting with siblings is also supported under this energy.
Fourth House-A Unique Place to Call Home
Your roots, home, and family are highlighted under the Vesta in Aquarius transit. What makes your family lineage different from the rest, and how can this information help you understand yourself better. Highlights on making your home “uniquely yours” is likely.
Fifth House-The Unique Creative
In the 5th house, Vesta in Aquarius adds a dose of the unusual to creative expression. You’ll seek to be all that YOU can be in all your creative endeavors. Unique self-expression is key! A dose of Aquarian/Uranus energy will also permeate parent-child relationships with a desire to see children harness their own self-expression.
Sixth House-The Humanitarian Servant
With Vesta in Aquarius in the 6th house, there is a dedication to making the world a better place in practical ways. Something as simple as recycling, using “clean” products that better the environment, and seeking equality for the self and others in practical ways is highlighted.
Seventh House-Freedom in Relationships
Vesta in Aquarius transiting the 7th house finds devotion in relationships that honor the desire for freedom and equality. Relationships with a foundation of friendship are highlighted. Contracts and agreements entered at this time are oriented towards the benefit of all parties involved.
Eighth House-Innovative Transformation
The energy of Vesta in Aquarius takes a deep dive in the 8th house. Deep psychological discoveries have the potential to break you free from deep-seated traumas to create genuine healing. Upon rising from the ashes like the phoenix, there is potential to help humanity with what was discovered in the trenches.
Ninth House-Wisdom for Humankind
Vesta’s Aquarius transit through the 9th house has the potential to offer wisdom to humankind by adopting expansive perspectives. Devotion to learning beyond what is known and sharing this knowledge with others for the benefit of humanity is encouraged.
Tenth House-Professional Freedom
With Vesta in Aquarius moving through the 10th house, devotion to the professional and outer expression of freedom is highlighted. Are you working in the manner that you desire? Do your professional and/or worldly ambitions reflect your unique self? These are questions to consider as you devote yourself to your path forward in the world. Remember, to always be true to yourself. In doing so, you will have so much more to offer the world.
Eleventh House-The Humanitarian
The 11th house transit of Vesta in Aquarius enhances the energy and importance of Aquarius/Uranus as the 11th house is ruled by Aquarius. This increases the focus on addressing societal injustices and inequalities. An interest in global and humanitarian concerns is highlighted with a leaning towards working with others to create change for humanity.
Twelfth House-Divine Innovation
Vesta in Aquarius transiting the 12th house is a devotion to the Divine energy of Oneness with a twist of the unusual. This can show up in using spiritual practices to help the collective such as offering energy healing services to the collective, the use of creative arts such as music and art for humanitarian purposes, and/or seeking a divinely guided path in assisting humanity. Bringing “the spiritual” to humanity is highlighted under this specific Vesta in Aquarius transit.
Ultimately, Vesta in Aquarius brings the important reminder that “We are the World.” There is the world of self and the world of the collective. Under this energy, we become devoted to honoring what makes us unique while also honoring what makes others unique as well. In doing so, the differences that separate us have the ability to form bridges that help all of humankind.