You don’t have to be born under the sun sign of Aquarius in order to experience Uranian energy personally. If you’ve always been a bit quirky, avant-garde with a spark of the rebellious, it may be because you have Uranus energy in your natal chart! The following is an overview of the Aquarius planetary placements and how they show up energetically. Continue to read along to find out how you embrace Aquarius energy and let your freak flag fly for all to see.
Sun in Aquarius-The Life the Innovator
If you’ve got the sun in Aquarius this means that you were born during the roughly 30-day period from January 19th to February 19th. Since the sun represents the main motivations of the personality and ego orientation, those with the sun in Aquarius have a life that is centered around the progressive, seeking that which is unusual or different from the norm and wanting to elevate self and society. These are the individuals who care deeply about humanity and the progression of society, and they value teamwork when it benefits the whole. They make excellent friends, although they can be a bit aloof at times. For the sun in Aquarius, living a life that affirms the freedom to be who they are is of the utmost importance, and they don’t just want this for themselves…they want it for all of humanity.
With the moon in Aquarius, this energy can be interesting because there’s a sense of feeling from a distance. With the moon’s ruler connected to the feeling, watery emotional sign of Cancer, sometimes the moon in Aquarius doesn’t necessarily vibe with the energy of the deeply emotional. Remember this is Aquarius energy that seeks out what is different from the norm, and this also goes for the emotional realm. Due to the Uranian influence, there could be something unique or different about the mother or the maternal side of the family. There could be a tendency for those who have a moon in Aquarius to choose progressive forms of housing such as a tiny home, or there is simply something different about the home environment. In terms of the feeling nature, the moon in Aquarius likes freedom. In some cases, this particular Aquarius placement can be accused of being aloof, distant, and emotionally cold. There is a tendency to prefer relationships that are cerebral and friendly as opposed to those that are very highly centered on the emotional.
Mercury in Aquarius-The Genius Mind
The realm of the mental ruled by Mercury connected to the innovative and brilliant sign of Aquarius produces a mental state that some would call genius. Mercury in Aquarius doesn’t really think like other people. They may have far-off concepts that leave others quite perplexed. Mercury in Aquarius is mentally on a different wavelength, and some of them may even receive downloads from “from beyond.” The thinking patterns of Mercury in Aquarius are oriented towards things that expand the consciousness of themselves and others, and this is one particular Mercury placement that enjoys the freedom of being able to think and explore different topics and concepts with absolute freedom. On the downside, Mercury in Aquarius can be a bit stubborn when it comes to their perspectives. This placement may want to be cognizant of being fixed so fixed on progression that it believes others are less intelligent for thinking differently.
Venus in Aquarius-Agape Love
Oh, the placement that is Venus in Aquarius. There’s a lot that has been said about Venus in Aquarius due to its unattached, unemotional approach to love…supposedly. Venus in Aquarius is capable of love, but you seek partners that are unique in some way. Some people with this placement may be interested in alternative relationships which leave space for freedom. Although Venus in Aquarius is not necessarily the most romantic sign, there is a desire to have a partner that is like a best friend. In some cases, partnerships can start out as friendships or form through a friend group. Sometimes Venus in Aquarius is accused of investing more energy into friendships than romantic partners. However, due to the fixed nature of Venus in Aquarius, when you do decide to settle down, it is usually for keeps…as long as the partner of interest offers mental stimulation and respects your desire to maintain a certain level of freedom in your personal life.
Mars in Aquarius-Unexpected Actions
The energy of Mars in Aquarius is quite combustible. It’s like combining the fiery energy of Mars and Aries with the electric lightning bolts of Aquarius and Uranus. With this type of energy, you never really know what you’re going to get. It is quite forceful, and those who have this particular placement natally are something to be reckoned with! Mars in Aquarius wants to be able to do their own thing in their own way at their own time. You aren’t likely to enjoy being bound by fixed schedules and outward demands as the Aquarius element situated with Mars desires the ability to move freely and independently.
Individuals with Mars in Aquarius have the courage to just get out there and do whatever it is that they want to do! Mars in Aquarius energy is like that much-needed spark plug that gets things going and helps to stave off ruts and stagnant energy. On the other side, Mars in Aquarius can result in unexpected actions that can create combustible chaos and confusion. If you have this placement, it’s important to check in and acknowledge how you are channeling Mars and Uranus energy to ensure that you aren’t creating chaos for the sake of it! You may also want to take care of your nervous system as the combination of Mars and Uranus energy can put you on edge. Your life doesn’t have to be chaotic if you learn how to use the energy of the unique blend of Mars in Aquarius energy of innovation, dynamic change, and progression in a concrete manner.
Jupiter in Aquarius-Luck Through the Unique
If you’ve got Jupiter in Aquarius, you will find that your success in life comes through harnessing the energy of Aquarius in a positive manner. This means if nothing else always be yourself, seek out the uniqueness in yourself and others, and go for what is progressive. Doing so will allow you to be an example of what humanity can become if it reaches for the ultimate within itself. Jupiter in Aquarius is great for anyone that wants to advance society and seeks to work with humanity. This placement is also good for teams and groups as long as the group energy encourages the freedom for everyone to be themselves.
Jupiter in Aquarius also represents the expansion of Uranus energy for better or for worse. So, this can also show up as being contrarian and a rebel without a cause, being overly dogmatic about progressive principles and ideas, as well as lacking control of Uranian energy thereby creating chaos. Ultimately, it is up to the holder of Jupiter in Aquarius to decide how to make the most of this energy. As long as you’re seeking out that which allows you the freedom to be yourself, Jupiter in Aquarius will continue to offer its many blessing and luck.
Saturn in Aquarius-Lessons in Freedom
Currently, we are actually going through the last year of the transit of Saturn in Aquarius which ends in early March 2023. There’s been a lot of focus on Aquarian themes such as equity and equality, freedom, technological advances, political ideologies, and more. Saturn in Aquarius asks us to be responsible and accountable for the energy and themes that are associated with Aquarius. Given that Aquarius is oriented towards that which is different and progressive, it’s important to consider how we handle this energy. Are we approaching Aquarian themes in a responsible manner? Are we taking responsibility for the social climates within our particular communities and environments? A major lesson of Saturn in Aquarius is the understanding that freedom does in fact come with a cost.
Saturn in Aquarius reminds us that if you want to be free, you must first be willing to be accountable and responsible for yourself. There’s often this concept that freedom is the ability to do whatever you please. However, the energy of Saturn connected to Aquarius reminds us that true freedom requires self-governance. It’s one of the reasons why Capricorn, the sign of accountability and responsibility comes before Aquarius because to be truly free requires the ability to be responsible to the self.
Uranus in Aquarius-Freedom & Chaos Personified
Uranus in Aquarius is the personification of all things Aquarius where freedom and chaos live as one. This is a special placement as Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius making this energy of one where Uranus comes home to itself creating an amplification of Uranian/Aquarian energy. Despite the electric chaotic energy of Uranus, it’s all about how this energy is handled. Given that Uranus is an outer planet, the energy of Uranus in Aquarius is usually generational. However, there are individuals who can experience this energy more personally if Uranus makes contact with personal planets in the natal chart.
With Uranus in Aquarius, there is a focus on progressing humanity. Individuals born with this particular placement are likely to seek out circumstances that will allow for freedom and equality not only for themselves but for everyone else. Because they have an innate understanding that individuals make up a society, in order to help all of humanity, we must be able to uplight not just a few elite but for everyone. This particular placement brings to light the energy of the Greek Titan Prometheus stole fire from the gods to give it to humanity. Those with Uranus in Aquarius are not likely to prefer circumstances where hierarchy and/or elitism are highlighted. Uranus in Aquarius possesses the innate understanding that we as human beings are all in this together as one kind one humanity.
On the flip side, Uranus in Aquarius can also show up as pure, unadulterated chaos where anything goes. It is important for individuals with this placement to be cognizant of how Uranian energy is used as this energy unchecked can leave behind a trail of chaos due to the inability to harness electric energy in an effective manner. A great example of this would be grounded electricity as opposed to a live wire. The grounded electrical socket is the energy of Uranus channeled in a controlled manner that brings illumination to all whereas the live wire is likely to cause harm through a painful, unexpected shock.
Neptune in Aquarius-Alinging Innovation with Spirit
The Neptune in Aquarius placement is also generational as Neptune is also an outer planet. Individuals born with this placement of Aquarius have the unique ability to combine the innovative with the spiritual. Aquarius/Uranus seeks to elevate humanity while Neptune transcends the idea of humanity to fuse itself with the energy of Oneness. While these two may seem the same, they are not. Aquarius is still attached to the idea of being in the physical and it connects to what makes it unique while Neptune erases boundaries to be in unison with everything. The combination of these two energies can lead to being able to align super-human consciousness with the cosmic that connects everything. An example of this energy is the enlightened individual on the spiritual path that leads back to Oneness.
Neptune in Aquarius also shows up as innovation in Neptune ruled areas such as the arts. Think psychedelic rock where the quirky, innovative energy of Aquarius meets the musical adeptness of Neptune. Advancements in film, energy healing techniques, and the development of superhuman abilities such as the “clair” functions (clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, etc) are possible.
Pluto in Aquarius-Humanitarian Evolution
Currently, there’s no one alive with the energy of Pluto in Aquarius natally. Pluto has one of the longest orbits around the sun. For reference as to how long a Pluto cycle is, the last time Pluto transited Aquarius was in 1777-1798! We are currently as a collective moving into the energy of Pluto in Aquarius when Pluto will move briefly into the sign of Aquarius from March 23, 2023, until June 11, 2023, and then returning for the official 27-year transit from January 21, 2024-January 19th, 2044.
This is some MAJOR energy that will result in a total transformation (Pluto) of society as we know it. Get ready for shifts that are beyond the current perspective and/or consciousness. This is taking Aquarius energy and going where no man has ever gone before! The world as it is known in 2023 will in no way be the same by 2044 at the end of the Pluto in Aquarius transit. For an idea of the energy of Pluto in Aquarius, think of the American Revolution which occurred during Pluto in Aquarius!
Here are some examples of what the Pluto in Aquarius transit will bring.
-New technological advances beyond one’s current perception. While you may be using that smartphone right now, by the time we get to the end of Pluto in Aquarius smartphones will be a relic from the past!
-The rise and firm integration of artificial intelligence and robotics into society.
-A complete annihilation and overthrowing of oppressive regimes.
-The development of progressive political parties.
-Expect a widespread redistribution of power amongst the masses. This could get very interesting…Aquarius in its purest form doesn’t necessarily believe in the king and queen hierarchy. That’s more of Leo’s energy. The power will be placed in the hands of the people…Power to the people, everyone?
-A more extensive exploration of outer space. In fact, there may be some very interesting encounters with alien species at this time.
Overall, the energy of Pluto in Aquarius ensures an overhaul of society that promotes advancements for humankind. It’s quite literally like going from driving cars on the street to living in the world of the Jetsons! The individuals who will be born the energy of Pluto in Aquarius are quite unique because they are the embodiment of the progression and evolution of mankind. Hopefully, these individuals who are born under this energy can lead society into harnessing the superhuman consciousness of Aquarian potential while tempering the more chaotic experiences that can be associated with a Pluto in Aquarius transit.
Here’s to harnessing the energy of Uranus through the sign of Aquarius. It is one of the most exceptional signs because it allows us to embrace humanity by honoring the differences within the whole.