Whether you’re ready or not, the year of 2022 is here. With it comes a number of astrological events. Some are minor, and others are quite major. Brace yourself and be ready by learning the big ones you should know about.
Retrogrades Await Everyone
Read More »- Uranus: This planet is a symbol of innovation and even rebellion. It goes retrograde from January 1 through 18. You might feel your freedom challenged.
- Venus: Money and love are impacted during a Venusian retrograde, and one happens from the start of the year until January 29. Avoid commitments and investments in this time period.
- Saturn: The planet of rules and challenges enters retrograde on January 4. It’s a chance to reshape your life and find new ways to conquer the difficulties in your life.
- Mercury: This notorious troublemaker goes retrograde from January 14 until February 3rd. Spend this time waiting and planning, but avoid confrontation and direct actions. Miscommunication is the norm during a Mercury retrograde.
Jumping Jupiter
Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. It’s also the planet of expansion, optimism, and luck. When 2021 concludes, Jupiter will be Pisces, and it stays there for four months and change. The Jupiter-Pisces connection is usually a time of hope, travel, and spirituality. The energy around everything should be lighter than it was before the 2021 holidays when Jupiter was still in another place. Mutable signs should have a good start to their new year. This includes Gemini and Sagittarius, but Virgo and Pisces are likely to benefit the most.
On May 10, Jupiter will move into Aries. It will stay there until October 28. The cardinal signs will enjoy a better summer and autumn. This includes Capricorn and Cancer individuals, but Libra and Aries people will do the best. An Aries Jupiter means expansive energy. Travel is a great thing to do during this time.
Saturn Remains in Aquarius
Saturn entered Aquarius as 2020 closed out, and it’s going to be there through early 2023. So, the planet governing authority and limits will sit in Aquarius for all of 2022. Anticipate challenges and slow growth as a result, but remember that Aquarius has an independent streak, so there is hope for change eventually. Fixed signs, including Scorpio, Taurus, Leo, and Aquarius, will go through some hard personal development in 2022.
Scorpio and Taurus Eclipses
The current eclipse series of Scorpio and Taurus started on November 19, 2021, but more are coming on this particular axis in 2022.
April 30 features a partial Taurus solar eclipse. The following month will see a total Scorpio lunar eclipse on May 16. October 25 will feature a partial Scorpio solar eclipse, and November 8 will bring a total Taurus lunar eclipse.
An eclipse always happens on either a new moon or a full one. These are possibly highly-charged versions of astrological events that are already substantial in their own right. Anticipate eclipses this year to bring significant revelations.
You Have the Power
While certain things are dictated by the stars, they don’t control your total fate. How you handle these major astrological events in 2022 will help dictate how your year truly goes. These events will influence the energy moving through your life in very real and powerful ways, but with proper knowledge, you can avoid the potential pitfalls and take advantage of the opportunities they bring.