Many across the world are gearing up for a long weekend in reverence and celebration of Easter this Sunday, April 17th into Monday, April 18th. The energy of Easter resonates with the energy of Pisces (sacrifice and salvation) and Aries (rebirth and renewal).
Many will be spending time with loved ones enjoying the new energy of the spring season. Continue to read on for more details on the astrological vibes for this long Easter weekend.
Easter Sunday Astro Energies
Read More »It is quite possible that the full moon energies brought in some interesting revelations that revealed details about our relationship patterns and behaviors with others due to our relationships with ourselves. The energy for much of Easter Sunday will focus on maintaining the balance and social graces offered via the pleasant moon in Libra.
While the full moon in Libra energy will be felt for much of Easter Sunday, the moon is solidly in the sign of Scorpio for the entire day offering the space to delve deeper into our emotional realms. This emotional shift will be quite obvious with a preference for private sharing and the desire for deep intimacy that has the power to transform.
This Easter Sunday communication is highlighted with Mercury in Taurus forming a positive energetic flow (sextile) with Venus in Pisces. Words will be chosen with care and slowly (Mercury in Taurus), and the influence of Venus in Pisces adds a touch of compassion, sensitivity, and spiritual awareness.
This energy promotes ease in communication, so if this Easter Sunday involves spending time with others, expect people to opt for pleasant communication that makes everyone feel comfortable and at ease.
Take it easy this Easter Sunday. Whether we choose to dive deep emotionally on our own or with a few trusted individuals or simply spend time with others that offer pleasant conversations that make everyone feel comfortable and included, it is a good time to just chill out and enjoy the moment.
Easter Monday Astro Energies
Heading into Easter Monday there are few astrological energies that offer a boost. The feeling vibe for most of the day remains deep with the moon in Scorpio. The moon will be void of course before moving into Sagittarius later in the evening.
So, this is not necessarily the best energy for starting new things. Revel in the depth of your emotional realm and what is learned from private emotional exploration. We’ll get the chance to lighten up courtesy of the moon in Sagittarius over the next two days.
Uranus energy is highlighted this Easter Monday. The transiting Mercury in Taurus which offers pleasant, practical conversation meets up with transiting Uranus in Taurus. This conjunction of Mercury and Uranus has the potential to bring in unexpected and/or shocking messages and communication. This energy also has the potential to offer insights that come “from out of the blue.”
There is additional support for Mercury in Taurus conjunct Uranus in Taurus transit due to a positive working aspect (sextile) to Venus in Pisces. Consider embracing the Venus in Pisces aspects of unconditional love, compassion, and empathy.
These traits assist in incorporating the unconventional messages from Mercury and Uranus joining together in Taurus. Plus, since the unconventional messages and information are channeled through the sign of Taurus, the insights offered can be applied in a practical, grounded manner.
With all of this lovely energy, there is some struggle this Easter Monday due to the Sun in Aries squaring Pluto in Capricorn. This creates an energy of ego battles related to the need to be in control. Sun in Aries energy will have us wanting to move forward in our own way, but the challenging energy with Pluto in Capricorn suggests possible conflicts gaining control, particularly with those in authoritative positions.
Given that there is Pluto energy involved here, there is the suggestion of considering why we clash with the authority figures in our lives. Aries energy is “self-possessed” while Capricorn is the karmic taskmaster that often presents delays and obstacles to teach us lessons that mature us.
The Sun/Pluto square presents the possibility to deeply understand (Pluto) why we engage in self-affirming ego (Sun in Aries) and control battles so that we can transform this energy to release the need to battle (Aries) for control and use our power, motivational energy to accomplish what we desire (Pluto in Capricorn).
Overall, the long Easter weekend offers a mix of energy that allows for deep, personal reflection that offers transformation and conversation and messages that provide welcoming insight that can create change that is grounded in reality. Enjoy!
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