
Vesta in Sagittarius: The Hearth Is In The Heart

The power of conviction and the pursuit of universal truth is at the forefront of Vesta’s November 15th transit into fiery, expansive Sagittarius.

Vesta in Mythology

The word “vesta”, according to the ancient historian Ovid, is derived from the Latin “vi stando”, which translates to “standing by power”. In Greek mythology, Vesta is the goddess of the hearth, which also symbolizes family structure, home, and a certain creative power associated with purity, sacrifice, and fertility. In Ancient Rome, one of the most revered temples was that of Vesta’s, represented by an eternal flame guarded and tended by priestesses known as Vestals. Only the Vestals were permitted to enter the temple, and due to this her name became associated not only with the modern understanding of the term virgin but also the concept of purity. She was considered a protector of the city of Rome and was rarely depicted in human form. Vesta was also known to be the sister of Jupiter, and after both Neptune and Apollo sought her hand, she requested to her brother that she be allowed to remain unmarried. Jupiter agreed, and out of gratitude she decided to care for her brother’s hearth and home. Thus, Vesta has a unique position in archetypal representation as she refers to the care of a home and domestic life but not necessary of marriage.

Astrological Significance

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