Love & Money is Not What it Seems with Venus in Virgo Opposite Neptune in Pisces

On September 24th, we are geared up to experience some unrealistic love and financial expectations as the critical and detailed-oriented Venus in Virgo stands across from nebulous, mystical Neptune in Pisces. Under this energy, love and money aren’t what they appear to be.
While we may want definite answers to love, relationships, and finances courtesy of Venus in Virgo, this clarity is not likely due to the opposition with Neptune in Pisces. Neptune in Pisces will basically dissolve any chance of achieving clarity leaving much to speculation. Under this energy, we are not likely to make the best decisions when it comes to love and finances because we are under the Neptunian idealism only seeing what we want to see instead of the reality before us.
Read More »When Venus Opposes Neptune
When Venus, the planet that governs love and finances opposes the dreamy planet, Neptune, our ideals of love and finances come up against stark reality. This is the energy that makes us a dreamer when it comes to money and love. We can place people on pedestals who don’t belong with them.
We can think that our finances are exceptional when in fact they are not. Neptune in Pisces can make us overly idealistic imagining things that simply aren’t real. We could also find ourselves using relationships and finances as an escape from unpleasant realities.
In fact, Venus in Virgo is likely to hone in on our issues in finances and relationships that need to be addressed, but the opposition to Neptune in Pisces is likely to choose escapism instead of the practical fix-it energy of Venus in Virgo. Putting on rose-colored glasses so that we don’t have to see the obvious flaws in relationships and finances is likely at this time.
The opposition between Venus and Neptune does offer us the opportunity to use Virgo’s discernment and/or Pisces’ intuition to our advantage when dealing with finances and love. Discernment and intuition can help us avoid the pitfalls of idealism associated with Venus in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces. It will take effort to implement discernment and heed our intuition at this time to avoid disappointments in love and finances.
Love on a Unrealistic Pedestal
One of the aspects of this Venus in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces energy is the tendency to place lovers on a pedestal. Pisces is seeking the eternal soulmate, and this energy is likely to trip us up when it comes to love. Venus in Virgo wants to put potential lovers through a critical ringer, but the calling for a deep spiritual soulmate via Neptune in Pisces is likely to lower our guard making us susceptible to unrealistic ideals in love and relationships.
Neptune in Pisces has us overlooking obvious flaws and embracing unconditional love for everyone because after all, no one is perfect, right? Unfortunately, this can lead to major relationship and love disappointments.
Projection is also high at this time in relationships where it is possible for us to project our flaws and shortcomings onto others. Venus in Virgo can be critical pointing out flaws and the opposition to Neptune in Pisces does its job as the cosmic mirror reflecting those inadequacies.
Neptune in Pisces has us so caught up in the image of the ideal “dream lover” that we will miss the foreboding details offered by Venus in Virgo. With this energy, even if something is wrong in a relationship or with a prospective lover, we will ignore it as we are caught up in the dream of who we want our lovers to be.
Due to the sensitive, compassionate nature of Neptune in Pisces, there is great potential for spiritual connections at this time. However, the opposition between Venus in Virgo and Neptune in Pisces does require grounding to prevent deception due to our desire to experience an idealistic romantic relationship that doesn’t hold weight in reality.
Ungrounded Finances
When it comes to finances, this is not the best time to make investments. While Venus in Virgo desires discernment and practicality in money matters, Neptune in Pisces could bring in potential financial prospects that aren’t exactly what they appear to be. It is possible that we could encounter situations where we lose money due to money schemes. It is important to try to hone in on the Venus in Virgo energy to determine whether a financial prospect is grounded in reality and fiscally responsible as opposed to a fly-by-night scam.
If considering any investments with partners at this time, it’s best to hold off. Joint financial investments could end up causing relationship troubles because one or both parties are deceptive about finances.
Kindness Perceived as Weakness
The Venus in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces transit can ultimately lead to individuals being taken advantage of by less than honorable characters as it relates to love and finances. The usual Virgo discernment and critical nature are clouded by Neptune in Pisces’ open, giving nature.

When it comes to love, we were likely to attract predators who are more than willing to take advantage of our caring nature. This is the energy of people taking kindness for weakness. Just a heads up. Be careful on dating sites at this time. All that appears dreamy and ideal is not exactly as it appears to be. That dream lover could end up being a nightmare all because we wanted a deep spiritual connection.
When it comes to finances, the energy of Neptune in Pisces could have us being overly generous in trying to help those who are down and out. While helping others is honorable, Venus in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces could bring us in contact with people who embody the energy of the scheming underdog. Yes, there are people down on their luck who take advantage of those willing to offer help. So, beware of people making themselves out to be helpless and downtrodden or damsels in distress in need of fixing (Virgo) or saving (Pisces) as they could potentially cause financial loss.
Dealing with Venus/Neptune Opposition
The best way to get through the Venus in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces aspect is to air on the side of caution when it comes to love, relationships, and finances. Discernment and intuition are valuable assets to assist in avoiding the pitfalls of romantic and financial idealism and illusion.
Under this energy, it is important to take off the rose-colored glasses and avoid projecting unrealistic standards onto others in relationships and in regard to finances. If we are living in a dream world, there’s the potential for major disappointments when others fail to meet the idealistic illusions we hold in love and finances.
On the bright side, this Venus in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces energy creates space for us to explore our emotional and spiritual realms. Dreams can pick up at this time, but we may not want to rely on them for guidance as the information received may not be accurate.
In all, the Venus in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces aspect points to major illusions and delusions in love and finances due to our desire for dream relationships and finances. Under this energy, we are not likely to get the ideal, dream partner or the perfect financial opportunity. Instead, we are more likely to meet up with deception that leads to disappointment in love and finances because we are forgoing the discerning facts of Venus in Virgo for the dream of Neptune in Pisces. It’s best to use the Venus in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces energy to focus on ourselves and what we would like ideally in relationships and finances…without actually pursuing it.