2021 has been a roller-coaster ride for us all. This year gave us all a few retrogrades as well. Another one looms on the horizon, but it brings opportunity. On October 8th, Ceres goes into retrograde. That brings changes the way we interact with one another. Ceres is a dwarf planet. The name is after a Roman goddess of agriculture and motherhood. It’s now going into retrograde in Gemini.
More on This Retrograde
Here are some points to remember for those that want to delve deeper into the opportunity. Here are some points to remember. There are four planets ending a retrograde now. Change has already begun for many signs this past year. As we head into the Ceres retrograde in Gemini, that change is bringing another step in the growth of us all. Some people get upset at a retrograde shift. Remember that it is always a growth opportunity for all. If you decide to not partake in changes, then simply stay neutral when a crisis comes to a head.
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Remember that retrograde is a reversal of the presenting energy. So family turned upside-down sounds scary. You always have the power to make each retrograde a positive change for the best of everyone. Nurturing is the focus of this alignment. Since it’s turned upside-down, you may feel excluded. Feelings of disconnect are common. When you realize that this is temporary, it brings a lesson to light. That lesson is that all things are passing through. When you focus on something, that brings it to your attention. It also provides energy to the thing. Be careful where you put the attention during retrograde. While it can benefit, the journey is rough. When it’s expected, it is easier to handle. Your emotions are better balanced when you can prepare. That’s why this information is so important. You’ll know how to handle the retrograde better.
Overview of Ceres in Gemini
Communication is the highlight of this planetary alignment. It’s all about relationships in the family. Remember that in retrograde, things get messy. If you feel unsafe approaching the family, then always keep up your peace. You can and stay away from conflict. If a resolution to issues is what you want, then this is your go sign from the universe.
Retrograde Transitions
Retrograde transitions happen, the planet moves backward. This causes the power it promotes, to reverse. That can end a relationship. While some believe all retrogrades are negative, there is a “light at the end of the tunnel” for some. Relationships go through changes. Sometimes they need to change. Those changes create growth and abundance in your life. That is why retrograde is beneficial. When you look at how it works, within the universal laws of life, you thrive. Growth is part of everyone’s journey. A peaceful walk through your life means preparing. Those things that come up during a retrograde is a catalyst for growth. Here are those tips for each sign under this retrograde.
You want nothing to do with anybody right now. Who could blame you? You’ve seen some things that you’d rather not. You’ve done some things, that you know weren’t the best decisions for your life. Now you wonder what the universe holds for you next. Then Ceres goes into retrograde in Gemini. You are in the spotlight. You don’t want that. Saddle up, it will be a bumpy ride through this period. If you’re not ready to discuss the dark side of karma, you can retreat. Just remember that this is a chance to mend those relationships.
You are heading inward. This is amazing. During this period of Ceres in Gemini retrograde, you have a unique opportunity. You can grow and heal the darkness of relationships that linger. If you have unfinished business with people, then you can find a balance. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Balance things as you go, and weigh both sides to resolve the issues. That will give you and the other person closure.
You are unusually in your feels now. It’s an odd feeling for sure. That’s the first thing you’ll notice on the 8th of October. You aren’t this emotional, but that is changing for the retrograde. Remember that it will pass with time. Try to stay balanced. Yoga and other meditations can help keep the balance of emotions stable. That will help you survive it and grow. The goal is to allow your ability to feel more. That way, you become more connected to the relationships that will welcome you. Try to not confuse who welcomes it, and who doesn’t.
You’ll see the chaos you’ve danced with recently, and know that changes are beginning. There is some darkness you must face. This is the time to do so. Ceres in retrograde in Gemini draws attention to this concern. The question is how to handle it. You are the only one to answer that. Just make sure to do so carefully and in a balance. This time grants you an opportunity to set things right. The work is up to you. Remember that retrograde always means some struggle. It’s challenging you to find balance now.
You are going through so much growth these days. You’ve battled and won the dark side of your life, and now you’re walking into the light. It’s been hard these past few months, but this is your time to welcome the new glow-up your growth created. The enemy of the past is getting their justice, now leave that in the past, and shine.
You might feel the pull to help others during the retrograde of Ceres in Gemini. Take a second to consider if you need to reach out to that person. If they ask for help, then you have a green light. You should make sure it’s a welcome request to help. Save your energy for growing your own journey towards your greater good instead.
Others seek you out during this period of retrograde. They’ll ask you to help them solve the big questions they struggle over, and you’ll feel overwhelmed by it all. Your natural ability to see each side of the argument places you in the limelight. That’s why they’ll seek you out. Remember the word no. You can deny access to your energy. During this retrograde, remember that. Be polite, but decline if you’re able.
This is a time is a period of delay for you. Expect struggles that feel like you’re swimming upstream. Slow-going progress is all you’ll meet if you tackle large tasks. When this retrograde begins, try to not frustrate yourself. Maintain a level of balance during this time of change. You can tackle the changes later, after this retrograde passes. Remember, this is a retrograde of relationship changes.
You are so empathic, Cancer. When this retrograde begins, on the 8th, you may need a box of tissues. You are in your feels now, until January. So saddle up. It’s an emotional rollercoaster. Always remember, though, when you learn to balance those feels, you grow. This is your challenge for this retrograde.
You will experience an end of relationships that needs to leave your life. It’s for the greater good of your life path. Do not see the change as a loss. Instead, realize that this change is for your journey to abundance. This change will also benefit the other party. So consider it a natural transition.
No decisions should happen during this time. Think, calm, and steady wins the race. It’s alright to isolate a bit to keep the safety in those relationships. If a conflict comes up, ask for time to think about it. That way, you’ll protect the balance. Think, keep the peace. Your tone may sound harsh, so beware.
Careers are changing under this Ceres retrograde. Aries experience a clash of personalities with others at work, during this retrograde. Trying to resolve these clashes during this time won’t work. It’s best to wait until retrograde passes for these resolutions. It is an excellent time to make a change of career, though. This is the time for those changes.
When you decide to find balance, these periods of change are positive. Get rid of the old that doesn’t serve your greater good. Find balance in your energy, and walk out of the darkness. You can experience a glow-up when you know how to handle a period of retrograde. When you approach all interactions with balance, you can’t help but benefit. Both parties grow for the best interest of their higher good. Remember that as you go forward into October 8th. You have an excellent opportunity to make family relationships better. You can also decide to walk away if the family ties aren’t beneficial to your life’s path. Make this an organic shift. That is always the best choice in a period of change. Allow the forces of nature to guide you to your higher self.