If you’ve ever been acquainted with a Gemini, you should know that they enjoy communication of all sorts.
They’re a very mercurial, loquacious sign that gets really bored easily if they don’t have something going on. Communicating is art for Geminis. They know exactly how to connect with other people and they seek constant mental engagement. However, as much as Gemini is known for their loquaciousness, they are also known for not exactly being very honest with their words. Some would even say that of all the signs in the zodiac, Gemini’s are the liars. Whether this is true or not, the following provides an overview of why some people may think that Gemini’s are more likely to stretch the truth or play around with words to their liking.
Read More »Some would say the Gemini loves to tell stories. By stories, what is really meant is lies. The connection between lying and the sign Gemini is really centered around the duality of wordplay. While Gemini might not see itself as being a liar, some others would say that they have a way of manipulating words to suit their own agenda. For example, a Gemini may say one thing to one person while saying something completely different to another. This could be done for various reasons such as a desire to maintain communication between two separate parties. It could be because they want to gather information from different people, and it could be because they simply want to collect information from different sources, and the only way to do so is to leverage both sides. Wordplay is a function that really requires the ability to manipulate communications to suit an agenda. Are Geminis capable of doing this? Yes, they are. Do all Gemini’s engage in this behavior? Not necessarily. Some Gemini’s would say that they utilize language to their advantage, and if it so happens that they have to change words around to create a specific effect while communicating, then they are not above doing so. Some people would call this the fine art of wordplay. Some would say that Gemini is being “creative” with words. Others would say that Gemini is downright lying. I guess it is based on perception.
The Art of Double Talk
Have you ever met someone that is able to play with words in a way that allows them to say one thing to one person and another thing to a different person? This is called double talk, and Gemini’s are supposedly quite good at this. Double talk can consist of saying words in different ways beyond what is really meant to purposely obtain a specific reaction. Double talking is something that Gemini is quite good at, especially if it wants to collect information from various sources. So for example, if Person A feels a certain way about Person B and Gemini wants the details, Gemini can strike up a conversation with Person B in order to get information about Person A. However, Gemini only has one side…and Gemini wants all the sides and all the information. Thus, Gemini will then speak to Person A to obtain information about Person B.
Gemini has no qualms about using information that they collected from person to person. This often happens a lot with gossip where information is used for leverage and/or social currency. Gemini can and will use spliced communications which can result in being two-faced in order to get information from both sides. One of the main reasons that double-talk is despised by some people is because it can be purposely used to hide the truth. In some cases, Gemini may resort to double talk if they don’t want to share certain information or if they are trying to leverage information in order to keep from revealing their sources. It’s quite an interesting ability to have because it really does involve a multi-faceted communication style that many people simply can’t keep up with…unless of course, you are a Gemini.
Is Gemini Predisposed to Lying?
So, is it true that Gemini is predisposed to lying? Well, not necessarily. All people are capable of lying for an assortment of reasons. Geminis are likely to have a reputation for telling lies because of the duality associated with their communication style. Given that they are a mutable sign which involves being adjustable, when it comes to Mercury, Gemini’s ruling sign, Gemini is able to augment its communication to suit its needs. The lying part comes in if Gemini doesn’t want to be upfront about something or it just simply feels that using different words or exchanging concepts, if you will, would be more beneficial for its end game. Now, there are many people who probably won’t like this, but Gemini has no problem accepting that it will manipulate communication in order to get what it wants.
What to Do With the Gemini “Stories”?
So, what did you do with Geminis stories, fibs, or lies? Well, first let’s be perfectly clear not every Gemini is walking around telling lies every day of their lives. However, for those Geminis who are predisposed to not being as honest as they could, there’s nothing you can do directly about their propensity to lie…except make note of it yourself and/or call them out on it if desired. However, if you would like to do something about the “stories” encountered via Gemini here are a few suggestions.
First, you have to be clear and honest about your own communication as well as Gemini’s communication. If the Gemini decides that they do not want to be upfront about something they have said, you can’t make them. It is up to you to decide whether or not you will continue to go along with the lies or stories that they choose to tell.
Second, if you are aware that the Gemini you’re dealing with is not being forthright with you, be direct. Being direct has a way of dismantling double-talk via truth and sincerity. If you’re not willing to do this, you have the option to discontinue association. But, you must always remember that you can’t really stop anybody from telling lies…and that includes Gemini.
Third, all Gemini’s are not alike. The ones that do decide to gossip, tell lies, and play both sides of the fence, well, that’s just who those particular Geminis are. Lumping all Geminis together and stamping them with the liar label isn’t necessarily practical. It is up to every person to decide whether or not they are going to engage with someone that is not being direct with their communication. If you find that a Gemini is not being direct with you, you must figure out how you are going to approach that interaction.
Ultimately, All Geminis aren’t necessarily predisposed to lying. Is there a duality to their communication at times? Yes…for some of them. However, as with all signs, there are both positive and negative traits to be considered. Are there some Gemini’s that are more likely to play both sides of the fence in order to get information or communicate with a variety of people? Yes, there are. It is ultimately up to us how we choose to deal with people, including those Geminis in our lives, who may be predisposed to not being the most honest at times.