Sadness is a state of being that happens to all of us at some point in our lives. Some of us experience these emotions more than others, but we all deal with it. Being sad is not something that should be frowned upon or ignored because it’s a natural expression of emotions. Understanding how we deal with the emotion of sadness is essential in acknowledging and processing how we feel effectively. The following is an overview of how the zodiac signs deal with sadness.
Fire Signs
Let’s face it. Sadness is like a downer to the spirit, and the fire signs don’t really like feeling that anything has put out their warm, raging fires. They want to feel passionate, forward-moving and filled with the energy of life. However, it’s hard to feel this way when sadness sets in.
Read More »Leos are represented by the sun in the zodiac, so it is no surprise that sadness and Leo don’t mix well. This is not to say that this sign isn’t capable of dealing with heavier emotions. It’s just that Leo is a regal, warm-hearted sign that wants to enjoy life to the fullest, and it’s hard to do this when they’re sad. They might be in a state of disbelief at whatever or whoever created the sadness as it simply isn’t a state that they enjoy being in. Issues related to having a wounded ego/pride may come up for Leos as well. In the end, Leo is not the courageous lion for nothing. They will eventually get back to radiating the warmth that Leo is known for.
Sadness and Sagitarrius simply don’t mix well. Ruled by Jupiter, Sagittarius is the forever optimistic, buoyant sign that doesn’t really have the time to be sad and depressed. They won’t want to stick around any person, place, or thing that keeps them feeling low. When Sagittarius stops smiling and can’t crack a joke, well…something is up, and it’s not pretty. To deal with sorrow, Saggitarius will have to distance itself and go quiet for a bit in order to understand where the sadness is coming from and to figure out how to end it…which may mean removing itself from the source of sadness.
Air Signs
Air signs aren’t known for being deeply emotional, so the experience of sadness is one that they may truly have difficulties with. Air signs attempt to process sadness through the mental realm. Sometimes they succeed in doing so…and sometimes they don’t which can be quite uncomfortable for them since sadness is often a “messy” emotion that is more trouble than it’s worth.
When sad, the ever loquacious Gemini wants to process through communication. This is vital for their well-being as they really need an outlet that allows them to express sadness in a way that they can relate to. While other signs may sulk or cry, Gemini talks….and they talk a lot. If they are not talking, they are not processing, and this can be quite unhealthy for them. Sometimes Gemini will need a moment to themselves if the grief and sadness get too much to bear, but it is important that they have the space to connect when and if desired.
Libra and sadness are a hard mix because this is the sign of balance and harmony. So, if they are sad, they can perceive this to mean that they are not in harmony with themselves and others. In an attempt to deal with the messy emotion of sadness, Libra could resort to filling its social life with all types of events and happenings in an attempt to avoid the feelings of sorrow. Eventually, there may be a breakdown where Libra will let a tear or two…in private of course far away from the public eye. However, they will quickly bounce out of their sadness cause they can’t deal with the disharmony that sadness creates for them.
Sadness and Aquarius is an interesting battle between the realm of the mind and the emotions. Being a worldly sign, when Aquarius is not feeling at its best, it can retreat from the very world that it enjoys. Already aloof, this makes processing emotions for Aquarius a deeply internal experience. Because Aquarius is both deeply mental and aloof, it is important for them to find an outlet to process their emotions. Whether it’s through journaling or reading a self-help book, connect to self, Aquarius. Sadness may be an awkward emotion to deal with, but it’s natural and has its place.
Earth Signs
The grounded earth signs are practical and do their best to not allow themselves to be overcome by emotions. They understand that sadness is an emotion, but the acceptance and processing of the sadness is something that they may have an issue with.
Ruled by Venus, Taurus likes things to be easy-going, so sadness disrupts their happy, simple, sensual life. Being practical, Taurus does understand that if there is sadness then there is something amiss. However, because this sign is very stubborn about maintaining what it has it will choose to put on a happy face for the world and pretend like nothing is wrong all the while dying on the inside. Indulging the senses is the Tauren way to deal with sadness, so eating lots of food and lounging are ways dealing with sadness can manifest.
The practical, analytical sign of Virgo doesn’t really “do” displays of sadness. They process their sadness through the mind and try to find a reason for why they feel the way that they do. Since Virgo is very self-improvement-oriented, this could result in overindulging in a variety of self-help methods to purge themselves of sadness instead of actually sitting with the sadness. This “doing” or attempt to “fix” the sadness is related to the earth sign needing to have control of what they are experiencing. Virgo has the capacity to deal with sadness in a practical manner if they understand that being sad isn’t a flaw that needs to be “fixed.”
Capricorn is fully aware that life is no bowl of cherries, so sadness is inevitable. With stern Saturn as its ruler, it is very likely that Capricorn has already experienced its share of sorrows throughout life and has learned how to deal with them with a stiff upper lip in many cases. If Capricorn is sad, they will be an “adult” about it. In extreme cases, sadness can grip Capricorn so much that they lose their innate drive to succeed and persevere. Capricorns can get a grip on sadness by remembering that they can and will get through anything.
Water Signs
The water signs are emotions, so their processing of sadness varies. While these signs may be better at acknowledging emotions, there is also a tendency to be engulfed by them which can result in drowning in sadness as opposed to acknowledging it and processing it accordingly for their own wellness.
Cancer is a deep feeler and sadness will definitely have them in their feelings. They are quite comfortable in the realm of emotion, and they have no problem expressing their sadness with tears. The key issue with Cancer is the effective and constructive processing of sadness. If Cancer simply allows itself to wallow in its sorrows, it can sink into a deep depression. Cancer can channel their sadness by nurturing the self as well as taking care of others within their environment to boost their spirits.
Sadness is not foreign to Scorpio, and they have the courage to face it head-on. Scorpio understands what causes sadness and while this understanding allows them to heal it can also create circumstances where they are actually powering off of the sadness to control people and situations. In all things, including sadness, Scorpio is called to be honest and sincere with the self so that acknowledgment of the sadness can result in an eventual release that provides healing and catharsis.
For Pisces, sadness as with all other emotions is an all-encompassing experience. This intuitive sign can experience sadness as a profound experience that either helps them achieve an understanding that takes them to great spiritual heights or plummets them to extreme, dangerous lows that they may have some trouble surfacing from. If the sadness gets to be too much, Pisces may choose to escape to ease the sorrow through substances such as drugs and alcohol. Pisces can deal with sorrow in a constructive manner by releasing emotions through art, dancing, music, and other creative pursuits. Even a meeting with the Divine through spiritual practice is recommended.