Let’s face it…everyone gets angry. It’s a part of life. Sometimes things happen that make us fuming mad, and acknowledging anger is just as important as acknowledging other emotions such as happiness and sadness. Anger gets a bad rap though because of what could potentially occur when this emotion is expressed. However, from an astrological perspective, it is important to understand how we manage our anger which is why it is important to explore the Mars placement as it provides information about what motivates us and how we act when angered.
Continue reading to discover more about your own anger management through Mars.
Mars & Your Temperament in Astrology
Read More »Remember, we can’t address what we refuse to acknowledge. Thus, it is important not to beat ourselves up over the expression of anger. It is an honest emotion. It is how we engage with this emotion that is important to managing anger in an effective manner.
Mars Signs & Anger Management
The following is an overview of anger expression and management per astrology signs.
With Mars as its ruler, Aries can get angry quickly. Since Aries is ruled by the God of War, this is a possibility of “going to war” with other people physically…ie. physical expressions of anger such as hitting. Aries is likely to “see red” when angry, but it is important to note that as quickly as this sign angers, it also gets over its anger pretty fast. Learning how to control impulsive angry reactions is important for Aries.
Ruled by the planet Venus, Taurus wants what is stable, serene, and steady. Thus, anger is not something that they readily express. In fact, Taurus is the type where frustrations will build up slowly over a long period of time and then BOOM…an angry outburst. When the anger does manifest, it is NOT pretty. However, Taurus must own the fact that its desire to keep things “nice” can result in tolerating more than they should which ultimately leads to the anger outburst out of frustration. Learning how to be honest and face the unpleasantries in life can assist Taurus in dealing with anger.
When the mercurial trickster that is Gemini gets upset, watch out! Being a dual, mutable sign, Gemini has a changeable nature that can go from a sweet angel to a hell-risen demon quite quickly. Because Gemini rules the mental realm, this sign can express its anger through words that will hurt and cut to the core. Likewise, being the social sign that it is, Gemini is not above using gossip to express anger and to get back those that have angered them. Learning how to stop and process how expressing anger will impact the self and others mentally is important for Gemini.
Oh, sweet Cancer. They are the nurturing mothers of the zodiac, so they couldn’t possibly get angry, could they? Wrong! Cancers do get angry, but they are likely to express this anger passive-aggressively. Anger shows up via such tactics as the silent treatment, “forgetting” to do things that are usually done, snide comments that are veiled in nice-nastiness, and claiming to be “okay” when they really are angry. Please note that Cancer will lash out in anger at anyone or anything that threatens what it loves most-home, family, and close friends. Learning to be honest about the things that create angry feelings and express anger in a manner that can be addressed directly is something that can help Cancer deal with anger.
If you anger a Leo, get ready for a dramatic show of epic proportions. Mars in Leo is likely to get angry when its ego is bruised. It will not tolerate being diminished for anyone. Anger expressions can include pouting, acting like a drama queen or king, being a bully, lashing out verbally and/or physically, and being dismissive of people, places, and things because they are mere “peasants.” Learning to address ego issues is important in helping Leo understand why they get angry and how being upset over a damaged self-perception contributes to anger expression.
Virgo is hardworking, service-oriented, and humble, but when angry this sign can be strategically manipulative and critical. Ruled by Mercury, Virgo is likely to take a mental approach to anger. Since this sign is focused on improvement, they notice the flaws of others and are not above pointing them out when angered. Virgo’s highly critical nature can end up creating and/or rehashing wounds in others, but somehow Virgo will try to convince themselves that even though they were quite critical and hurtful they were just trying to “help.” It is important for Virgo to acknowledge that yes…they have anger as well, and while that anger may not manifest in a physical manner, their critical nature can be very hurtful and go against the “improvement” that is sought for the self and others.
Ruled by Venus, Libra strives for harmony and balance, so when angered this sign can be quite passive-aggressive and nice nasty. Since Mars in Libra doesn’t want to appear crude and mean, they will resort to behaviors that are quite mean but cloaked in niceness. Some examples of this include compliments followed by insults, using social status to exclude others, talking about people negatively while feigning innocence, and the typical display of what is known as “Mean Girl” behavior. To address anger expression, it is important that Libra acknowledge its desire to “appear nice” instead of being honest about the ugly emotions it feels. Trying to cloak anger and other less than pleasant emotions with “niceness” doesn’t truly address Libra’s discontent.
Welp, Mars in Scorpio has no problem expressing anger. In fact, many people accuse Scorpio of being quite mean when they are angry. Ruled by both Mars and Pluto, Scorpio anger is a special breed that combines the willpower and strategy of Mars with the secretive cunningness and power plays of Pluto. Betraying a Scorpio is grounds for the ultimate anger display…which will be done in a manner that many won’t see coming, but it will hurt in the worst way. Scorpios are known for stinging those that get on their bad side. On the path to self-awareness and transformation, Mars in Scorpio will encounter circumstances that will require an honest, forthright assessment of why it is angered and why and how it chose to use its power to address anger in its life.
Yes, even optimistic, buoyant Sagittarius is capable of getting angry. However, it is done in a manner that is quite interesting where the archer will get angry but attempt to believe that it is “above” anger. This can show up with Mars in Sagittarius downplaying anger by being “philosophical,” or “high and mighty.” As a mutable sign, Sagittarius can also flee from anger because it simply doesn’t want to deal with it. Also, Sagittarius is known for being blunt, so some natives with this placement can end up saying some very hurtful things…under the guise of being “truthful.” Sagittarius can learn much from addressing anger honestly by acknowledging how “truth” is sometimes used as a scapegoat to express anger while also honoring the dual desire to “flee” anger because it is “heavy” and rains on their optimistic outlook.
Mars in Capricorn is wary of expressing anger publicly as it is not considered socially acceptable, and it also reveals a lack of control. Capricorn likes to be in control of itself so anger will be expressed likewise. Mars in Capricorn is logical and will remain calm while angry…but please understand that they are still angry. They just approach anger in a rational manner. At its worst, this mars sign can be quite brutal when angry, but you won’t see it. It is cloaked behind its stern exterior. In some cases, Mars in Capricorn is not above using its position of authority to address anger which can mean anything from creating glass ceilings to keep people from getting ahead and denying access to resources. There is also the possibility of creating a “plan” to address anger …for better or worse. Learning to express anger in a productive manner is important for this sign as it has the ability to use control to release anger instead of directly addressing it.
Cool and detached is the name of the game when dealing with anger for Mars in Aquarius. It’s not that they don’t get angry, they do. Their demeanor allows them to place distance between themselves and the source of their anger. Since they like their independence, they have no problem simply walking away from you…just like that. Since they are ruled by the planet Uranus, the detachment will be unexpected…and those on the receiving end will be quite shocked by this “cut-off.” In general, Aquarius doesn’t do well with emotions, so anger is likely to be processed in a logical way that may keep them from honoring how they feel. This Mars placement can learn to analyze why they choose to remain aloof and/or detach in order to deal with anger as a way to avoid exploring their uncomfortable angry emotions.
As a changeable, mutable sign Piscean anger is an interesting sight to behold. Usually seen as the “weak sign,” this is a very faulty perception especially as it relates to Mars in Pisces’ expression of anger. Some with this placement will seek to avoid confrontation at all costs, so they will deny or delude themselves into believing they aren’t angry. They can also simply decide that they will swim away from whatever has made them angry to avoid conflict. Then there are those with this placement that can be like a hurricane when they are angered. The once “weak and spineless” fish is now a shark seeking blood in an ocean…and when they unleash their pent-up fury, it won’t be pretty. No one will expect it either because Pisces is supposedly the “pushover.” Mars in Pisces can learn much from forming boundaries as well as avoiding the desire to escape from anger by choosing to avoid confrontation