Cosmic Spring Cleaning and the Astrological Forecast for April

We start the month in Aries, the sign that brings new beginnings as it marks the official start of the zodiac year. This is a time to do some spiritual and emotional spring cleaning and keep only what you want going forward. On the 19th, the Sun moves into Taurus, grounding that fire Aries started in our bellies. Like the bull, mosey on slow and steady towards what you desire. This earthy energy will help focus ideas into more practical, solid plans.
But sometimes even bulls get frisky and frolic under a starry sky. And what a sky to frolic under! All of the planets are direct (that means no retrogrades) until the end of April. Until the 27th, we all have open avenues ahead without roadblocks, construction, or rush hour traffic. Where do you want to go?
Read More »Venus will remain in Aries until the middle of the month, and Mercury will join her in Aries on the 3rd. From April 3-14th, Venus and Mercury in fiery Aries makes us both bold in love and in speech. Conversations will run hot and passionate — and you might find yourself in the middle of an adventurous love affair.
The New Moon in Aries (22 degrees, April 11th) encourages a carpe diem attitude. Together with Venus and Mercury in Aries, and Mars in Gemini lending a helping hand with communication, social media, and public speaking, we have the potential to build towards something great. Don’t hold back.
The Full Moon in Scorpio (7 degrees, April 26th) will be rocking. With intense energy felt up to three days before and after, deep and intense passions will reign. And with Venus now in Taurus, her sensual home in the zodiac, pleasure and abundance are in the forefront. But the watery Scorpio full moon asks us to shine a light on our deepest hungers and needs. We won’t be able to hide — anything! — in the shadows since Uranus will oppose the moon. Be prepared for secrets or the unexpected to be brought into the open.
The month ends with Pluto turning retrograde, urging inner work. This might be a bit of a relief from Pluto in Capricorn’s harsh course correction over the past few years where big ideologies and social structures have been imploding and restructuring. We should all take this time to think about how our actions and values fit into our global structures — and how we can work to change what doesn’t mesh.
A reading for your sun sign:
(March 21 – April 19)
Happy birthday, Aries. What a time to be alive! Your solar return invites you to decide what you want — and go out and get it. Your new moon is your celestial spotlight. All roads are open to you on the 11th. Choose the one you want and trust you’ve made the right choice. (No looking back!) Venus in your sign means you are in a glow-up. Soak up that beauty and pleasure and reflect it on the world. Take selfies. Loose the WFH attire and buy an outfit that makes you feel like a goddess. Later in the month, with the full moon in your house of collective and shared assets, expect an outstanding financial matter to come to a close.
(April 20 – May 20)
Mars will move from your financial sector to your house of communication on the 23rd, but you’ll still be making money moves. A new project could step up to the microphone at the end of the month, gaining traction and cosmic volume as your professional life continues to have incredible astrological support. As you prepare for your birthday season, wallow in Venus coming into your birth sign from April 14th until May 8th. Pleasure, beauty, music, sensual energy, it’s always been yours, but you’ll see an extra cosmic lift. Be on the lookout for Uranus to cause some mischief around the full moon, but remember that you control your destiny.
(May 21 – June 20)
Twin, you have been living it up lately with Mars helping you get your hustle on. And your sexy on. And your professional life on. Use this rocket fuel wisely. Don’t burn it up on folly. The full moon will land in your house of productivity. Harness that energy. Your Gemini sun helps you adapt and you’ll need that in spades.
(June 21 – July 22)
Since Mars has been in your house of solitude, you’ll have a bit of a strange month. If you feel like you’re in limbo, that’s okay. Focusing on inner work or behind-the-scenes tasks at work will help you through this. At the same time, family matters might also be strained. Hold fast, little crab. The end of the month will bring a full moon shining bright in your creative house. You should probably expect some big (!) News around fertility, love, children, and creativity. (Don’t say we didn’t warn you.)
(July 23 – August 22)
Oh, Leo, you sexy beast. You’ve been living it up with Mars in your social house. It seems like you have the support of everyone in your life — from grandparents to intimate partners to strangers. Keep on being your Leo self, but know a change is on the horizon. Professional roadblocks could come around the 20th of the month.
(August 23 – September 22)
Take a look at your bank account. Choices you made could come back to nip you in the heels around the new moon. Stay open to new avenues and points of view. On the 19th, the sun moves to your house of expansion. But until then, keep things conservative at work and in your finances.
(September 23 – October 22)
Libra, libra, partnerships are the focus for you this month. Single Libras, don’t waste your time on a flavor of the week. This is the time to seek long-term potential. Partnered Libras might find the new moon forces some tough talk and a push to making a big commitment. If it is time to say goodbye, though, harness your personal power on the Full Moon. The cosmos are on your side and will guide you through.
(October 23 – November 21)
Mars is lighting up your intimate relationships. Get. It. But if something feels off, trust your intuition. You deserve to have all of your needs met. Single? Search for someone who can satisfy the desires you crave. All of them. Partnered? Revel in the sweet, juicy intimacy of knowing you can experiment with someone who loves and respects you. On the work front, expect some drama. (You say you hate drama but we all know better.) Managers might make your work life miserable. If you’re a creative type, don’t be surprised if you have to rely on your savings at the end of the month.
(November 22 – December 21)
Your ruler, Jupiter, plays nicely with the Sun and Saturn this month and you’ll enjoy a period of ease and compromise — even though you usually like things your way. Your professional and personal life should have some sweet, harmonious moments, but towards the end of the month, the full moon will ask you to re-evaluate the balance of your life.
(December 22 – January 19)
We hate to say it, but yikes. The first three quarters of the month aren’t going to be easy for you. This is not the month to travel, buy stocks, or get a scholarship. And your relationship with your parents might also bring some strife. Misunderstandings in all sectors of life are inevitable. However, after the 20th, things look up and bounce back to some semblance of normal — or even better than normal. Whew!
(January 20 – February 18)
The planetary alignment of the first three weeks bring peace to you. But be prepared for a shift on or around the 19th in your domestic sphere. It could be that a promotion at work will require you to relocate or something big you didn’t anticipate. Go with the flow, Aquarius, as Uranus brings you a surprise.
(February 19 – March 20)
With Mighty Mercury, Sensual Venus, the Sun and New Moon giving extra attention to your financial house, now is the time to attract abundance. Let the Universe know you are open to receive wealth. Whether this comes in the form of a new job offer or a raise, be open to receive. Invest wisely or save you attract money from an unexpected source. At the end of the month, Mars will help you feel more secure in your career.