
The Winter Solstice-Where Darkness Meets Light


December 21, 2020, marks the Winter Solstice. This day holds energetic importance as it is the beginning of the winter season in the Northern Hemisphere. It is also the shortest day of sunlight and the ingress of the Capricorn season. The winter solstice is a reflective period that offers the opportunity to connect deeply with oneself through introversion and self-reflection. The winter season draws us inside and taking advantage of this internal energy enables us to make thoughtful plans that can be executed during the spring equinox.

The Importance of the Winter Solstice
Cultures across the world celebrate the winter solstice as it is considered the onset of deep, reflective energy that nourishes and enlightens us. Many major holidays are celebrated at or around the winter solstice as the energy marks an appreciation for what one has gathered during the autumn equinox. This time of year is filled with celebratory energy where giving is highlighted, and if we have made the most of the autumn equinox, we are set for a season that pulls us away from the outside to the warmth of our homes.

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