Traditionally, Saturn is one of the most feared planets in the zodiac. Described as being cold, distant, harsh, and somber, most people would rather avoid this type of energy as it doesn’t invoke positive feelings. Yes, Saturn is serious and mature. However, this energy offers us the opportunity to get down to work.
If we want to really make something of our life experiences, Saturn provides the push to do so by making things uncomfortable so that we are motivated to press forward. Saturn is the planetary friend that wants to see us do better not because we have been given a lucky break but because we have actually put in the work. Understanding the intent behind Saturn energy enables us to move beyond the fear of Saturn energy into appreciating how this energy can benefit us.
Read More »Many fear Saturn because it is considered a “tough” planet. On the astrological axis, Capricorn which is ruled by Saturn is opposite the sign of Cancer which is ruled by the moon. In comparison, lunar energy is nurturing, welcoming, and unconditionally giving. In contrast, Saturn energy withholds and requires that we earn our keep. For this reason, it is no wonder that people fear Saturn. Dealing with this energy can be compared to taking a test and constantly wondering if we are doing a good job. All we can hope for is that we are well-prepared. These feelings of inadequacy can burden us making us feel less confidant in ourselves.
Saturn doesn’t want us to give in to our fears. It wants us to acknowledge them and simply do the best that we can. Our fears are oftentimes based on what we feel we lack. Here is an astrological example of Saturn fears in motion.
-A person with Saturn in Libra, Venus in Capricorn, or a Saturn aspecting Venus could possess feelings of inadequacy and uncertainty (Saturn) surrounding love and money (Venus). This could result in a person choosing the wrong partners or accepting poor behavior from partners, issues with self-worth, and problems with earning potential. One of the main issues with addressing Saturn connected with Venus is the fear of not being enough. When people with this energy believe that they are not enough, they are more likely to accept less than they deserve. Saturn will place people with this energy in circumstances where they continue to attract love and financial issues until they address this innate fear of inadequacy. Once efforts are made to resolve the fear, individuals will usually make better decisions when it comes to love and finances.
To Be Responsible & Accountable
Another reason people have issues with Saturn energy is due to a lack of responsibility and accountability. Saturn demands that we take control of our lives. There is little room to make excuses or to push blame unto others with this energy. Although responsibility and accountability are laudable characteristics, some people find the pressure from Saturn to own their lives a bit overwhelming. It is one of the main reasons why many people fear an upcoming significant Saturn transit such as the Saturn Return or Saturn transiting the luminaries (sun or moon).
Despite how it may appear, Saturn is not trying to make our lives difficult on purpose. This energy wants us to mature and take control of our lives. For example, we claim to be adults due to chronological age, but we manage our lives from relationships to money like untrained children. Saturn transits have a way of showing us whether we are as responsible and/or accountable as we claim to be. Some will find that Saturn awards them for their effort and hard work. Others will encounter continuous obstacles and dilemmas because they are unwilling to put in the effort to address their circumstances.
Ultimately, there is a price to pay for being an adult. Maturity requires the willingness to take personal responsibility for our lives. Our willingness or unwillingness to do so determines whether we view Saturn as a stern but helpful friend or a party-pooper putting numerous hurdles and obstacles in our way.
Saturn & the Cycle of Karma
Saturn’s maturation process involves accepting responsibility for our actions. How we behave matters. How we interact with others matters. Astrologically, Saturn is one of the rulers of karma. It is the planet of returns. Saturn will give us what we have earned without judgment. Here are examples of the energetic returns of Saturn using the Saturn in Libra, Venus in Capricorn, or a Saturn aspecting Venus example from above.
Scenario One
A person with Saturn in Libra, Venus in Capricorn, or Saturn aspecting Venus has spent the last two years acquiring credit card debt. The individual has not made arrangements to pay this debt at all even though he/she is aware of the debt. A Saturn transit comes along and now this individual is being hit with wage garnishment due to the failure to pay the credit card debt. The debt is currently being paid off, but this individual is upset and feels slighted that his/her finances are reduced due to the wage garnishment.
Scenario Two
Another person with Saturn in Libra, Venus in Capricorn, or Saturn aspecting Venus also acquired credit card debt. However, he/she decided that the debt was a financial burden (Saturn rules burdens) that was not wanted. The individual contacts the credit companies to make a voluntary payment arrangement to resolve the debt. The person also decides to acquire additional income through part-time or gig work to reduce the debt as quickly as possible. Ultimately, the debt is paid off, and the individual not only feels less burdened by the debt but also sees an increase in his/her credit score.
In both of the scenarios, Saturn required the individuals to take control of their finances. However, the individual that took the INITIATIVE to absolve the financial debt that he/she created faired much better than the individual who experienced Saturn correcting the situation via an external source or action; i.e. an enforced wage garnishment.
Saturn energy wants us to do the right thing by ourselves and other people. As you sow, so shall you reap. This places the responsibility of “right action” onto us as individuals thereby removing all room for fault-finding, scapegoating, and blaming outside circumstances for our conditions. It is tough to swallow that in many cases the troubles that we encounter as self-imposed by our unwillingness to accept responsibility for the energy that we hold and give out to ourselves and others.
Embracing Saturn’s Energy
The best way to approach Saturn energy either natally or via transit is through ownership. This is the energy that requires us to face our fears and moves forward anyway. It is the energy that wants us to address what needs to be done. Saturn is not our enemy. In fact, it is one of the best friends that we could have. While Jupiter is the friend that gives us everything we want with little effort, Saturn gives us what we want…only after we have proven that we have earned the right to have it. While this may seem depressing, it makes sense because we appreciate what we have far more when we have earned it. We appreciate a good relationship after kissing many frogs. We appreciate financial security after experiencing hardship. We appreciate and are willing to invest in our good health after experiencing a health crisis.
Ultimately, Saturn grants us what we deserve energetically. How we experience Saturn is dependent on how willing we are to take responsibility for ourselves.