Tips and tricks on how to cut your own hair

Cutting your own hair is not for the faint of heart. A mistake can mean wearing a hat for weeks until the damage finally blends in. That’s why it makes sense to follow some simple tips from the pros before your DYI hair cut.
1. Purchase a pair of professional hair cutting shears.
Read More »If you use dull scissors, you can damage your hair. The other problem with dull scissors is that they don’t cut straight, leaving jagged edges that can be impossible to straighten out.
There is a wide selection of shears that can be purchased online from Target and Amazon. Beauty supply shops also offer high-quality scissors. It is important to remember that some scissors are designed for trimming your hair, while others are designed for cutting. There are also thinning shears available.
2. Prepare your hair to be cut.
Depending on the texture of your hair, you may decide to wet your hair or leave it dry to get the best cut. Typically, it makes sense to cut straight hair wet. Wet hair is easier to cut straight.
Curly hair is easier to cut dry. Since your curly hair may look entirely different when it is wet and when it is dry, it is more practical to cut it dry so you know how it will look in its natural state.
If you have wavy hair that isn’t really curly or straight, you are probably feeling confused. A good rule of thumb is to cut it the same way they do at the salon. Do they mist it wet or cut it dry? Follow the professional’s lead to get your best results.
3. Use the ponytail method to cut your hair.
This method works well for longer hair, but not for short hairstyles. First, pull your hair into a ponytail that is high up on your head. Be sure to smooth the hair out and dampen your hair if it is straight.
Then, pull up on the ponytail sliding your fingers until you are an inch or more from the end, depending on how much hair you want to cut. Next, cut half an inch off the end. After the initial cut, cut vertically to add some texture.
4. Start by cutting just a little off the ends.
Less is more as it relates to hairstyling. Simply remember that if you cut too much by mistake, then there is no way to recover immediately. You’ll be forced to wait for it to grow back. By cutting less, then examining your work, you can be sure to avoid cutting it too short by mistake.
You also have to remember that wet hair appears longer than dry hair. For this reason alone, being conservative when you start cutting yields better results than cutting too much off.
5. Divide and conquer by clipping up your hair section by section before cutting.
Another practical method for beginners to use to cut hair is to clip up small sections of your hair and then proceed by cutting each small section one by one. This makes the process more manageable and works better for short hair.
Personal grooming is designed to make you look your best. Symmetry is easier to accomplish when you section off your hair into smaller areas to make it easier to cut and compare. This technique makes it easier to evaluate the overall length and style.
6. Cut the ends of your hair vertically.
When you have cut your hair to the desired length, it is a good idea to use vertical cuts to soften the ends so that it does not look heavy. You simply hold the ends of your hair up between two fingers and then make a few vertical snips. You basically snip upwards a few millimeters.
7. Watch YouTube videos for difficult styles.
YouTube has many instructional videos that can guide you to success. The advantage of videos is that you can actually see how professional stylists achieve the finished look they desire.
The Takeaway
Many people trim their hair at home. Sometimes it is out of necessity, while other times it is more of an impulse. By following some tried and true tips mentioned above, you are more likely to be satisfied with the results of your DYI hair cut.