A Plan for Transformation: Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn

From April 29, 2022, to October 8, 2022, the planet of transformation, Pluto, goes retrograde in the sign of Capricorn. This 5-month-long retrograde gives us the opportunity to explore our depths and transform the concrete structures in our lives. True to the nature of Capricorn and its planetary ruler Saturn, there will be some lessons involved.
If we are willing to take accountability and responsibility for ourselves, there is great potential for tearing down structures and systems that no longer work, and the possibility of implementing plans that will allow us to transform concretely. Continue to read on to find out more about the Pluto retrograde in Capricorn transit.
Read More »For those who have been feeling stuck and deeply misaligned, Pluto retrograde in Capricorn is here to help us purge anything that is no longer necessary. Pluto transits can feel like someone ripping something very valuable away from us, but oftentimes this is necessary because we’ve held onto things that we no longer need for way too long.
The combination of Pluto with Saturn (Capricorn) energy creates an intense and serious breakdown of all that is not functioning so that we can purge and release to achieve a transformation.
Pluto’s trek through Capricorn offers personal accountability and responsibility for ourselves by seeking the shadow self and confronting our flaws and issues to ultimately initiate the transformations we desire.
These next five months will require that we be willing to do the psychological digging to truly understand what is and is not working in our lives so that we can use the energy of Capricorn 2 to hold ourselves accountable and take effective steps to change what is no longer working.
The interesting aspect of Pluto in the retrograde position is that it forces us to consider the shadow side of ourselves due to the internal focus of retrograde energy. This is a time to make the space to consider our motivations related to sex, money, power, and the hidden aspects of ourselves that we think we keep concealed.
With Capricorn associated with Pluto, we can only be accountable for ourselves. Capricorn helps us move beyond just wallowing in the darkness and sets us on the path to transformation fueled by our own accountability and responsibility for ourselves.
The Capricorn Effect
Wherever there is Capricorn energy, there is a lesson to be learned. Over the next five months, Pluto retrograde in the sign of Capricorn presents a lot of deep inner workings around our struggles with power and control.
While it is easy to place the blame and accountability of our issues on something beyond ourselves, the Pluto retrograde in Capricorn won’t make doing so easy. The retrograde pulls us inwards so that we can consider how our motivations have led to the experiences that we have had this far.
If we are willing to be mature under this Capricorn energy, the revelations and understanding through the deep Pluto plunge will allow us to hold ourselves accountable and responsible for what may not be working in our lives and finally set ourselves on a concrete path towards achieving the transformations we desire.
On the other side, there are always those who insist on working against the energy of Pluto in Capricorn, and they are going to face some major difficulties in doing so. Pluto can be relentless in stripping away what is no longer needed to help us move towards evolution and transformation.
Capricorn/Saturn energy is the authoritative figure that says “you shall not pass until you learn your lessons.” This is the combination of Pluto and Saturn where we will have to deal with what we continually evade through the pursuit of control and power… even if we don’t want to.
The retrograde transit of Pluto in Capricorn can be made more tolerable if we are willing to do the work (Capricorn/Saturn) and allow ourselves the space to really see ourselves for who we are and then take action to either drop what is no longer necessary or enhance what works. Transformations are possible through honesty and accountability which is the highlight of the Pluto retrograde in Capricorn transit.
Grounded Transformation Supported by an Eclipse
It is no coincidence that the Pluto retrograde in Capricorn transit is aligned with the new moon solar eclipse in Taurus occurring on the same day, April 30th. Eclipses have the tendency to either bring in and/or remove energies to clear the path for new experiences.
Likewise, because this is a new moon solar eclipse, while we aren’t really sure what is to come, since this new moon is in the sign of Taurus there is a lot of stability associated with what is coming as a result of the eclipse.
Since the new moon eclipse and the Pluto retrograde in Capricorn occur on the same day, it would be beneficial for us to consider how our own personal values, stability or lack thereof, and foundations (Taurus) impact our inner psyches (Pluto). Due to the influence of Taurus, the revelations come will be revealed with time. However, this isn’t an issue given that the Pluto retrograde offers five months of shadow work discovery and exploration.
There is a link between our value systems, self-worth, power, and control, and understanding what motivates us in these areas is important at this time. People who are in their authentic power don’t need to seek power and control over others.
Such individuals have a personal value system and a level of self-respect that enables them to have control and power of the self which eliminates the need to manipulate others. Likewise, since Taurus energy is involved, possessions are just that…possessions. Linking one’s self-worth to material things is a clever form of deception that puts our self-worth on shaky ground. Just some food for thought as we experience the effects of the new moon in Taurus eclipse as well as the five-month-long Pluto retrograde in Capricorn experience.
Re-Emerging as the Phoenix
Ultimately, the Pluto retrograde in Capricorn transit gives us the opportunity to delve deep within ourselves and do the gritty work of understanding our motivations related to themes of power and control. The influence of Capricorn will present circumstances that will hold us accountable and responsible for acknowledging our inner workings so that we can finally get a handle on the destructive patterns that are keeping us from living transformative lives.
If we are willing to do the work, and with the influence of Capricorn and its ruler Saturn there will be work to do, there is a high potential for us to come out at the end of this retrograde ready to embrace the experience of the Phoenix Rising. Courtesy of Pluto, not only will we have the inner knowing that we are the Phoenix, true to the nature of Capricorn, we will have an actual plan for how we will live the experience of transformation due to the willingness to address the shadow and release that which is no longer needed.
Much grace, deep healing, and transformation for all of us during and beyond this Pluto retrograde in Capricorn transit.
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