
Seeing Higher Educations Prospects with Astrology

As concepts of success evolve, many individuals both young and older are weighing the importance of higher education. Traditionally, there is a belief that pursuing higher education gives individuals better opportunities in life. While this may be true for some individuals, there are people who question whether higher education is suitable for them. Astrology offers insight into whether or not higher education is a viable option. Specifically, the study of the ninth house, the sign and house placement of Jupiter, as well as Sagittarius placements within the natal chart could shine a light on whether higher education is recommended. Continue to read on to find out more about how higher education is identified in astrology.

Is Higher Education for You?

After the completion of general education, people are faced with the option of obtaining higher education. In astrology, the third and ninth houses are related to the acquisition of knowledge. The third house, which is ruled by Gemini, is associated with general education as well trade education that involves the use of the hands such as plumbing, welding, etc. The ninth house is associated with the sign of Sagittarius, and it is where individuals go to major in a specific subject. The ninth house is the home of collegiate education and the expansion of the mind through philosophy, theology, and other subjects via the influence of Jupiter.

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