
The Tortoise Wins the Race: Mars In Taurus

From January 6, 2021, to March 3, 2021, transiting Mars will move into the slow and steady sign of Taurus. Martian energy is ruled by the sign of Aries and in its natural state, it is always ready to take initiative and move forward. When transiting Mars moves through the sign of Taurus, action energy becomes more grounded and earthy with a focus on making sure that every move counts. Taurus energy seeks a slow and steady pace for the reassurance of building something long-standing.


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Unlike Aries, Taurus is not in a rush to get anywhere fast. Essentially, during the Mars in Taurus transit, we will be asked to slow down and thoroughly consider every step we take when creating a foundation for ourselves. This will be an interesting transit as Mars in Taurus will make several tense aspects with other planets that intend on pushing it beyond its slow action. Ultimately, this transit will teach us the value of knowing when to slow down and when to move forward.

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