It’s official. Pisces season is here from February 18th to March 19th. Over the next four weeks, we are moving into nebulous, mysterious waters as we get the opportunity to dive deeply into our compassion, empathy, and intuition. Pisces energy is everything while being nothing at all. It is also quite difficult to touch and understand. Getting through the next four weeks gives us the opportunity to not only explore our dream world but actually make our dreams come true.
Making time to tap into the unseen and connect with something much greater than ourselves is also highly recommended. It is true that life will seem like a dream, and perhaps those of us who are quite sensitive may feel that we are a bit ungrounded, hazy, and out of touch this month. Making sure to keep ourselves connected to this physical plane and aware that everything is not always what it appears to be will be necessary as the sun moves through Pisces.
Flowing With Pisces Energy
Read More »However, that’s far from the truth with Pisces. Pisces energy knows when to remain aligned with something and when to fall back. This is a very valuable trait as all too often people don’t have the ability to read energy and situations well enough to know when they should exert energy to move forward or allow themselves to naturally flow into what will be. Pisces reminds us that everything will occur as it naturally is supposed to. Just be. Just flow.
Trying To Understand Neptune
Pisces’ planetary ruler is Neptune, and it is one of the most difficult and mysterious planets to understand. In fact, Neptune was hidden away for quite some time before it was discovered by astronomers. Thus, it should come as no surprise that Pisces energy is often cloaked or hidden, and even when people try to understand it, they come up short. Understanding Pisces requires the ability to let go and be able to intuit what something is as opposed to knowing what it is based on facts or information.
Creating & Living The Dream
If we should happen to have a more active dreamscape over the next four weeks as the sun moves through Pisces, don’t be surprised. Pisces, Neptune, and the 12th house all rule the dreamscape. Many Pisceans receive messages through their dreams, and over the next four weeks, some of us could experience more activity in the dream realm.
Everyone is encouraged to keep a notepad and pen next to their sleeping quarters to record dreams upon waking. Since the dreamworld is connected to the subconscious, which is also ruled by Pisces, these hidden areas provide information about what we are not dealing with openly so that we may consciously attend to what is revealed through the dreamworld and subconscious.
Pisces is all about dreams, but the insightful know that we don’t have to necessarily go to sleep to experience our dreams. In fact, the dream is happening right in the physical here and now, but we have to be willing to see this physical experience as something that we can create ideally for ourselves.
Guided By Intuition
While some zodiac signs are governed by logic, Pisces is on the opposite end of the spectrum and finds that it is navigating this experience through the use of feelings and intuition. Over the next four weeks, many of us may find we have a heightened perception of the unseen.
Pisces is governed by an amazing intuition that is usually unmatched by any other zodiac sign. Intuition serves to help Pisces better understand who they are and make the best choices for themselves…when the intuition is acknowledged and followed. Unfortunately, there are many Pisces who second-guess their intuition much to their dismay. So, it is important to make sure that we all heed the call of our intuition during Pisces season.
Connected To Compassion
One of the greatest attributes of Pisces energy is its all-encompassing compassion. Since Pisces lacks boundaries, they are very open to giving to anyone that needs help. This compassion makes them an asset during hard times and it allows them to be able to connect deeply with others.
Unfortunately, this compassion can also make Pisces a target creating circumstances where they are taken advantage of by unscrupulous individuals seeking personal gain. As the sun moves through Pisces, we are encouraged to tap into this reservoir of compassion and extend it outwards to others in whichever way we can. It is also important that we make sure to extend to ourselves the compassion that we give to others.
Rooting For The UnderDog
As the last sign of the zodiac, Pisces is very aware of the totality of human expression. As two fish connected, Pisces represents the duality of the saint and sinner, heaven and hell, rags to riches, etc. Because of this very thorough understanding of the human condition which is represented by the previous sign Aquarius, Pisces is able to sympathize and empathize with others.
Pisces is willing to work with those who have been cast aside in our society such as the homeless, people who are in prisons, those in mental institutions, and anyone that is considered an underdog. In some ways, Pisces believes that if everyone receives enough caring, compassion, and empathy, it could help the most disadvantaged move beyond unfortunate circumstances.
It is possible during the Pisces transit that many of us will feel compelled to extend our sympathy and empathy to those who are considered the underdogs, misrepresented, and/or rejects of society.
Creativity Overload
Pisces season is an excellent time to explore our innate creativity as this is one of the most creative signs of the zodiac. It’s as if Pisces is able to pull new ideas and creative endeavors from the ethers. Many born under this sign make amazing artists, musicians, actors and actresses, photographers, etc. Pisces have the ability to become one with their art which is one of the reasons why they are so effective in the artistic realms.
We are all encouraged to make space to tap into our creativity during Pisces season. Whether it is painting or drawing, creating music, or taking pictures, there are so many ways that we can express ourselves via creativity.
The Great Escape
Being ruled by Neptune, Pisces energy is always looking for ways to escape or disappear. There are both pros and cons to this ability. Because Pisces is the only water sign that does not have any type of armor or defense mechanism such as a hardshell or stinger such as Cancer and Scorpio respectively, Pisces can either swim away or become invisible to avoid attack. This is very effective when dealing with circumstances where staying around could impact Pisces in a negative manner. Instead of having to deal with these negative energies in whichever form they come in, Pisces will simply remove itself never to be seen again.
The downside to this is that these Piscean escape mechanisms can also lead to avoiding things that need to be faced. Unfortunately, Pisces is known for using things that alter the consciousness to escape their physical realities such as substances. This, however, is not beneficial to Pisces in any way as all it does is cloud their ability to perceive reality for what it truly is.
Over the next four weeks, it is important for us to discern when we may need to use the escape function that is innate to Pisces energy. Again, sometimes it is important to know when to disappear or swim away when the circumstances are no longer beneficial for us. However, it is also important to note when we are ignoring a situation that needs to be addressed by either pretending that it is not there, using substances to numb ourselves or cloud our vision, or staying away from circumstances all because we don’t want to have to deal with the harshness of reality.
Learning To Surrender
If there’s anything Pisces can teach us is the art of letting go. Throwing in the white flag is often seen as a sign of defeat, especially for those who are competitive and want to win. However, Pisces has learned the value of knowing when to concede in order to get ahead.
True to the nature of water that ebbs and flows, Pisces are able to get where it wants to be because it surrenders to something much greater than itself. Even if Pisces has specific plans, goals, and objectives to achieve, they are quite aware that even the best laid-out plans can change and sometimes it’s best to know when to let go.
While the surrender process may be difficult, especially for those who like to be in control, Pisces season urges us to know when to surrender not as a sign of defeat but with the awareness that we will get to where we need to be in divine timing. It is by doing so that we place ourselves in alignment with spirit trusting in something that is unseen but always there to assist when needed.
Things Are Not As They Seem
Last but not least, one of the ultimate lessons of Pisces energy is understanding that everything is not as it appears to be. This sign can govern everything from hallucinations to being haunted, and unfortunately, being deceived as well as being the deceiver. Pisces energy cautions us there is always room for something to be more than meets the eye.
So, how does one know what a person, place, or thing is to avoid being deceived or tricked? Use intuition and develop the ability to read energy. Pisces understands that while people may lie, energy does not. Developing the ability to pick up incongruities between words, actions, and the energy possessed is paramount in detecting falsehoods and seeing beyond what is presented.
So, let’s use this month of the sun transiting through Pisces to be guided by our intuition, feeling deeply and compassionately, empathizing with others without taking on their stuff, and making our current lived experiences a real-life dream as we navigate through the watery energies of Pisces.