Balancing The Personal & Impersonal At The Leo Full Moon

February 5th brings us a luminous full moon in the courageous, royal sign of Leo. Full moon energy requires balance as it represents the sun and the moon in opposition. Currently, the sun is transiting through the freedom-loving, liberating sign of Aquarius.
This full moon calls us to balance the self-interested, ego-centered, creative expression of Leo moon with the rebellious, team-oriented, humanitarian energies of Aquarius. Revelations about how we function as individuals in relation to the collective are likely. While Leo energy is mainly focused on personal endeavors, the opposition to the sun in the Aquarius offers us the opportunity to consider how our own personal endeavors and aspirations align with the greater whole courtesy of the Aquarius sun.
Read More »The Leo full moon energy presents us with an understanding of where we stand personally as opposed to the collective. Our creativity, children, and romantic lives take front and center, but we will be called to consider how these areas of our lives fit into the more impersonal and collective understanding. While Leo Moon energy has us thinking about what makes us feel good and boosts the ego, the opposition to the Aquarius sun shines a light on areas outside of our immediate personal circles such as our dealings with friends, groups, and society.
One of the biggest aspects of this full moon in Leo is balancing the desire to set ourselves apart from the rest while remaining connected to others. In general, Leo energy considers itself special. Think of the royal families that are deemed “better” than the mere commoners…even if this is not directly stated. With the opposition between Leo and Aquarius at this full moon, balance comes into play when we are reminded that even though we may be special in our own right according to the Leo moon, other people are just as unique in their own right courtesy of the opposition to the Aquarius sun.
Likewise, this full moon in Leo will be squaring up with transiting Uranus in Taurus. Here we have two fixed energies that are set on having things their way. The full moon in Leo has us wanting our egos stroked with constant acknowledgment and adoration. However, that square to Uranus in Taurus brings an element of rebellion and surprise that is likely to shake up our perceptions of our perceived “specialness” on a foundational level thanks to Uranus in Taurus.
It’s important to note that due to the square energy between the moon in Leo and Uranus in Taurus, it is possible that the revelations that come up at this full moon could be quite shocking, surprising, yet revealing…and perhaps not in the best way. In some cases, these revelations could create a shocking hit to the ego that we will have to reconcile in order to process and integrate the revelations and enlightenment offered under the full moon energy. Be mindful of acting out passionately…especially in a dramatic manner (aka Leo energy) if something is revealed that pings the ego. Bruised egos can heal and change if the revelations are integrated with an open mind courtesy of Uranus in Taurus.
Revelations From The Heart
One of the aspects of the full moon in Leo is the acknowledgment of our passionate emotions. Although the sun is currently transiting Aquarius, it is important that we allow ourselves to courageously feel and live from the heart space. Some of us may be exploring how we have a tendency to be a bit more objective and less emotionally attached when it comes to our romantic partners and even children. We may discover at this full moon in Leo that our inability to tap into our passionate emotions stunts our creativity. Thus, it is vital to make space to acknowledge these heartfelt revelations even if doing so pinches our egos a bit.
A Boost To The Ego Vs. Ego Tripping
Due to the square between the full moon in Leo and Uranus in Taurus, it is quite possible our ego needs will be challenged in a way that only Uranus can do. Something shocking could be revealed that shakes us up in a foundational way that checks our egos. While Leo moon energy can be quite heartfelt, creative, passionate, and generous, it can also lean into being egotistical, selfish, arrogant, and at its worst, narcissistic. If something should be revealed that stings the ego, it is important for us to note when exactly this is for reconciliation. Insights at this full moon could also shed light on how we respond when we are not adored, admired, and lauded as the “special person” that we see ourselves as being.
Balancing The Individual & The Team
The balancing act between the full moon in Leo and the sun in Aquarius speaks to the balance to be achieved between being special and set apart and being unique and included. Leo energy views itself as being special. When one thinks of royalty, Leo definitely comes to mind. On the other hand, Aquarius embodies independence and uniqueness but does so in a way that allows them to still be part of the group.
Is it egoic to think of ourselves as being royal and special? Do we fear that if we are part of a team or group we will somehow be deemed as being just regular and like everyone else? Do we feel that we will be able to still obtain the attention and admiration we desire if we are not in the spotlight? Are we unwilling to be a part of the group because we want to be the leader as opposed to the group member? These are just a few questions to consider under this full moon in Leo energy. Can we strike a balance between honoring our Leo moon desires to stand out while still acknowledging our place amongst humanity (Aquarius sun)?
Stepping into The Light
If there’s anything that the full moon in Leo can teach us is to be willing to step into our light and own our own specialness so that we can share it with the collective (Aquarius sun). This is a practical, effective balance between the Leo and Aquarius energy where we get to share what makes us special with the collective. Similar to the way that the sun shares its light and warmth for all to enjoy.
One of the greatest illuminations of this full moon in Leo is that without others, we would not be able to obtain the admiration and attention that we desire. Our willingness to embrace our special missions and spread them like sunshine to others gives us the opportunity to shine like a diamond and appreciate the people who acknowledge our desire to do so. Even the royal Leo needs “the others” because without them it’d be pretty hard to get the admiration we desire. This is the full moon balance between Leo and Aquarius.
Ultimately, this full Moon in Leo encourages us to consider how we can use what makes us special to step into the light so that we are able to offer who we are in all our glory to the collective to the benefit of everyone. This is the balance that the full moon offers between Leo’s fulfillment of ego and Aquarius’s desire to align itself with the collective.