Welcome to the zodiac dark side also known as the astrological shadow. While everyone always talks about what makes each zodiac sign so wonderful and great, real growth and awareness come from acknowledging the not-so-wonderful aspects of ourselves. From Aries to Pisces, each zodiac sign has their less than pleasant character traits that keep them from being their best selves. In the spirit of self-growth and awareness, here’s an overview of the toxic traits of each zodiac sign so that we may all grow from our shadows.
Aries-Selfish Bully
Aries, you are probably already aware that you can be quite selfish and pushy. Sometimes you can be a downright bully because you want things your way. Your Mars rulership has you wanting to move full speed ahead, but sometimes you don’t consider that you are bulldozing over others to get what you want. While your direct, tell-it-like-it-is character can be appreciated, there are some instances where you lack tact. Finding and implementing the ability to be a self-starter in an assertive manner is highly advised.
Taurus-Stubborn Grudge Holder
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Gemini-Two-Faced Trickster
Gemini, you always appear to be in the know ready to obtain and share information. However, sometimes you take this too far. Wanting to know everything about everyone and everything makes you appear to be inquisitive, but sometimes it puts you in the position of being a duplicitous troublemaker. You can manipulate communication, messages, and words to elicit the effect that you desire. Some would even call you an outright liar. This type of energy can make it difficult for people to trust you as you are perceived as being two-faced and duplicitous. Since you are ruled by Mercury, it is important for you to learn how to use your communicative abilities in a positive and effective manner. This includes avoiding idle talk and gossip.
Cancer-Emotionally Manipulative Crybaby
Cancer, you may be considered the nurturing mother of the zodiac, but your shadow side reveals your tendency towards emotional manipulation. You have the habit of using your emotions to get your way using your tears as a weapon. You understand that emotions make some people uncomfortable, so you use this knowledge to your advantage. Emotional blackmail keeps people tied to you as you remind others of all that you have done for them. One of your biggest lessons is learning how to be emotionally self-sufficient. You are encouraged to learn how to be a nurturing support system for yourself in the way that you are for others.
Leo-Egotistical Narcissist
While the word narcissist is often thrown around a lot and even used inappropriately at times, such is not the case for your shadow side, Leo. You can be quite self-centered and attention-seeking. Despite your show of confidence, you do desire the admiration of others to boost your ego. Drama follows you everywhere you go because even bad attention still gets you noticed. You act like a drama king or queen when you don’t get your way and can even resort to stealing other people’s shine and energy when you feel threatened or “eclipsed.” Be mindful of centering yourself and using others for ego fulfillment.
Virgo-Perpetual Fault-Finder
With your keen Mercury rulership, Virgo, you’re all about taking note of the details. However, there are times when you are a fault-finder to no end. You seek perfection and expect others to embody your personal standards and then criticize them when they don’t. Others don’t have to hold your perfectionistic views. The truth of the matter is that there is no true perfection. It is an illusion, Virgo. Instead of constantly nagging others about their faults, perhaps it is best to use your discerning, detail-oriented nature to focus on your own self-improvement and path to wholeness.

Libra-Nice Nasty Social Climber
Libra, you are known for being one of the most attractive signs of the zodiac thanks to your Venus rulership. However, you can possess a nice nastiness that can make you look quite ugly. Since you can’t stand to be seen as anything other than pleasant and sweet, you resort to passive-aggressive behavior which makes you appear insincere. Your indecisiveness makes it difficult for others to know where they stand with you. While you believe your compromising nature makes you easy to get along with, it also reveals your cowardice and unwillingness to stand up for yourself. Learning how to be more honest instead of compromising yourself for others allows you to have balanced, reciprocal relationships that are not tainted by the undertow of repressed feelings and faux niceness.
Scorpio-Vengeful Manipulator
Scorpio you tend to be quite aware of your dark side thanks to your Pluto rulership. While you are supposed to be on the journey of transformation and healing, sometimes you get stuck rolling around in the muck of your lower expression. Being manipulative, vindictive, obsessive, vengeful, and using your sexual nature as a weapon are expressions of a lower evolutionary state. Scorpio, your ultimate goal is to become the phoenix rising from the ashes of your former lower self. You are encouraged to reach for the next level of your evolution. This will require you to shed your old skin and leave negative behaviors in the past. Scorpio, if there’s anyone that can come out on the other end of shadow work as a completely transformed individual it is you.
Sagittarius-Arrogant Hypocrite
Sagittarius, your Jupiter rulership may have you keeping the faith and holding all the optimism and abundance in the world. But, it doesn’t keep you from thinking that you know everything. Being well-traveled and highly educated doesn’t prevent you from being haughty, arrogant, and preachy. One of the most unfortunate aspects of your shadow side, Sagittarius, is a tendency towards hypocrisy where you profess a morality that you don’t even live up to. Sagittarius, come down from the ivory tower of intellectual superiority and arrogance and get back to the inquisitive humbleness that allows you to be the embodiment of expansive optimism, abundance, and openness to people, places, and circumstances different from your own.
Capricorn-Controlling Scrooge
Capricorn, your Saturn rulership helps you earn your keep. However, that doesn’t give you leeway to use your status to gain power and control over others. Since you have a master plan, there is a tendency to micromanage others to get what you want. Capricorn, more than anyone else in the zodiac, you have to be careful about how you take action. Your planetary ruler Saturn also governs karma, so what you give out you will definitely get back. If you don’t want to deal with self-imposed obstacles and struggles due to your inability to be accountable and responsible, consider being mindful of how you take action to achieve the success you desire.

Aquarius-Destructive Rebel
Aquarius, you pride yourself on being a step ahead of the rest due to your visionary insights. But what really is the point of your forward-thinking ways if you’re just causing a lot of chaos for yourself and everyone else? Sometimes you are contrary for the sake of it. If everyone else is going left, you’ll go right just because. While it is important for you to embrace your uniqueness in order to help yourself and humanity evolve, there are times when your contrary nature creates chaos instead of the intended Uranian liberation. You are advised to comprehend the value of your futuristic insights and change agent energy and use them for the benefit of yourself and humanity instead of being a chaotic troublemaker and/or a rebel without a cause.
Pisces-Disillusioned Escapist
Pisces, your Neptune rulership creates a haze of confusion, deception, and disillusion. Sometimes your head is so far up in the clouds that you don’t know whether you’re coming or going. When the going gets tough and reality is too much, you escape…sometimes through drugs and alcohol. This doesn’t help you at all. In fact, it only puts you in a further state of confusion that makes you vulnerable to being taken advantage of or increases your willingness to take advantage of others. You’ve got big dreams, but unfortunately, those dreams don’t see the light of day because you aren’t grounded. You also give away your power by becoming the perpetual victim. Pisces, instead of trying to escape your existence, it is important that you set yourself on the path to understanding the spiritual significance of being born into this physical realm. Whether this shows up as sharing your creativity with the world, being the healer that helps others, or dedicating yourself to your spiritual journey, escapism isn’t going to get you anywhere. Neither is deceiving yourself or allowing yourself to be deceived. Take off those rose-colored glasses, Pisces, and get in touch with reality.
There you have it; the shadow attributes of the 12 zodiac signs. It is with great hope and awareness that we will all see our shadow attributes as an opportunity to do the work of becoming the more evolved versions of ourselves.