In a day and age where astrology is mainstream, it is important to remember that astrology serves a deeper purpose in helping people to become their best selves. Evolutionary astrology uses the natal astrology chart to map the soul’s evolution, helping the individual discover and align themselves with the soul’s purpose.
What Is Evolutionary Astrology?
Evolutionary astrology was created by the renowned astrologer Jeffrey Wolf Green. This type of astrology uses the natal chart to assist with the soul’s evolution. With the understanding that a person’s birth data (date, time, and place) is chosen by the soul to have a specific energetic experience on earth, the natal chart is used to identify the soul’s purpose, current evolutionary state, and soul’s evolutionary potential.
Read More »Evolutionary astrology reminds humans that we have free will and choices regarding our paths and growth. Responsibility and accountability are necessary for the soul to be aware of its purpose in this incarnation. While mundane astrology sometimes enables people to place their actions on their sign…(It’s because I’m this sign or that sign), the effective use of evolutionary astrology requires that the individual honors the soul’s purpose of evolution. In many ways, evolutionary astrology helps individuals grow their souls.
The Purpose of Evolutionary Astrology
Evolutionary astrology has the main purpose of helping people understand why we have chosen to incarnate into this physical experience. Why are we here and what are the lessons that we are here to learn to progress the soul’s evolution? Through the study of specific planetary positions such as Saturn, Pluto, and the nodes, evolutionary astrologers are able to determine the past life desires that prompted the soul to return to this physical realm to seek growth.
Evolutionary astrology calls for the soul to evolve. It is astrology for those who are interested in understanding their natal chart energies for the purpose of moving their soul along the evolutionary process in this current life and for lifetimes to come.
The Tenets of Evolutionary Astrology
With evolutionary astrology, there are specific ideologies that the individual acknowledges to consciously understand the soul’s progression in this physical experience. Here are the core precepts of evolutionary astrology:
- The belief is that the soul has chosen to incarnate in the physical realm over lifetimes at a specific date, time, and place of birth to reflect the soul’s intentions and purpose.
- The birth chart of the individual reflects the current evolutionary stage at birth as well as the evolutionary intentions in the current life.
- There is an acceptance that the current circumstances of the individual’s life are not arbitrary and are a reflection of the evolutionary needs and intentions of the soul.
- There is the understanding that there is no fixed way in which individuals can express their natal astrological energies. The soul has the choice of how to express these energies.
- There is the understanding that in the end, each of us as individuals is responsible for the realities that we are experiencing no matter the soul’s chosen experience.
The Evolutionary State of the Soul
With evolutionary astrology, souls that enter into this physical realm do so at different evolutionary stages. Jeffrey Wolfe Green identified three distinct evolutionary states:
Consensus-This particular evolutionary stage is supposedly held by most souls (70%) alive on the planet. This stage is marked by the desire to belong to the herd and attend to the desires of the physical self. The desires of the soul are oriented towards aligning the self with the values of the mainstream culture.
Individuated-It is believed that 20% of the human population is in this evolutionary stage. This stage is marked by liberating oneself from the characteristic values of the culture in which the soul finds itself. The soul no longer seeks to belong but instead wants to align the self with its own desires…hence the individuation. This phase is accented by Uranus/Aquarius energy.
Spiritual-This final stage of evolution is considered to be the rarest(10% of the earth’s population). The soul’s desire is oriented toward the return to Source. The individuality achieved by the soul is absorbed into the Oneness. There is a disillusionment of the physical realm with the understanding of why the soul has chosen to incarnate to earth. Until the soul releases the body to return to Source, the physical experience is approached with humility and a desire to be of service to self and others in alignment with Oneness and universal awareness, and truth. This phase is accented by Neptune/Pisces energy.
To move through the various stages of evolution, the soul has to grow tired of the desires of the existing phase so that it is compelled to move forward. It is the experience of outgrowing a particular evolutionary phase similar to when people outgrow relationships and circumstances.
If this sounds familiar, it is because one of the main planets associated with evolutionary astrology is Pluto, Scorpio’s ruler. The energy of Scorpio is constantly exhausting itself of previous states of being so that it can become its highest self. This is the energy and the essence of evolutionary astrology.
Under the precepts of evolutionary astrology, the soul will continue to incarnate until it reaches a point where the only desire is to reunite with Source permanently.
Key Astrological Energies in Evolutionary Astrology
Pluto, the Soul-Pluto plays an important role in evolutionary astrology as it represents the soul. The house and sign placement of Pluto in the natal chart indicates the soul’s evolutionary desires and intentions of previous incarnations brought into this current lifetime.
Pluto’s Polarity Point-This is the point opposite of Pluto in the natal chart. For example, if Pluto is in the sign of Libra in the 11th house, Pluto’s polarity point would be the fifth house which will be ruled by Libra’s opposite sign Aries. Pluto’s polarity point indicates the evolutionary purpose in this current lifetime and when actively embraced is the pathway through which the soul is initiated on its evolutionary path in the current incarnation.
Nodal Axis-The nodal axis (north and south nodes) plays a significant part in bringing the soul’s evolution from past desires into an elevated state in the present and the future. For a better understanding of the nodes’ influence on the soul’s evolutionary path, it is important to look at planetary aspects of the nodal axis to get a bigger picture of the soul’s evolutionary process.
Owning Your Soul’s Evolution
One of the unique aspects of evolutionary astrology is that it helps to answer the universal question “Why are we here?” What makes evolutionary astrology unique from mundane astrology is that it requires a significant level of accountability and responsibility.
If there is the belief, as stated by evolutionary astrology, that the soul has picked this particular experience and everything that comes along with it, then it is difficult to blame external circumstances for the soul’s current lived experience. Evolutionary astrology is unique in that it is specifically soul-centered, focusing on using the natal chart astrological energies to help individuals achieve different soul growth and awareness.
This perspective that the soul chooses all the lived experiences and energies can be hard to accept by the individual…not the soul. The individual, which is often ruled by the ego, does not understand why they would choose to have challenging life experiences. Well, the flesh, the ego, did not choose the life journey…the soul did.
From the perspective of evolutionary astrology, everything that is experienced in this physical experience was specifically chosen by the soul as represented by the astrology energies at birth. The desires of the lower evolutionary stages are caught up in belonging via the consensus stage or asserting the self in the individuated stage, but these are just a distraction from the real desire to achieve unison with Source. The yearning of all the physical is really the yearning for the oneness and completeness that comes from returning to Source.
In the end, evolutionary astrology helps the individual align with the soul’s ultimate purpose of evolution as shown by Pluto’s sign and house placement in the natal chart.